It was a strange eerie feeling.

I had a restless night. I was beset by wild dreams; and I knew I had to act quickly.

I felt limp when I arose in the morning. I would speak to Helena and tell her we must make an effort without delay. This very day we must discuss it with Gregory. I would bring it up at dinner that night.

It was midafternoon when I heard the sound of horses’ hoofs outside the house. A man had dismounted and was looking about him. I could scarcely believe my eyes. It was a dream. It must be. The fever had come back bringing strange images … some horrifying, some like this one … bringing a sudden incredible comfort, like the materialization of some longed-for dream.

“Rolf!” I cried.

I half-expected his image to dissolve before my eyes, but it did not. He came towards me, his arms outstretched.

I ran to him and flung myself at him.

“Rolf!” I cried. “Rolf, is it really you?”

He nodded, smiling. “Oh, Annora, dearest Annora … I have come to take you home.”

It was truly Rolf. He was as calm and practical as ever. He told me that he had made preparations to leave as soon as he had heard the news because he knew how devastated I would be. I should need someone. I should need him.

All I could say was: “Oh, Rolf, Rolf, you really are here. Let me hold your hand. I’m afraid I’m dreaming. It’s been like a nightmare … and I feel I’m still in it.”

“You’ve come out of it now. We are going home just as soon as you are ready. I thought you would want to. It’s best to get right away. I’ve found a man who can take us. He knows the country. He’s got some conveyance he calls a buggy. There will be some baggage. Otherwise we could have gone on horseback. There are two inns we could stay at, and that’s what we’ll do. I’ve planned to leave here the day after tomorrow. He’ll be with us then, buggy and all. We’ll get to Sydney and I have tentative bookings if we can make it in time.”

“You’ve arranged all that. Oh, Rolf, you’re wonderful!”

He smiled. “Don’t forget I was brought up to be a lawyer.”

“And turned landowner instead. Oh, Rolf, it’s so good you are here.”

“Will you be ready?”

“Yes, yes. Oh … but there is Helena.”

He looked puzzled.

“Helena and the baby. They’ll have to come with us. You know my cousin Helena Lansdon … well, she’s Helena Hume now. She’s got a baby, the dearest little baby. They’ll have to come, too.”

“Oh,” he said. “We’ll have to do something about her passage.”

“I couldn’t go without her, Rolf.”

Helena had come out carrying the baby.

“Helena,” I cried, “this is Rolf Hanson. You remember him. You met him at Cador.”

“Yes, of course I remember.”

“He’s come to take us home.”

Rolf went to her and shook her hands. He looked at the baby.

“He’s Jonnie,” I said.

Rolf looked bewildered. I wondered if that was how people would look when they confronted Helena and her baby. One would see their minds calculating. How could she have a baby so soon?

“Helena’s husband is away. He’s collecting material for a book on convicts and transportation.”

“Then he will not be coming home now?”

“No,” said Helena. “He will be staying awhile. But I and Jonnie will go with Annora.”

“Could you be ready to leave the day after tomorrow?”

“Yes, yes, I could,” she answered.

Jonnie was holding out his hands to me. I took him from his mother and rocked him in my arms. He laughed and pulled at my short hair. I was aware of Rolf, gazing at us intently.

Maud came out to see what was happening.

“Oh, Maud,” I cried, “this is a friend of mine who has come to take us back to England.”

She came forward smiling, holding out her hand. I introduced them.

Rolf said: “I wasn’t sure whether to write, but letters take so long. I thought the best thing was to come out as soon as possible. It takes a long time to come from the other side of the world. But at last I got here.”

“You’re very welcome,” said Maud.

“Mr. Hanson will be here for two nights,” I said.

I was thinking that there were two rooms which had been left just as they were—my parents’ and Jacco’s. I had asked that this should be so. I did not want anyone to touch any of their things and I did not feel capable of doing it myself just yet.

Maud seemed to follow my thoughts. She said: “The baby could go in with his mother and that would leave the nursery free.”

“Yes, Maud. Thanks.”

“I daresay you could do with something to drink,” said Maud practically, “and to eat too, no doubt.”

He agreed. “It’s thirsty riding.”

“Come along in, Rolf,” I said. “How did you find your way?”

“I knew the address because my father had done considerable business with this place. I was given careful instructions in Sydney. I found the inns where I stayed the nights. Everyone was very helpful.”

We went into the living room. “So this is where you have been staying.” He turned to me with concern. “You’ve been ill, Annora.”

“Yes, very ill. I had some sort of fever. That’s why they cut my hair.”

“It’s becoming. It makes you look unusual.”

“You’ll get used to it. Oh, Rolf, I’m so glad you came. I’m longing to get home.”

“I was afraid that I was going to miss you. I thought you might have started off already.”

“No, because I was ill for so long. It has left me limp and easily tired. They didn’t think I was fit to make the journey.”

“It’s hard travelling. You’re thinner.”


“You’ll be better when you get home.”

“Nothing is going to be the same again.”

“No. It’s a fresh start though, Annora.”

Maud was already setting out food. I sat with him while he ate. Maud came in and out with the food. She seemed as though she could not do enough to please him. I knew she was delighted with him because he had come to take me away. Moreover I think she was deciding he was the one for me.

I really felt I loved him then. He was like a saviour. He was different in every way from Gregory Donnelly; yet not less a man.

I said: “They are putting you in the nursery.”

“I suppose there is not much room here.”

“There are two rooms which I haven’t let them touch yet. Their things are there—my parents’ and Jacco’s.”

“I understand,” he said. “They’ll have to be cleared out before we go. Perhaps I can do it.”

“No, I will. It is just that I couldn’t bring myself to before.”

“It’s understandable. My poor, dearest Annora. How you must have suffered.”

When he had eaten I took him to the room which would be his for the two nights he would be here. Maud had already taken out Jonnie’s cot and put up the bed.

“It’s only for two nights,” I said.

“It will be absolute comfort after those inns.”

“Rolf, it was so good of you to come.”

“I had to, Annora. I thought of you all alone … without them. I’m so glad I found you. I pictured myself arriving to find you gone.”

“I expect I should have gone but for my illness.”

Maud came in with hot water for him to wash. He had brought a small bag with him and I left him to change.

It was later when he met Gregory Donnelly.

They stood face to face and I was aware of a certain bristling resentment in Gregory and a curiosity in Rolf.

Rolf carried off the situation with a good grace.

“Rolf Hanson has come to escort us home,” I explained.

“You’ve come a long way,” commented Gregory.

“I regret I did not get here earlier. One just can’t step on to a ship without formalities. Arrangements have to be made. My great fear was that I should arrive to find Miss Cadorson had left.”

“How did you get out to the property?”

“On horseback. I had instructions and stayed at the two inns on the way—the only two, I fancy.”

“Oh, the accommodation houses. I know them well. You didn’t lose your way?”

“I came near to it once or twice, but I had very good instructions and was given a rough map which was of inestimable worth.”

Gregory was a little taken aback. Rolf had an easy manner. The difference in them, I decided, was that Gregory felt he had to be constantly reminding people of his superiority; Rolf didn’t have to; it was obvious.

“When do you propose to go back?” asked Gregory.

“The day after tomorrow. I’ve arranged for a man to bring a buggy. We shall travel in that.”

“The best way really. Mind you it takes longer. Who’s your man?”

“A fellow called Jack Tomlin.”

“Know him well. He’s one of the best. He’ll take care of everything.”

“I can see I made a good choice.”

I wondered what Gregory was feeling. He knew that I was definitely going now and that his grandiose schemes for marrying the little woman and acquiring her fortune were foundering.

“There will be a good deal to do,” I said to Helena.

She agreed.

The evening passed. We sat for a long time over the table, talking. Rolf and Gregory had one passion in common: land. Gregory was greatly interested to hear that Rolf owned a large estate in Cornwall. They talked at great length about the differences in the land here and in England. I could see they were both very curious about each other—possibly regarding their relationships with me—but they talked amicably until it grew dark and Maud brought in the oil lamps.

When I retired I felt a lightness of spirit. I felt better than I had since the tragedy.

The tension had lifted, the eerie feeling had disappeared; I was being gently lifted out of a situation which had begun to alarm me. There was nothing to be afraid of now.