“There are only two things that bother me about you not changing. The fact that your life span is so much shorter than mine and the fact that we cannot have children unless you do. The first is really no big deal, as I’ve lived a long time. If you choose to stay human, when you die, I will follow you into the afterlife. And, of course, I will always long for children with you because I can’t imagine anything sweeter than little girls with their mother’s black hair and blue eyes running around. But if that never happens, I assure you I will never regret what we have together. You are enough. We are enough.”

Tears gathered in her eyes before spilling over onto her cheeks. She believed he’d respect and love her no matter what her decision, but she knew him well enough to recognize the yearning that crept into his eyes before he quickly hid it. And truthfully, until this point in time, she hadn’t been sure she’d ever be able to let him change her, but she ached to have his babies. She wanted to share everything with him, her heart, her soul .

. . her children.

She closed her eyes and let a smile tug at her lips when she thought of a little boy with midnight blue eyes, a carbon copy of his father, laughing and giggling and running. And that same little boy would cuddle up on her lap as she rocked him while his father told him a story until his eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep. She’d never wanted babies before, but she wanted them now. Only with Knox.

Then there was the other problem. She didn’t want to see his life cut short because of a decision she’d made. If she didn’t change, she knew no matter what she said, no matter how hard she pleaded, he’d do as he said, and when the time came, he’d follow her into death. Her heart thumped in realization, realization that she would one day be ready to take that final step with him. She wasn’t ready to plunge in and let him change her at this very second, but she would let him. It was just a simple matter of when.

In ways she was already ready, but she still had some doubts, and she didn’t want to agree to anything unless she had a clear conscience. Her doubts were based on the tinge of fear she still felt from what happened that night with Tammy. But she had begun to heal and hoped that soon she’d accept that it had just been one of those unfortunate things that she could not have stopped no matter what she’d done.

She hugged him. “One day, Knox, I’ll be ready. I promise you. But I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Do you know what I’d like to do on our first night in our new home?”

“I know what I’d like to do.” He smiled and nuzzled her neck.

She kissed him. His tongue tangled with hers, and the familiar fire he so easily coaxed from her flamed to life. It was as if the embers never quite burned out while he was near. He buried his fingers in her hair and angled his mouth to deepen the kiss, and when the kiss ended, they were both breathing heavily.

“I think we are on the same page,” she whispered huskily.

“I do believe we are.”

He scooped her up and started down the hall to the bedroom, but she grabbed on to the jamb of the bathroom door before he could pass it by.

She kissed his ear before whispering in it. “I think I’d like to break in the shower first.”

He growled and immediately carried her into the bathroom. “Your wish is my command.” He kissed her again. “But I have to tell you, I plan on breaking in every room tonight.”

She laughed as he set her down, and they both started shedding their clothing.

The End