But I continued to hope until I had left the village well behind me and I came to the first grey wall and boulders of the moor.

It was a sparkling December morning and there were great golden patches of gorse dotted over the moor.

I could smell the peaty soil, and the wind which had veered a little to the north was fresh and exhilarating.

I wanted to gallop across the moor with that wind in my face. I gave way to my desire and while I did so I imagined that Connan was riding beside me and that he called me to stop that he might tell me what a difference I had made to his life as well as Alvean’s, and that, incongruous as it seemed, he was in love with me.

In this moorland country it was possible to believe in fantastic dreams; as some told themselves that these tracts of land were inhabited by the Little People, so I told myself that it was not impossible that Connan TreMeIlyn would fall in love with me.

At midday I arrived at The House on the Moor. It was very like that other occasion; the elderly housekeeper came out to welcome me and I was taken into Great-Aunt Clara’s sitting room.

” Good day to you, Miss Leigh! And all alone today?”

So no one bad told her of Alvean’s accident. I was astonished. I should have thought Connan would have sent someone over to explain, since the old lady was obviously interested in her great-niece.

I told her about the accident and she looked very concerned. I hastily added that Alvean was getting on well and would soon be about again.

” But you must be in need of some refreshment, Miss Leigh,” she said.

” Let us have a glass of my elderberry wine; and will you stay to luncheon?”

I said it was most kind of her to invite me and if it were not causing too much inconvenience I should be delighted to do so.

We sipped our elderberry wine, and once more I was consdous of that heady feeling which I had experienced after her dandelion wine on the previous occasion. Luncheon consisted of mutton with caper sauce exceedingly well cooked and served; and afterwards we retired to the drawing room for what she called a little chat.

This was what I had been hoping for, and I was not to be disappointed.

” Tell me,” she said, ” how is dear little Alvean? Is she happier now?”

” Why … yes, I think she is very much happier. In fact I think she has been more so since her accident. Her father has been so attentive, and she is so” fond of him. “

” Ah,” said Great-Aunt Clara, ” her father.” She looked at me, and her bright blue eyes showed her excitement. I knew she was one of those women who cannot resist talking; and since she spent so much of her time with only her own household, the coming of a visitor such as myself was an irresistible temptation.

I was determined to make the temptation even more irresistible. I said tentatively: ” There is not the usual relationship between them, I fancy.”

There was a slight pause, and then she said quickly : ” No. I suppose it is inevitable.”

I did not speak. I waited breathlessly, afraid that she might change her mind. She was hovering on the edge of confidences and I felt that she could give me some vital due to the situation at Mount Mellyn, to the story of the TreMellyns which I was beginning reluctantly to admit might very well become my story.

” I sometimes blame myself,” she said, as though she were talking to herself; and indeed her blue eyes looked beyond me as though she were looking back over the years and was quite unconscious of my presence.

” The question is,” she went on, ” how much should one interfere in the lives of others.”

It was a question which had often interested me. I had certainly tried to interfere in the lives of people I had met since I entered Mount ” Alice was with me after the engagement,” she went on. ” Everything could have changed then. But I persuaded her. You see, I thought he was the better man.”

She was being a little incoherent, and I was afraid to ask her to elucidate lest I broke the spell. She might remember that she was betraying confidences to a young woman who was more curious than she should be.

” I wonder what would have happened if she had acted differently then.

Do you ever play that game with yourself, Miss Leigh? Do you ever say, now if at a certain point I . or someone else . had done such and such . the whole tenor of life for that person would have changed? “

” Yes,” I said. ” Everybody does. You think that things would have been different for your niece and for Alvean.”

” Oh yes … for her Alice more than most. She had come to a real turning-point. A crossroads, one might say. Go this way and you have such and such a life. Go that way and everything will be quite different. It frightens me sometimes because if she had turned to the right instead of the left … as it were … she might be here to-day. After all, if she had married Geoffry there would not have been any need to run away with him, would there?”

“I see you were in her confidence.”

” Indeed yes. I’m afraid I had quite a big part in shaping what happened. That’s what alarmed me. Did I do right?”

” I am sure you did what you thought was right, and that is all any of us can do. You loved your niece very much, did you not?”

” Very much. My children were boys, you see, and I’d always wanted a girl. Alice used to come and play with my family … three boys and no girl. I used to hope that she might marry one of them. Cousins though. Perhaps that would not have been so good. I didn’t live in this house then. We were in Penzance. Alice’s parents had a big estate some few miles inland. That’s her husband’s now of course. She had a good fortune to bring to a husband. All the same, perhaps it would not have been good for cousins to marry. In any case they were set on the marriage with the TreMellyns.”

” So that was arranged.”

” Yes. Alice’s father was dead, and her mother she was my sister had always been very fond of Connan TreMellyn … the elder I mean.

There have been Connans in that family for centuries. The eldest son was aways given the name. I think my sister would have liked to marry the present Connan’s father, but other marriages were arranged for them, and so they wanted their children to marry. They were betrothed when Connan was twenty and Alice eighteen. The marriage was to take place a year later. “

” So it was indeed a marriage of convenience.”

” How odd it is! Marriages of convenience often turn out to be marriages of inconvenience, do they not? They thought it would be a good idea if she came to stay with me. You see, I was within a few hours’ riding distance from Mount Mellyn, and the young people could meet often like that … without her staying at the house. Of course you might say, why did not her mother take her to stay at Mount Mellyn? My sister was very ill at that time and not able to travel. In any case it was arranged that she should stay with me.”

” And I suppose Mr. TreMellyn rode over to see her often.”

” Yes. But not as often as I should have expected. I began to suspect that they were not as well matched as their fortunes were.”

” Tell me about Alice,” I said earnestly. ” What sort of girl was she?”

” How can I explain her to you. The word light comes to my mind. She was lighthearted, light-minded. I do not mean she was light in her morals which is a sense in which some people use the word. Although of course, after what happened … But who shall judge? You see, he came over here to paint. He did some peautiful pictures of the moors.”

” Who? Connan TreMellyn?”

” Oh, dear me, no! Geoffry. Geoffry Nansellock. He was an artist of some reputation. Did you not know that?”

” No,” I said. ” I know nothing of him except that he was killed with Alice last July twelvemonth.”

” He came over here often while she was with me. In fact he came more often than Connan did. I began to wonder how matters stood. There was something between them. They would go off together and he’d have his painting things with him. She used to say she was going to watch him at work. She would be a painter herself one day. But of course it was not painting they did together.”

” They were … in love?” I asked.

” I was rather frightened when she told me. You see, there was going to be a child.”

I caught my breath in surprise. Alvean, I thought. No wonder he could not bring himself to love her. No wonder my statement that she possessed artistic talent upset him and Celestine.

” She told me two weeks before the day fixed for her wedding. She was almost certain, she said. She did not think she could be mistaken. She said, ” What shall I do. Aunt Clara? Shall I marry Geoffry? “

” I said: Does Geoffry want to marry you, my dear?” And she answered: He would have to, would he not, if I told him. “

” I know now that she should have told him. It was only right that she should. But her marriage was already arranged, Alice was an heiress and I wondered whether Geoffry had hoped for this. You see the Nansellocks had very little and Alice’s fortune would have been a blessing to them. I wondered … as one does wonder. He had a certain reputation too. There had been others who found themselves in Alice’s condition, and it was due to him. I did not think she would be very happy with him for long.”

There was silence, and I felt as though vital parts of a puzzle were being fitted together to give my picture meaning.

” I remember her … that day,” the old lady continued. ” It was in this very room. I often go over it. She talked to me about it … unburdening herself as I’m unburdening myself to you. It’s been on my conscience for the last year … ever since she died. You see, she said to me: What shall I do, Aunt Clara? Help me…. Tell me what I should do.”