‘Greg. Oh Greg, thank God!’ She flung herself down beside him, almost knocking him backwards on the sand, tears streaming down her face. ‘Greg. Greg.’ She couldn’t do anything but repeat his name over and over again as she clutched at his jacket.
His arm went round her and he pulled her against him. ‘It’s OK, Kate. It’s OK. Calm down.’
‘I saw her. I saw the ghost. Claudia. She was standing by the grave. And there’s a body there, Greg. A body.’ Sobbing, she pushed her face against his sleeve. His jacket was wet and cold, and she could feel him shivering through it. ‘Greg. Bill’s dead.’ The words were muffled through the green waxed material, but he heard them clearly enough.
‘Oh sweet Christ.’ He hugged her closer against him. ‘Listen, Kate. You have to help me. Strange though it may seem I’m not sitting here with my feet in the sea for fun. Something has happened to my ankle. I’ve got it caught in something. Have a look, there’s a love. Each time I try and lean forward to free myself I go all peculiar.’
He had lain there watching the tide rising higher and higher, swimming in and out of consciousness. He was not catatonic like Alison, nor dazed like Bill, but he knew, as he lay back, resigned to the cold that was creeping through him, that he was well on his way to unconsciousness. Then he had seen the crazily flashing light of Kate’s torch for a second in the dunes behind him. The sight had given him the shot of hope which had sent the adrenalin coursing through his veins again.
Kate crouched forward. She held the torch close to his ankle. ‘It’s fishing line. All wound round your foot. The hook has gone through your shoe.’
She felt her stomach clench at the sight of the blood soaking into the sand around his foot. The line had tangled around a whole pile of jetsam weed which had snagged against something which stuck out of the sand. She tugged at it, careful not to touch his foot, but it was immovable, tethering him there in the path of the tide.
Greg eased himself forward on his elbow. ‘Can you free it? I’ve got a knife somewhere in one of my pockets. Inside, here.’ He tried to drag the zip down from his chin but his hands were cold and slippery and he could feel another wave of nausea and dizziness building.
‘I’ll look for it.’ She left his foot and came close to him again. The knotted ends of her scarf were fluttering wildly in the wind. He could feel them drumming against his cheek as she knelt beside him, her eyes narrowed. ‘Wait, I’ll have to get my gloves off.’ She gave him the torch and he saw her pulling at the fingers of her glove with her teeth. He switched off the torch. He could see how weak the battery was, and he ducked suddenly as a stronger than usual wave hurtled up the beach and crashed almost over them, covering them both in icy spray. The glove was off and she had the heavy zip in her hand now, coaxing it down. He could feel the cut of the wind as it slid inside and froze his skin. Her hand followed and he felt her fingers rummaging against the jacket lining. Easing his position slightly, he lifted himself onto his other elbow and put his free arm around her shoulders, trying to borrow some of her warmth. But her jacket was slick and cold with rain. She glanced up at him, her face only inches from his and he saw her smile grimly in the darkness. ‘Hang on in there. I’ll find it. You’ve got more pockets than the Artful Dodger.’
‘Keep searching. I wish I were feeling better. I’d take the chance to make a massive pass at you!’ He gave a wan grin.
‘In this cold I might just reciprocate.’ Her hands were methodically searching each of the deep pockets on the inside of his jacket. Another wave broke across them and she heard herself gasp at the cold.
His arm tightened around her. ‘It’s getting closer.’
‘It must be nearly high tide. It was in over the edge of the grave.’
‘There’s an easterly wind. It’s pushing it higher than usual.’ He glanced up at the sky over her head. ‘Thank God the moon, wherever it is, isn’t quite full. We’re not into springs or I would have been a goner by now.’
The pain from his foot was hitting him in pulses, travelling up his leg and receding but always constant from his ankle down. He did not dare to try and waggle his foot. The pain when he had done that had caused him to faint. When he had woken up it was because a wave had broken across his face; he had come to, choking. He did not dare to contemplate what the pain would be like when Kate freed him. If she could free him. Perhaps he would pass out again – God’s own anaesthetic. He tried to concentrate on her hand roaming the pockets of his jacket. He was not so far gone that the old system had not reacted a little to the questing hands of a beautiful woman. Her hair smelt of woodsmoke and ash from the woodburner, and her body, pressed close to his, had the slightly musty smell of wet wool, but under it all he could smell the faintest traces of whatever scent she had put on that morning – whenever that was, and her own indefinable smell, the smell that registered subconsciously and made you like or hate, love or loathe, or remain purely indifferent to every human being you met. In her case, in spite of the aggravation she had caused him, he found it extremely attractive. He lay back a little, trying to ease the weight on his elbows, jumping as the movement jarred his leg.
‘Sorry. Did I hurt you?’ She had noticed.
‘Not you. The hook.’
‘Found it.’ At last her fingers had closed over the knife. She pulled it out of his pocket and sat back. Catching hold of his zip she dragged it up. ‘Can’t let you freeze to death.’ She shook her head as another deluge of cold spray poured over them. Officially, the tide had turned half an hour before, but nobody seemed to have told the sea. She glanced at his face. ‘I’ll try not to hurt you.’
He forced a grin. ‘Listen, if I keel over, just go on and do it. Cut the line, and get the hook out while you can and stop the bleeding.’ He paused to catch his breath as another spasm of pain took him. ‘Don’t try and move me though. I’m heavy.’ Another wan grin. ‘When I come to, I’ll be able to wriggle away from the sea. Then you can go and get help.’
‘OK boss.’ She put her hand on his for a second and squeezed it. Then she picked up the torch.
Whatever happened she mustn’t drop the knife. She tried to pull open the blade with cold, wet fingers but they slipped off uselessly. Swearing, she tried again, hands shaking. Behind her Greg had lain back on the sand. His eyes were closed. His face in the torchlight was almost transparent. She breathed on her fingers for a moment to warm them and then, half unzipping her jacket, pushed her hand under the opposite arm to dry her fingers on the wool of her sweater and bring some feeling back. The next time she tried to prise open the blade the knife opened easily. With a sigh of relief she edged down his body until she was opposite his feet. His free leg was hunched up beneath him where he had tried to drag himself away from the approaching water, his other leg stretched out, the foot twisted, the patch of blood beneath it washed away now by the tide. Holding the torch close to the foot, Kate studied it. Her hands were shaking and she felt suddenly very sick. The first job clearly was to cut away the tangled fishing line where it was wrapped around the ankle. She inserted the knife blade flat against his sock and pulled tentatively against the nylon line. Nothing happened. She pulled harder. Greg groaned. Kate bit her lip. ‘I’ll cut away this bit from the rest. That way I won’t hurt you so much.’ She felt around beneath his foot amongst the weed. Another wave swamped her hands and she clutched desperately at the knife, waiting for the water to draw back again. How had he got it tangled so tightly? It was as if someone had tied the line around and around the foot, tethering him to something buried in the beach. She scrabbled with her hands in the sand. There were shells and an old dead crab tangled amongst the weeds, then the ice-cold, wet sand, then her fingers encountered something hard. A balk of timber completely buried. The line seemed to come from under it. She pushed the knife blade against the timber and gave a ferocious jerk. The line parted. Cautiously, she felt for the next bit. That was easier. It came away at once as did the next. But the final strands, wound round his foot seemed to be pulled tight. Of course, he had done that himself, struggling to free his foot. Shaking the water out of her eyes she worked steadily, strand by strand until at last the final piece fell away. He groaned again. She ignored it. Gently she felt around his shoe. The fish hook in his foot was the largest of several that had been knotted into the line. Curved and barbed they lay glittering in the torchlight, all except the one which disappeared into the side of his trainer. She studied it for a moment, biting her lip. Then she turned, shining the torch for a moment onto Greg’s face. ‘Shall we try and drag you back away from the sea before I do anything else? I’ve cut the line that’s holding you.’
Lifting himself on his elbows he nodded. ‘I’ll be too heavy for you, Kate. Just help me while I edge back.’ He crooked his good leg up, wedging his heel into the wet shingle and sand and pushed. Sweat broke out on his forehead. Grimly clenching his teeth he did it again, painfully inching his body back away from the sea’s edge. The drag on his bad foot was agony. He could see Kate bend over him. He knew she had gone behind him and he felt her hands under his shoulders. One more good pull and he would be out of reach of the waves, where the line of wet debris showed the tide had at last begun to pull back. The pull was agonising. He bit back a cry, then everything went black.
‘Greg! Greg? are you all right?’ Kate laid him gently down. ‘Greg?’
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