“I don’t know, Will. The kind I win?” I smirk at him, and he pushes his chair back violently. “Now don’t go causing a scene. I came all this way to talk. So let’s talk.”

I’ve scared Warren and Dave into a shocked sort of silence, but they’re communicating with each other furiously with their eyes. They probably want to bolt from this meeting and pretend like it never even happened. I’m not surprised they want to extricate themselves from such a sticky situation. But it’s too late now. My claws are out and ready to be sharpened.

I take the seat they were saving for me at the head of the table, dramatically crossing my legs as I sit down. Will blushes hotly for a minute, no doubt remembering when I tied him to my bedpost with this particular pair of pantyhose. All of that delicious foreplay and he still couldn’t get it up. I wore them on purpose to unsettle him. If he thinks he can one-up me, he better think again. I could bury him in an instant.

Besides, I hired a professional to hack into every account he’s ever created. That’s what he gets for leaving his stuff around my place. He’s a pathetic hustler with barely a thousand dollars to his name—and he has the audacity to challenge me? He’s going to be sorry he transferred his loyalty to Ivy because I intend on ruining him.

“Gentlemen, as you can see, my family doesn’t take kindly to being double-crossed,” I begin by purposefully excluding Ivy from the conversation. She doesn’t deserve the courtesy of being mentioned. “My uncle got wind of your little side deal to keep this project alive, and he immediately had the New York branch of Price Enterprises look into it for him. Too bad you didn’t do your research to find out what the letters LPR stand for. I never thought two Academy Award-winning producers would be so lazy.”

“Now listen here—” Dave starts, a bead of sweat forming on his upper lip.

“No, I think it’s time that you listen,” I retort, disdain falling from my lips. “You think I’m here to stop this production from going forward, don’t you?”

“Well, aren’t you?” Ivy spits out, finally raising her eyes to address me.

“It speaks,” I mutter, belittling her. “Sorry, but little sluts like you don’t get to ask questions.”

Will attempts to rise from his chair again, no doubt to defend her honor. How sweet. “Lauren, you better—”

“Better what? Acknowledge the whore in my presence?” I chuckle to myself as Warren gasps loudly, covering his mouth with his hand. “I don’t think so.”

“So what are you planning on doing, if may I ask?” Dave responds, eyeing me apprehensively. He’s flustered but he’s more of businessman than his little ‘wife’ is.

“I’m buying you out, boys. You’re gonna walk away from this project and never look back. I’ll be the one making this film, not you.” My response floors them. Ivy even utters a strangled cry. This is child’s play. They’re not even putting up much of a fight. Why did I bother to fly all the way out here? I could’ve done this on Skype. What a bunch of pussies.

“If Warren and Dave aren’t producing the script, then no one is,” Ivy declares emphatically. “End of discussion.”

“Huh, that’s funny. It sounds like someone’s trying to claim ownership of your script, Will. Or maybe I’m just hearing things.” I laugh bitterly as Will’s face drops. “What? Didn’t you tell her?”

“Tell me what?” Ivy parrots as she clutches her stomach under the table.

“That he’s the one who owns the worldwide distribution rights. He registered a copyright in his name with an intellectual property lawyer and everything. It’s his to do with as he pleases.” I smile triumphantly, ready to crush her once and for all.

“Will, what is she talking about? The script isn’t even completed yet. We have a whole other draft to do. That’s why I’m here.” Ivy stops to take a deep breath as she grips the side of the table. “How could you shut me out of something that’s still a work in progress?”

“Because that’s how creative endeavors are protected,” Dave enlightens her, grimacing at how they’ve been played. “Will owns the idea. No matter what form the finished project takes. I’m afraid he’s beat you to the punch.”

“But they’re my words. He can’t just steal them like that!” Ivy’s green eyes widen as she begins to realize that Will’s only sense of loyalty is to himself.

“Technically, he can. If he listed your efforts as a work-for-hire contribution, then the law considers you compensated,” Dave continues, his voice laced with pity. “You’ve been duped.”

“Ivy, don’t listen to them! I never intended to sell you out,” Will exclaims, hitting the table with his fist, making the silverware jump.

“For a guy who’s in no position to bargain, you must really like the sound of your own voice.” I level Will with a glare as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “I was intending to make you a decent offer, Will. But if you keep on telling lies, I’m going to change my mind. You don’t want to push me. I’m going to have the script either way. You might as well profit from its sale.”

“Will, are you really going to let her buy you out like that? You’ve known me your whole life and you’re going to betray me like this over money?” Ivy asks, her voice quivering.

“Ivy, I don’t have a choice. You don’t understand. Without this, I have nothing. Nothing!” Will screams, attracting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

“I can’t believe I trusted you. You promised Eric that you would honor Cassidy’s memory by letting me write the script.” Ivy’s voice rises as she calls Will out in front of the entire room.

“Oh, you’re still going to write it. Just the way I want you to.” I revel in the expression of hatred that seeps across her face. I can push Ivy’s buttons so easily. I’m going to enjoy having her under my thumb again, holding her up to the fire until she burns.

“You don’t own me,” Ivy cries in a deadly undertone. “You never will.”

“I’d think again if I were you,” I mutter, narrowing my eyes. “You had no problem slandering me in your first go-around. Now that the tables are turned, how do you think Eric’s going to feel about his baby momma dragging the memory of his precious Cassidy through the muck?”

“I won’t write it, and there’s no way you can make me,” Ivy seethes, her face turning pale.

“Technically, no. But do you really want to make life difficult for all those around you?” I steeple my fingers, waiting for her to crack. “Let’s start with Eric, shall we? I’d have no problem getting the bank to call in his loan. He was such a credit risk anyway. The bank manager told me he only approved Eric’s application after he saw us together at the gala and he assumed we were dating. Now he’s not sure Eric’s going to be able to make all the payments since he was already late with the last one.”

Ivy stares at me in disbelief. I was right. She didn’t even know about the loan. Oh, Eric. You and your secrets…

“And then there’s Will. I have so many saved voice mails of him propositioning me about exchanging sex for money. I’m sure the police back home would have a field day busting up the male prostitution gig he has going on.” I can’t resist a chuckle as Will’s eyes zero in on Warren. He has been a naughty boy, hasn’t he? Dave seems oblivious, but I can always change that. “Will tried to blackmail me for all he could get, but it appears his sexual appetite runs in a different direction, if you catch my drift. It always seems to be the good-looking ones, doesn’t it?”

“I think you’d better stop right there, Ms. Price,” Warren says, fussing with his scarf.

“Really? Because I uncovered a slew of late-night phone calls between the two of you that I really think your husband has a right to know about.” I give Dave a pointed look, and he immediately gets to his feet.

“So that’s why Will came running back to L.A. before the summer was over. You couldn’t stand to be away from your little boy toy, could you?” Dave’s voice sounds three octaves higher as he grabs a glass of water, tossing it in Warren’s face. “Just because you’re younger than me doesn’t give you the right to sleep with some hot piece of ass just because you feel like it!”

“You jerk! You know this scarf is Hermes! The water stains will never come out!” Warren shrieks, changing his tone as Dave storms out of the restaurant. “Wait, darling! I can explain. He wasn’t even that good.”

I snicker as Warren runs after his beloved, soaking wet. But the way Ivy’s looking at Will—now that’s priceless. Talk about being shell-shocked. How could she not know Will’s gay? I mean, really. No straight guy cares that much about his appearance.

“It’s true, isn’t it?” Ivy stares at Will, a pained expression on her face.

“Sorry to burst your bubble,” he says, swirling the ice in his glass.

“I don’t care who you sleep with, Will, but it shouldn’t be for money,” Ivy responds, clearly troubled. “You’re not out here going to film school. You’re selling your body to the highest bidder.”

“Huh, that’s funny. You don’t care that I’m gay, just that I’m trying to earn a living off it,” he remarks snidely. “You don’t know how hard it is to make it in L.A., Ivy. There’s no way I’m going to bust my ass waiting tables when I can be making a hell of a lot more utilizing my natural assets. Hell, I’d be a fool not to.”

“Hear, hear,” I cry, mocking him. But I’ve had about enough drama for one morning. It’s time to get back to business. “I could go on about how I could strip Ben of his football scholarship and report Eric’s buddy Jack to the IRS for tax evasion, but we have a more pressing matter to discuss, namely Cassidy.”

“Real classy to speak ill of the dead,” Will responds as he spins his knife on the tablecloth.