Lizzy slipped her arms around his neck. “I love when you talk of your boyhood. I imagine our sons, and probably daughters as well, playing here and at the lake and all the other marvelous places our home has to offer. They are very fortunate, in a myriad of ways.”

Darcy bent to kiss her cool lips, warming her with his breath. “I am fortunate, as I will have a ready excuse to act the foolish child while showing them all these places.” Lizzy chuckled, nodding at the vision as Darcy claimed her mouth for a deep kiss. His hand stroked her belly, their child apparently unimpressed as he slept on.

“Are we finished with the exploration then, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy?” Richard's voice drifted from the entrance to the chamber, Kitty's giggle echoing eerily.

Lizzy was drifting into a hazy doze against her spouse's shoulder by the time they pulled up to Pemberley's main entrance. Servants quickly approached, Darcy tossing the reins to a groom as he jumped to the ground, pivoting to assist his wife down. The women retreated to their chambers to freshen up while the men headed toward the refreshment of the liquor cabinet. Darcy escorted his weary love to their chambers, laying her onto the bed and kneeling to remove her slippers and stockings. Lizzy yawned with a deep moan, eyes sliding closed instantly.

“Forgive me dearest,” she whispered, “I am not sure what has come over me.”

“You need your rest, Elizabeth. The baby demands it. Are you hungry?”

“A little, but more tired. Would you be a dear and bring me a glass of water?”

“Of course,” he said, already rising. He returned in seconds, aiding her to sit then caressing her hand as she drank. “Do you wish for me to stay with you?”

She shook her head, handing him the empty glass and laying back down. “It is not necessary, beloved. Go have fun with the boys. Kiss me first, though, and do not forget to wake me in time to prepare for dinner.” He complied, drawing the coverlet over her and waiting until she was asleep, which was within minutes.

He returned two hours later, the chamber cast in early evening shadows, and his wife yet soundly asleep. He watched her for a spell, never tiring of simply observing her. She slept with parted lips and one hand resting on her growing womb. Darcy bent and gently spread one broad hand over hers, feeling the lazy undulations of their child. With a smile of profound contentment, he sat carefully onto the edge of the bed, reaching to sweep several loose tresses away from her eyes. The baby continued to roll about leisurely under his warm palm as Darcy leaned to brush his lips over Lizzy's brow. She stirred slightly, sighed, but remained asleep. Bestowing faint kisses across her brow to temple then to her ear, he whispered her name.

Turning instinctively toward him, she sighed again. “Fitzwilliam,” she murmured softly as she sought his mouth. He happily reciprocated, kissing with gentle pressure initially, following her lead as she encompassed his neck and heightened the focus to his lips. Withdrawing after a blissful time, their eyes met, Lizzy now fully awake and well rested. “I love you, Mr. Darcy.”

“I adore you and love you and yearn for you, Mrs. Darcy.” He kissed her nose, pulling further away. “Marguerite is drawing a bath for you, beloved. Dinner is in an hour and a half. Do you feel well?”

“I am divine. Will you join me in my bath, William? I need someone to scrub my back.”

“I suppose I could be persuaded. I would not wish my lovely wife's back to remain unwashed.”

Fifteen minutes later he knocked upon her door, entering as she bid. Lizzy reclined in the water-filled tub, bubbles hiding some of her but not all. Darcy smiled instantly, eyes drinking in the sight. “Thank you, Marguerite, you may go. Mr. Darcy shall assist me further.”

Marguerite bobbed and departed, Darcy's gaze not once leaving his wife. As his robe hastily fell to the floor, he swiftly entered the warm water and nestled Lizzy against his chest. He kissed along her neck, hands roaming freely over her front side. “We must install a larger tub at Darcy House,” he declared huskily. “I so adore bathing with you, Elizabeth.”

Lizzy wiggled over his lap. “Yes, I can deduce as much!”

“Minx! You invited me, remember.”

“I merely wanted my back washed, husband.”

“Your back shall be cleansed by rubbing deliciously over my chest as we love to euphoric completion.”

He soaped his hands as he spoke, resonant voice sending shivers down her spine, then applied lubricated palms and fingers to her lush breasts. He caressed her, licking her ear and nibbling her neck all the while. Lizzy sighed happily and applied stimulating caresses of her own. Darcy groaned, vibrations saturating through her torso and giving her shivers.

Moaning and moving in rhythm, they stimulated leisurely. Warm water surrounded the intimate areas of their bodies, driving them mad and profoundly escalating the sensations. Darcy could barely think. He caressed incessantly, arousing her incredibly, but was hardly aware of his actions so agitated was his own excitement. Lizzy was curved into his torso, arms thrown backward to clutch his shoulders as she frenetically loved him.

They loved until utterly replete, collapsing further into the tub with water sloshing over the edge as they embraced tightly, holding on in lingering delight. Eventually Lizzy moved, turning about and soaping her own hands then proceeding to wash her husband, who reclined in absolute rapture. They talked, kissed, caressed, and laughed until the water was cooled. Darcy wrapped an enormous towel around her body, pulling her against him for a lusty kiss. In one graceful motion, he swept her into his arms and carried her to their bed.

“Time for your massage, little mother.” He retrieved the jar of sweet-smelling cream that his uncle had given them, straddled her thighs, and scooped a fingertip sized amount. They had discovered that the greasy ointment spread far; the first time they had used it too liberally and Lizzy was caked with slime for two days.

“This is perhaps not the best idea, beloved. We are short on time and you know what inevitably transpires when we are in such a state.” She smiled impishly, waving one hand in the general direction of their naked bodies.

Darcy did not answer, basically because there was no counter to her observation. The fact is, there had not been a single time in eight months of marriage that Darcy did not become stimulated when he touched his wife's body. Furthermore, he was already sensing the renewed stirrings of his ardor merely by her close proximity and visual enticements. Beyond that, he welcomed his arousal, well cognizant of the extreme bliss to be found with her. Knowing all this added to the joy of serving her, he dutifully massaged the fragrant oil into the silky skin from thigh to navel, pausing to marvel at the fluttery movements of their child. He attended diligently to the beautifully swelling flesh of her abdomen and the far fuller breasts. As clinically as he approached the endeavor, they were both panting after fifteen minutes and his arousal was complete.

Lizzy grasped him, Darcy groaning and faltering in his task. “Lizzy, my love,” he rasped, “I want you so profoundly.” Massages forgotten, they made love again with strong hands grasping slender hips as he held her elevated to meet his kneeling body. Lizzy gazed dazedly at her astounding, gorgeous husband, his lean, muscular body displayed for her feasting eyes and fair skin damp from their bath with his dark, wet hair contrasting. His chin had fallen to his chest, respirations fitful, face flushed and gleaming with unspeakable passion. Lizzy was mesmerized, incitement rapidly escalating as she observed his joyous mien. For seconds only, he opened his eyes, meeting hers with teary brilliance and love before sliding them shut in raging rapture. Glorious bliss succumbed to with exquisite gratification yet again, the two lovers never tired in the expression of their love.

The host and hostess, beaming and nestled so closely it was nearly impossible to ascertain where their bodies separated, were the last to arrive for dinner. Richard glanced up with a knowing grin, Caroline with pursed lips and obvious disapproval, the others with standard and studied expressions of proper greeting. Dr. Darcy fell into step alongside Elizabeth as they filed into the dining room, leaning slightly and inhaling.

“Ah, lavender, naturally, Mrs. Darcy, although I detect a hint of lanolin. Delighted, I am, to know the unguent is being utilized so effectively.”