Lizzy encircled his waist, hugging fiercely. “You have read my thoughts, love, as you always do. And you are correct, as annoying as it is to admit!” She giggled and pinched a nipple, Darcy chuckling. “The Festival is beyond my control. I am confident all has been planned well and the guests will have a marvelous time.”

Darcy hugged her tighter. “Elizabeth, I am so proud of you. Have I told you this?” He gently clasped her chin and peered into her bright eyes. “I am completely serious. You have stunned me in your enthusiasm and competence in this endeavor.” She blushed and attempted to lower her gaze but he held firm. “You must understand how amazing you are. I mean no offense, but I must confess that I had my doubts, as you have no experience in running a household, let alone organizing a major fête. I never doubted your eventual capabilities or intelligence, but frankly, I did not expect you to grasp it all so quickly. Elizabeth, I married you because I love you. I fell in love with you because of your passion, humor, quick wit, and intelligence, not to mention your luscious body.” He grinned and she tickled him briefly.

He continued, “In all seriousness though, I knew you would evolve into a wonderful Mistress of Pemberley. I told you so many times when you questioned yourself, remember?” She nodded, staring into his intense eyes. “However, in truth, I honestly thought it would take a couple of years. When you declared, upon your first day at Pemberley, that you wished to reinstate the Summer Festival, I confess I laughed. Again, not because I dispute your energy or heart, but because I figured it too much to undertake in so short a time. I wanted you to ease into being Mistress, afraid that the duties might overwhelm you and that you may become unhappy as my wife.”

“Never!” she interrupted firmly, kissing him with fierce urgency.

“Well, see,” he finally stammered breathlessly, “we both harbored residual anxieties in those early days. Elizabeth, despite my incredible love for you and faith in your potential, you have astonished me at every turn. What you have accomplished, my love, is truly unparalleled. Pregnant, ill, and wounded, so young, inexperienced, and naïve, none of those handicaps have hindered you. I want you to comprehend how extraordinary you are as a person, as my wife, and as Mistress of Pemberley, and to believe how bursting my pride in you. I do love you immeasurably, Mrs. Darcy.”

Sending word via a maid, the Darcys stayed together in their chambers all day. Resuming a pattern they had grown accustomed to during the timeless winter months, they lounged about in their robes talking, snuggling, reading to each other, making love as the yearning arose, playing games, and whatever else seemed pleasurable at the given moment.

Lizzy brought out the interlocking puzzle, which had remained unmolested since her birthday. Clearing a table, they began to work on the odd recreation, experiencing a blissful oneness as they linked the pieces together. Sitting close, they managed to form almost the entire circumference of the picture before the frequent brushing of their bodies ignited passion. It began with an innocent caress to her knee, Lizzy rapidly distracted by his scent and firm muscles, especially since she had not slaked her amorous appetite that morning. Having no doubt whatsoever that he would readily rise to the task, Lizzy's caresses became quite focused and were not the least bit innocent. Darcy glanced at her with a raised brow and crooked grin, Lizzy clarifying her demands by the simple expedience of grasping the front of his robe and pulling him onto the floor.

She was unmistaken in her assumption. He did rise to the task, quite speedily as a matter of fact. Clothes were discarded in haste with frantic fondling and kissing ensuing. Lizzy flipped him onto his back with incredible force, straddling and loving him leisurely. Darcy, as always when she blissfully assumed control of their lovemaking, was as enraptured by her actions as he was by the joy exhibited in every inch of her flushed flesh. She was wholly perfect. The swell of their child between them, the baby occasionally felt when their bodies were squeezed, her bounteous breasts swaying as she moved, were all glorious reminders of their abounding love. Naturally, the end result of their lovemaking was satisfying and wondrous.

They transferred to the comfort of their enormous bed for a long, satiated interlude of cuddling and communication transpired in the aftermath of their loving. Bared bodies entwined as they lazily caressed and spoke of anything and everything, neither ever tiring of the simple pleasure found in a mere touch or sound of the other's voice. They read for a spell. The baby chose to become quite active, allotting Darcy the opportunity to speak to him and kiss the burgeoning bulge.

A late luncheon was sent on a tray and taken in bed between giggles and kisses. As they had discovered long ago, food could be deliciously utilized as an aphrodisiac. Honey, chunks of apple, thick custard, and wine were all used to enhance and arouse. The sheets were ruined and their flesh a sticky mess, but neither cared. Driven mad with desire, he loved his wife again, her body pressed under his. Lingering tastes of honey and fruit mingled with their unique flavors as they kissed, starved for the breath of the other.

The need to connect on every plane of their bodies kept them harshly glued together, Darcy only rising slightly on his elbows to avoid completely crushing her. Darcy incessantly murmured words of love into her ear between tender kisses and nibbles. Lizzy clutched him greedily, limbs wrapped tenaciously about his body, not at all feeling crushed.

They slept for a time, necessary for them both to regain their strength. Darcy could not readily recall the last lovemaking session they had shared of such intensity. He was utterly depleted, blissfully so. Lizzy woke long before he did, gazing at his relaxed face with a nearly overpowering sensation of adulation. They had needed this day to purely devote to the other, to cherish their union for the special one that it was. No one had disturbed them, as surely they would have if there were any serious problems. Lizzy realized that for two months now she had been so consumed with the obligations inherent as Mrs. Darcy that, although she had always placed her husband first, her mind was often distracted. With a sudden rush blinding in its acuteness, she wanted this evening to be over and all their guests to depart so she could rededicate every waking moment to him.

So earnest was her emotion that tears sprang to her eyes and she involuntarily squeezed, causing him to sluggishly rouse. “Elizabeth?” he asked in a hoarse whisper. “Are you alright?”

She nodded. “I am wonderful. I love you, William, so very, very much!”

He smiled and drew her close. “I love you too, my Lizzy. Forever.” He yawned hugely, lifting to glance at the clock then sighing heavily. “I suppose we should rise. Bathing is essential,” he said as he laughed, capturing a tress of her hair gummed with honey.

“Will you join me?” she asked. “I do not yet wish to part from you.”

“I will always happily bathe with you, my love, as long as we both fit, that is.” He chuckled and rubbed her belly. “However, do not expect more than actual washing. I honestly do believe I have attained my daily quota of arousals. Can a man be totally drained? I shall have to investigate the subject.”

Lizzy laughed. “I have difficulty imagining your virility ever exhausted, beloved, but considering my unearthly satisfaction from this afternoon, I shall have no grand expectations.”

In the end, they were both pleasantly surprised. Once again, Darcy's response to the touch of his wife's flesh, especially in a soapy tub, was automatic, maintaining his record of never being able to touch her without becoming profoundly aroused.

The invitees began arriving around five that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Darcy greeted each one under a flower-laden pergola erected beyond the terrace on the southern side of the Manor. Designated as the reception area, the wide arbor opened onto the vast grasses surrounding the trout lake with shooting fountains. In keeping with the informal, fun atmosphere, Darcy and Lizzy wore understated outfits carefully chosen to not intimidate yet maintain their status as Master and Mistress. Marguerite dressed Elizabeth's hair in a simple chignon and Samuel insisted on trimming Darcy's hair so he did not look so disreputable.

Between the two, they remembered nearly every person's name. Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Taylor, as the senior staff members, stood nearby to assist with the greetings, aiding Darcy and Lizzy with those folks they did not know. The enormous quantity of people employed in some capacity or another overwhelmed even Darcy's extreme mental faculty.