Read on for a preview of Emily March’s next novel in her Eternity Springs series:
Dreamweaver Trail
Valentine’s Day
Eternity Springs, Colorado
“I’ve never seen so many hot men in one room at the same time,” Gabriella Romano muttered over her champagne glass. Wasn’t it just her luck that they were all either married or related to her?
Earlier today, her brother Lucca had married the love of his life, Hope Montgomery, and now their wedding reception was in full swing at the new event center at Angel’s Rest Healing Center and Spa. Gabi was thrilled for her brother and his wife and the new family they’d formed. Hope’s daughter, Holly, was a sweetheart, and with a new baby due to arrive this summer, Lucca’s world was as bright as sunshine on snow atop Murphy Mountain.
Gabi just wished that Lucca’s happiness didn’t make her so aware of the gray skies in her own world.
A wave of melancholy rolled over her as the music switched to something low and romantic and guests paired off with their spouses and significant others. Gabi watched her brother Zach give his wife, Savannah, a twirl. She sighed when sexy Jack Davenport nibbled at his Cat’s ear, and again when Cam Murphy stroked a finger down the path of his Sarah’s spine while they swayed with the music. When Richard Steele let his hand slide south of her mother’s hip, Gabi turned away and gazed out at the snow-covered grounds of Angel’s Rest, standing silvered in moonlight. I’m a wallflower. “Maybe I should draw a big W on my forehead.”
“W for what?” her brother Max asked, his green eyes dancing with amusement as he moved to stand beside her. “Whiner?”
She shot him a glare. “I don’t whine.”
He arched a cynical brow but wisely remained silent. Gabi’s scowl deepened for a long moment before she relented. “Do I whine?”
“Not usually. Lately …” He shrugged. “You’re obviously unhappy, Gabriella.”
“Not unhappy,” she defended. “I’m … drifting.”
Since leaving the sheriff’s department last fall, she’d helped with her mother’s project—turning a dilapidated old house into Aspenglow Place Bed and Breakfast. The B & B had opened for guests two weeks ago, and Maggie Romano had the running of her new business well in hand. “I need a job.”
“So you’ve definitely decided not to work with Mom at Aspenglow?”
“I’m not cut out to be an innkeeper.”
Max grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and handed one to his sister. “Any chance you’ll return to law enforcement?”
“No,” she swiftly replied.
Max sipped his champagne and studied her. “You know, honey, there’s a reason most departments require an officer to see a counselor after a shooting. I know Zach said his department would pay—”
“No.” Gabi cut him off. “I’m not against counseling, and I promise I’d see someone if I thought I needed it. I have no regrets for killing Francine Vaughn. Doing so saved Zach’s life, and that’s the best thing I’ve ever done. However, I don’t want to carry a weapon anymore. It’s as simple as that.”
“There are jobs in the field that don’t require you to carry.”
“Not in Eternity Springs.”
“Maybe it’s time you come back to Denver.”
“Maybe,” she said, the word rife with doubt.
Max’s expression clouded. “Look, honey, if you’re worried about Sobilek, you can give me the green light to have that talk I’ve been dying to have with the lying, cheating bastard. He won’t bother you. I can promise you that.”
She couldn’t help but smile. Most of the time, big brothers acting like big brothers cramped her style. Upon occasion, however, she basked in their love. “No, Max. Frank Sobilek has nothing to do with this. Maybe I did leave Denver because of him, but I stayed in Eternity Springs because of me. Besides, if I decided I needed to be in Denver, I wouldn’t let him stand in my way. I won’t give him that power. My broken heart has healed, and it’s stronger than ever before.”
“Good for you.”
Yeah, well, that’s what I tell myself, anyway.
She continued, “But I don’t think Denver is where I need to be at this point in my life. I don’t really want to leave Eternity Springs. I love it here. I love the people here.”
Unfortunately, there weren’t enough of them. Men, anyway.
Her gaze drifted back to the couples on the dance floor. “You’re not with anyone these days, Max. Don’t you ever get lonely?”
“Sometimes,” Max said, a shadow crossing his face. Just why the shadow, Gabi didn’t know. Of all her brothers, he was the least sharing about details of his private life. “Not enough to brave the Denver dating scene, though.”
At least Denver had a dating scene.
Perhaps Max was right. Perhaps it was time for a change of scenery. Gabi had never been one to sit back and wait for life to happen. She believed in being proactive. When she wanted something, she went after it.
“I want passion.”
Max winced. “Too much information, little sis.”
“Not that kind of passion. Well, okay, maybe that kind of passion, but not only that kind of passion. I want more than a relationship and more than a job. I want a life that I’m passionate about.”
“That’s a good goal. Though it’s a little weird to be thinking about it at our brother’s wedding.”
“This is the perfect time to be thinking about it,” Gabi protested. “Look at Lucca and Hope. Don’t they inspire you? They’ve both gone through so much emotional pain and heartache, but they fought their way through it and triumphed. Now they glow. They’re euphoric. They show us what life should be.”
Max affectionately thumped the tip of Gabi’s nose. “For a tough broad, you are such a starry-eyed girl.”
“Bite me, brother. Look, Lucca and Hope and Zach and Samantha and shoot, even Mom and Richard are actively living their lives. Somewhere along the way, I quit living mine. I’ve been simply marking time. That needs to stop. I need to find my passion.”
“If you want it, you’ll find it, Gabriella. Of that, I have no doubt. You’re as hardheaded as they come.”
“You say the nicest things to me, Max,” she dryly drawled.
“I’m about to do something nice for you.”
“Oh yeah? What?”
“Hold on.” He set down his champagne glass on a nearby table, then moved to intercept a waiter. A moment later, he returned with two dessert plates filled with pieces of the Romano family Italian crème cake that had quickly achieved legendary status in Eternity Springs.
He offered one plate to her. Gabi eyed it wistfully. “Mom said we’re only supposed to have one piece.”
“I thought you wanted to live a little.”
“By ignoring Mom’s rules? That’s a death wish.”
Max took a big bite of cake, then tauntingly licked the tines of his fork. “Live dangerously, little sis.”
Laughing, she did so. After finishing her cake, she accepted Gary Munroe’s invitation to dance and managed to hold her melancholy at bay for the rest of the celebration. But later, as yet another Valentine’s Day drew to a lonely close, she crawled into bed with a paperback that couldn’t hold her interest because her thoughts kept drifting back to the wedding reception and her big revelation.
It was time to live. Time to search for her passion. How? Where? What did she do to get the ball rolling?
Maybe she should begin with baby steps, get out of town, do something fun and spur-of-the-moment. Unfortunately, the sad state of her bank account limited her options. What she needed was another gig like she’d had last fall for the Thurstons, the über-wealthy owners of a vacation house outside Eternity Springs who had taken her along on their Mediterranean vacation to babysit their beloved dog. A girl could do a lot of thinking while walking a dog along a beautiful beach.
The thought wouldn’t leave her alone.
First thing the following morning, she looked up the Thurstons’ phone number and made the call. The Thurstons didn’t need her, but they had friends who had friends who were desperate for a caretaker for their new puppy.
By the end of the week, and having packed light, Gabi boarded a plane in Gunnison. Eighteen hours of bumpy flights, boring layovers, and a harrowing boat ride later, she arrived at her home-away-from-home for the next four months—a small, sparsely populated Caribbean island—Bella Vita Key.
Liam Seagraves glanced up from the legal document he’d been reading when his lawyer stepped into his office. Matthew Wharton crossed the room and took a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “Margaret asked me to tell you that if you want your morning swim, you should do it now. Since we’re leaving this morning, she’s decided you need a full breakfast. Can’t have you wasting away any longer, you know.”
“Not a chance of that. Have you seen all the meals she has put into my freezer?”
“She thinks you need to gain back those fifteen pounds you’ve lost in the last few months.” Matthew frowned and patted his bulging stomach. “And, she wishes I could give them to you. She doesn’t cook like that for me anymore.”
Liam grinned at his friend’s glum tone. “Why don’t you leave her behind when you go home? I’ll take good care of her.”
“In your dreams, boss.” The lawyer buffed his nails on his shoulder. “She wouldn’t leave me for you. If you were a short, pudgy, balding guy, I might worry, but she’s not impressed by super-rich pretty boys.”
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