As the midnight hour approached and the orchestra announced the last two sets, anticipation for the final crescendo to the Festival began to rise. Upon entrance to the party, the Darcys had informed each guest to, if possible, remain until after the dancing as they had a special treat planned. None knew what to expect, but based on the grand exhibitions and entertainments offered thus far, the fever pitch of expectation was high.

The last dance ended to extended applause for the outstanding musicians. Folks wandered about in small groupings, not sure what to expect or where to look. Darcy rose to stand prominently at the terrace railing, Lizzy embraced tightly to his chest, both gazing toward the dark knoll above the Cascade Falls, the intermittent flicker of light visible if one attended to the area. Within fifteen minutes word had spread, folks noting the direction the Darcys were staring and turning to peer curiously upward. A hush fell, everyone holding their breath without consciously realizing it, breaths released in a collective gasp of stunned awe mere seconds later.

With a thunderous boom piercing the calm, a rocket was launched far into the starry black sky, exploding loudly into a brilliant shower of gold sparkles. The crowd erupted into claps of joy, the sound instantly lost amid the next rocket blast, this with a rain of white. For twenty minutes, the combined noise of rocket detonations and cheering ruled as the sky above Pemberley lit up with dazzling shimmers of red, gold, blue, white, orange, and green in dozens of shapes and sizes.

Interspersed with the enchanting aerial displays, the firework technicians hired by the Darcys lit a profusion of ground level pyrotechnics. Dense showers of brightly colored sparks resembled water spewing from fountains; fireworks set on small floats drifted down the Falls as the light reflected off the water; and elaborate sculptured shapes were set aflame with a profusion of color. The shapes were myriad: a rose of red, a horse of gold, the flag of England in red and blue and white, “PEMBERLEY” spelled in orange, a dog in white, and—the masterpiece—an enormous detailed replica of Pemberley Manor in gold.

This last was lit simultaneously with the discharge of a dozen rockets; the resulting illumination was brilliant and bathed the entire grounds in nearly broad-daylight radiance. It was stunning; the assembly was momentarily dumbfounded as silence descended in a crashing wave only to be replaced seconds later by a deafening barrage of clapping and yelling. Reports later received indicated that the colorful lights were seen in Lambton to the east, Baslow to the north, and Rowsley to the south. The satisfying finale was stupendous and would be remembered for decades hence.

Darcy hugged his wife, drawing her again into the shadows and turning her about in his arms. He pressed her into his chest, embracing with intense emotion. Speaking huskily to the top of her head, he said, “Elizabeth, you accomplished all this. You! I am so very proud of you. I am… overwhelmed.” He finished in a whisper, caressing her back as he held tight.

Lizzy melted into his embrace, happy and relieved. Withdrawing only enough to grasp her chin with his palm, Darcy bent to kiss her lips tenderly. Meeting her glittering eyes and smiling, he softly said, “Come, beloved, let us retire. The others can fend for themselves. I want to hold you in my arms and whisper into your beautiful ears my abounding adoration.”

With his arms firmly about her, they ascended the stairs to their chamber where Darcy did precisely as he promised… and more.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Within a week of the Festival, the secret wish of both Darcys was granted even beyond their wildest dreams. That is, all of their beloved friends and family members vacated the Manor to adventures of their own throughout England, and Darcy and Lizzy were completely and blissfully alone.

On the day following the Festival, an extremely lazy day for all the inhabitants of Pemberley, Charles was the only one who expressed any desire to move beyond the parlor. Everyone was in a particularly mellow mood, the party aftermath ruling with aching feet from dancing, aching heads from drink, and aching stomachs from nonstop eating. While everyone was lying about on comfortable chairs and sofas with needlepoint, books, or letters in hand, Charles spoke into the relative silence.

“Darcy, I believe we shall depart tomorrow if this is agreeable with you. Now that the decision has been made, my Jane and I are anxious to speak with the Bennets and then begin our preparations for relocating.”

Kitty and Georgiana were the only persons in the room whose faces fell in dismay. Darcy laid aside his book with an understanding nod. “Of course, Charles. I understand your eagerness and you know you have my blessing. However, if I may remind you, the Matlocks are joining us for dinner tomorrow and I was imagining that being our last engagement prior to our being parted from the delightful company of you and your lovely wife for several months. Is one additional day at Pemberley too daunting to imagine?” Darcy smiled at his friend, Bingley rapidly assuring him that one day was agreeable.

“Mr. Bingley,” Colonel Fitzwilliam spoke from his relaxing pose near the window, “if you would be willing, I believe Miss de Bourgh and I will accompany you on the road. It is always wiser to travel in groups if possible.”

“Naturally, Colonel, you are welcome. Netherfield is open as well if you or Miss de Bourgh desire a brief respite ere traveling on to Kent.”

“Well, since a caravan is forming, I shall chime in and rudely insinuate myself and Raja to the party,” George declared. His spindly, yellow and cornflower blue garbed frame stretched flat on the rug before the fireplace hearth. “I know Dr. Penaflor wants to keep an eye on his patient and I am sensing the urge to visit my sister.” He sat up, crossing his long legs. “William, I was going to ask permission to stay at Darcy House for a spell before traveling on to Devon. I should warn Estella I am heading her way, at the very least. Perhaps I will even give her more than one day's notice.” He grinned at his nephew, recalling his abrupt appearance in London.

Darcy laughed. “I rather doubt Aunt Estella's consternation would be too severe, Uncle, warning or no, but naturally you may stay at Darcy House as long as you wish, and Dr. Penaflor as well, of course.”

“You will return to Pemberley before you leave England, George?” Lizzy asked, truly concerned.

“Not weary of me yet, Elizabeth?” He smiled fondly, Lizzy emphatically shaking her head. “I am touched!” He stretched his arms above his head with a deep sigh, still gazing at his niece speculatively, “No, I think I shall stick around for a while. I am rather enjoying being decadent and useless, at least for now. Perhaps in a few months I will feel the urge to work for a change, maybe volunteer my services at the hospital in Derby, deliver a baby or two,” he said shrugging and grinning at Lizzy's blush and Darcy's arched brow. “Besides, I deem wild horses could not drag Raja away.”

Dr. Penaflor merely smiled, Anne hastily averting her eyes.

“Then it is settled,” Charles declared with a slap to his knee, “all shall ride to Netherfield, whereupon the final separation will occur. Two days hence.”

Kitty was silently crying. “Oh Lizzy, please can I stay? Please?”

“I am sorry, dear. Mama and Papa need you, too. The quiet in the house is likely driving them mad. Think of poor Papa who only has Mama to keep him company! Besides, you will all visit after the baby is born, perhaps at Christmas.” Darcy winced involuntarily at that thought, but luckily Lizzy did not notice.

With this decision made, the usual bustle of pre-departure activity ensued. The dinner party planned was a simple affair, the Darcys aware that the staff would yet be busy with restoration. They had scheduled the event a week before, knowing it would likely be the last soiree preceding the scattering of their guests. Aside from the imminent exodus of the Pemberley visitors, the Matlocks were also embarking on a month-long tour of Wales with their eldest son, Jonathon, and his wife, Priscilla. Therein came the final surprise.

“William, if I may have a moment of your time?” Lord Matlock lightly clasped his nephew's elbow, indicating the emptiness of the hall. Once alone, he continued, “I know this is rather short notice, but your aunt and I were discussing our trip and Georgiana came to mind. We would very much like to take her with us if this meets your approval?”

Darcy frowned slightly, to be replaced instantly with a smile as it abruptly occurred to him that Georgiana's absence would provide complete privacy for him and Elizabeth. Attempting to not appear the utter lovesick fool, he gruffly cleared his throat and stroked his chin as if deep in serious contemplation. Naturally, Lord Matlock was not the least bit duped, but he played along.

“I know you fret, especially after Ramsgate, but rest assured she will be well chaperoned. Mrs. Annesley can accompany her if you wish, and we will not let her out of our sight. It would be good for her to travel a bit, and she has never been to Wales. Besides, you and Elizabeth have earned some solitude. You shall have precious little once the child arrives. Consider it a belated wedding present or early baby gift to you both.”

Darcy laughed. “Very well, Uncle! The truth is, I need no persuading as it sounds delightful to be alone with my wife. Perhaps it would be wisest to postpone Georgiana's enlightenment until after Miss Kitty departs. It may be too much of a blow to her heart to see Georgie ecstatic when she is so depressed at leaving.”