“How terrible for me,” he grinned. “What shall I do with you?” Twining his fingers through her hair, he drew her in for a lingering kiss.

“You must grant me whatever I wish,” she replied saucily once he released her. “Your vows demand it!” He merely chuckled and did not answer except to kiss her forehead and squeeze tighter. Lizzy fingered over his bruised chest. The colors were amazing and Lizzy, no stranger to bruising herself, was impressed. The feeling, circulation, and strength to his arm had been restored completely. It was the shoulder and upper arm that yet pained him. Lizzy speculated it was undoubtedly from the severe wrenching when Athena reared rather than the impact with her hoof. The chest area itself was only mildly painful, as typical with a serious contusion. “You will ask your uncle to examine your injury as soon as possible, will you not, beloved?”

Darcy nodded. “I will. In all honesty, I am anxious to hear his opinion. It does hurt more than I expected it to after so many days, which concerns me somewhat.” He studied her anxious eyes, wiping away the tears that readily sprung. “I was not evading when I told you I have suffered worse, love. Once, when I was seventeen, I was thrown and my heel caught in the stirrup. I was dragged only a few feet, but my thigh muscle was strained terribly. I could not bear weight for a whole week, which drove me and every servant in the manor nearly insane.” He laughed in memory, softly caressing her face. “I am not a complacent patient, my dear. Your moments of pique during your convalescence were sweet compared to mine.”

He turned to his side, caressing over her skin with a heady sigh and penetrating gaze. “You are so beautiful, Elizabeth,” he said dreamily.

“We were discussing your body, Mr. Darcy, not mine.”

“Yours is profoundly more interesting, my love.” He nestled into her neck for gentle nibbles, and speaking lowly, said, “I have been bruised and sprained so many times I have lost count. Not to mention the scrapes, lacerations, and twice broken bones. In the end, I think sprains are the worst in that only time mends them.” He met her eyes with a smile. “I told you I had a reckless youth. My uncle may know a different treatment to speed recovery, as he learns varied techniques from the cultures he lives with. He travels all over the Far East—not just in India where he now resides—always learning. The man is insatiable. His thirst for knowledge exceeds mine tenfold, if that gives you any indication of the breadth of his wisdom.”

All during his monologue, Darcy had been intermittently kissing his wife and fondling gently, Lizzy trying to attend diligently to his words. He stroked over her abdomen, pausing at the swell of their baby, hoping to feel movement to no avail. Continuing on with titillating manipulation, he lovingly adored his wife, proving yet again his ardent desire for her and astounding potency and masculinity.

“I have rested, my lover, and am perfectly willing to fulfill my vows as you requested,” he whispered huskily with a naughty leer.

Lizzy opened her mouth to flash a smart retort, but at that moment the mantle clock chimed nine o’clock. They both glanced over then returned their gazes to the other, Darcy never relenting in his stimulation.

“Breakfast will be served soon, Fitzwilliam. We should rise and dress. I do not think—” She gasped, closing her eyes briefly in pleasure. “Beloved, there is not time…”

“There is always time to love you, my wife,” he firmly proclaimed, pulling her body onto his front side, “always time.” Then, he halted any further argument with a persuasive kiss—not that Lizzy had any desire to argue.

Mr. Joshua Daniels arrived promptly at two o’clock, adding punctuality to his growing list of virtues. Darcy opted to stay home despite several business needs, both to act as chaperone and to await his uncle's appearance. He worked all morning in his study, listening attentively for the door chime, while the ladies meticulously planned the tea. Mary thought them all slightly mad at the attention to detail, yet was embarrassingly pleased by the fuss.

Mary was beautiful in the gown Georgiana had lent her. It was a solid deep blue with a faint metallic sheen subtly woven in, the cut simple and temperate, although Mary's fuller figure did stretch the bodice beyond true modesty. She resisted Marguerite coifing her hair, insisting on pulling it back into a basic chignon and relenting only in wearing a clip of tiny pearls. Lizzy deliberately rearranged the parlor with a small table and two chairs positioned off to one side, close enough for the other occupants to converse and offer support yet separate enough to allow the young couple to talk quietly together. Darcy had stood insolently leaning against the doorjamb, grinning humorously as Lizzy ordered footmen about like a general planning a military campaign. He extended the occasional quip and droll suggestion but was essentially ignored, Lizzy finally commanding him to “go do something useful.”

An array of edible delights had been concocted by the excellent kitchen staff for the tea, and Darcy even joined the group initially, though adding little to the general conversation, his wife being far more adept at orchestrating flowing communication. Correctly assuming that his dominating and severe presence would hamper full relaxation, Darcy shortly excused himself, pleading a pile of work on his desk, which was the truth.

Lizzy was impressed by Mr. Daniels's general ease. He was mildly nervous, but conversed effortlessly on numerous subjects. Following a predetermined agenda, Georgiana and Kitty excused themselves, leaving Lizzy to play chaperone from a chair in the far corner. With head bent diligently over her embroidery, Lizzy surreptitiously observed her sister.

Mary said little during tea, interjecting with the occasional comment, but allowing the others to lead. Despite the fact that Mary was her sister, Lizzy could not well ascertain the thoughts behind Mary's calm demeanor. Now, with just the two of them relatively alone, Mr. Daniels visibly relaxed and Mary slowly opened up as well. Lizzy noted that their dialogue steadily continued with the appropriate amount of smiles, eye contact, and soft laughs.

“How are you enjoying your stay in Town, Miss Bennet?”

“Tremendously. But I will confess that the noise and diminished fresh air is bothersome to me. I have lived all my life in the country, so the environment of the city is odd. However, there is certainly no lack of entertainment.”

“Have you never been to London?”

“Infrequently, and not for a number of years. My aunt and uncle dwell in Cheapside, so we visit from time to time; however, my parents are not fond of Town. I must say I have been surprisingly pleased at how enjoyable my sojourn here has thus far been.”

“I imagine the Darcys have taken the opportunity to show you many of the sights to be had? The theatre, opera, museum, and the like?”

Mary nodded. “Yes, although it is a vast area with far too many wonders to absorb in three weeks. I have yet to visit the museum, although my sister did and thought it marvelous. Do you appreciate history and ancient cultures, Mr. Daniels?”

“Absolutely. As I pointed out when we met, I am a scholar. Difficult to pull my nose out of a book, to the supreme amusement of my eldest brother, who is the consummate outdoorsman.” They both laughed, then he cleared his throat nervously before resuming, “Perhaps, Miss Bennet, providing it is of interest to you and meets with the approval of the Darcys, you would consider accompanying me to the British Museum? Properly chaperoned, naturally. One should not tarry in London without touring the Museum. It would be a sin.” He finished with a small smile.

Mary raised her brow, initially unsure if he was serious. With a careful study of his artless countenance, she recognized the jest. “I am not quite certain I agree with it necessarily entering the same realm as sloth and gluttony; however, I will concur that it would be a terrible shame.”

“Excellent! By the way, how much longer will you be in Town? After all, there are many other wonders to behold, all of which I would be delighted to show you.”

Mary was peering at him intently. “Mr. Daniels, you barely know me. Perhaps you should not be so swift to offer your time and person.”

He flushed slightly, startled and discomfited at her bluntness. One look into her eyes though, and he realized it was one of the attributes he liked about her and had sensed immediately. She was honest, forthright, and humble. He leaned forward, meeting her frank gaze. “Miss Bennet, it is precisely because I barely know you that I wish to pass as much time as possible with you. My time is short ere you depart, and I very much desire to utilize the time granted me to improve my knowledge of you.”