Darcy was absently caressing her belly while studying her eyes. “Have you been well? Any further pains? That news deeply concerned me, but I trusted Aunt Madeline's opinion, and you said they ceased.”

Lizzy shook her head. “Physically, I am marvelous. My only pains have been in my heart.” Fingers laced through his hair, Lizzy continued breathlessly, “Fitzwilliam, my lover and my soul, if you are not too famished or hurting I would prefer to make love. I have longed for your touch on my body and the ecstasy of our joining. I will handle you delicately,” she finished with a mischievous smirk.

In truth, Darcy was famished, having not eaten since the previous night. Nonetheless, his hunger for her was far greater. Running hands inside her chemise, he again kissed her belly as he rose slowly, placing moist kisses up her torso to bosom while stroking her shuddering flesh. Lizzy moaned, arching into him and releasing a shaky breath while trailing fingers over his back and shoulders, carefully avoiding the damaged areas, panting with need and delight. He released her breast suddenly with a groan, claiming her mouth in a pervasive kiss as he crushed her body into his, pain seemingly forgotten. He was clearly lost in a haze of desire. The weak hand kneaded one perfect breast as he continued to ravage her mouth, intoxicated by her breath and succulent lips.

Lizzy was no less aroused, but his dressing room was not where she wished to love her husband. Twisting out of his clutches with effort, mildly amused at the expression of glazed confusion flittering over his face, she took his hand and led him into their bedroom. She sat him on the edge of the bed and knelt to remove his boots. Darcy was a man obsessed. The pain of his shoulder was insignificant compared to the raging agony to love his wife. Fleetingly, he wondered how he had ever managed to pass so many years without intimacy when one week was nearly killing him! Of course, he rationally understood that it was not intimacy in the clinical, carnal aspect that he desired, but the consuming demand to bond with his wife. To communicate with her in this profoundly fulfilling way, to give her pleasure, to feel her and taste her, to bury himself into her as they became one body for a time, to possess her as only he ever would, to express his passionate love for her… it was paradise.

He played with her hair as she completed her task, peeling the chemise off each creamy shoulder as he trembled with desire. She looked up at him from her stooped position between his knees, hands traveling over strong thighs to the buttons of his breeches. “You should lie down to avoid hurting your shoulder.” She rose to her knees, stroking under the loosened waistband to his bottom while slipping the tip of her tongue into his navel.

Darcy gasped, hands tightening on her shoulders. “God, my Lizzy, do you have any idea how desperately I need you!” She was trailing moist kisses up to his chest with hands probing. Lizzy stood finally, allowing the chemise to fall. Darcy groaned harshly, shaking his head slightly and closing his eyes. “Beloved, I should warn you. My self-control is naught.” His voice was rough with urgency. Meeting her eyes with voracious yearning rawly exposed, he stammered, “At the merest touch of you I am certain I will explode in utter rapture.”

Lizzy smiled, pulling him to his feet. She kissed him lightly on the lips. “Lay down and fret not.” He removed his breeches, joining her on their bed, carefully lying flat with Lizzy to his right, encircled with his strong arm. She kissed his neck, caressing over his firm chest, whispering into his ear, “I can assure you, Fitzwilliam, love of my life, my hunger for you is as tremendous.”

With simultaneous sounds of pleasure, they kissed, greedily absorbing each other, drowning in unparalleled love. Always conscious of the injury to his left side, Lizzy loved her husband with abandon, their mutual delight fulfilling and powerful.

Afterwards they lay entwined with Lizzy clutched tightly in Darcy's right arm for several blissful minutes, breathing heavily, and relishing the delightful sensations yet coursing through their bodies as well as the astounding felicity in merely holding the other. Lizzy was crying silently, tears of contentment and relief. With a soft grunt, Darcy turned to the side, hugging her tightly to him while smoothing the tousled tresses of her hair away from her face.

He frowned. “Beloved, why are you crying?”

Lizzy smiled and shook her head. “Happiness, love. I warned you, did I not? I cry frequently, yet now I judge for good reason.” She fingered his hair. “I missed you so terribly, William, and am delirious to have you back. I love you, you know.”

“Yes, I know.” He kissed her, caressing over her body, already sensing reawakening desire, but she pulled away and snatched his hand. Kissing his cool fingers tenderly before sitting up, leaning to bestow a quick kiss to his forehead, she then leapt out of bed. “Where…?”

“You need nourishment of the substantial variety,” she declared decisively, wrapping his enormous robe around her.

Darcy smiled. “You stole my robe.”

“Borrowed out of necessity,” she corrected. “I furthermore liberally splashed your cologne on it, which will likely render it undesirable to you, so I guess it now belongs to me,” she concluded smugly, approaching him with two more pillows retrieved from the armoire. “Here, let me help you up. I will prop you up with these pillows and we can have breakfast in bed. Easy, dearest, allow me to… William! Behave!” He had taken advantage of the gaping opening to the voluminous robe and was caressing her skin and amusing himself at her breast. “Mr. Darcy, I am serious! How can I nurse you to health if you are a belligerent patient?” She slapped searching hands and sternly scowled at him, but he unrepentantly seized her head and pulled close for a thorough kiss. Lizzy melted, willingly relenting.

He teased her lips, murmuring his love huskily. “Call for a tray, my Lizzy, but swiftly. Relay our apologies to the girls, for I intend to keep you in our bed all day.” He grinned. “The Master has spoken, and I am wounded so must be granted whatever I wish.” Lizzy snorted but did not argue.

Couching her phrases carefully, Lizzy explained to Georgiana their need for solitude. Georgiana expressed complete understanding, smiling sweetly and pretending not to notice her brother's robe nor Lizzy tangled hair. The girls had plans to picnic at Hyde Park anyway. The tray was heavily laden and Darcy's stomach released a sustained and booming growl at the sight. Lizzy ate as well, although she had eaten upon rising, having found that her increased appetite would not permit her waiting until breakfast was formally served. She assisted Darcy, claiming his invalid state necessitated feeding him. He did not dispute the assertion, kissing her frequently or stroking her satin skin between bites.

They sat close, legs entwined and talking softly amid the kisses. They both avoided the topic of Lady Catherine. Lizzy was unaware of Lord Matlock's letter and simply refused to spoil their reunion. Darcy felt much the same, augmented by an unrelenting guilt. Instead, she humorously debriefed him on the week's events, the throng of people she had met, and the fascinating conversations. All the while she massaged his enervated arm and shoulder with fragrant oil, forcing life back into it.

Darcy groaned, finally sated, relaxing into the pillows and closing his eyes. “Dearest, that feels marvelous. As always, your every touch enlivens me.”

“Provide me clarity on Mr. Joshua Daniels. Is he suitable for Mary?”

Darcy answered sleepily, “I do not know him as well as his father. Mr. Andrew Daniels has been our family's solicitor for years, as was his father before him. It seems to have become a familial business, although that would matter naught if they were not superb financial handlers and lawyers. There is an elder son, Benjamin, who works in the firm as well.” He paused to yawn with jaw breaking intensity. “I believe there are two or three younger siblings. Anyway, Joshua is a pleasant young man, intelligent, reserved, and serious. The firm manages numerous accounts besides ours, and keenly aware of the fees charged to me, I can readily conclude their overall income is substantial.” He opened one eye to peer at his wife. “Are you requesting I play matchmaker?”

“No. If Mr. Daniels is interested in Mary, it is his place to pursue.” She smiled winsomely at her spouse. “Let us pray he is more eloquent at expressing his affection then other gentlemen I could name.”

Darcy smiled. “Note: I did not add foolish or moronic to the list of Mr. Daniels's attributes. If the attraction was as immediate as you intimate, I daresay he will proceed with fluent grace and alacrity, unlike other gentlemen I could name.” He chuckled, tugging her onto his lap and purposefully untying the sash of his robe.

Lizzy repositioned herself to straddle his thighs, massaging gently along his shoulders. “Your grace was merely gradual in revelation, my love. You have since redeemed your past missteps perfectly adequately, I judge.” She was smiling impishly.

“Perfectly adequate is all? This will not do. Let me see if I can further improve your opinion of me.” His hands caressed along her thighs and around her bottom, his own smile quite naughty.

“I thought you were about to fall asleep.” She sighed, kissing the top of his head as he nestled his face between her breasts.

“Elizabeth,” he sighed happily, voice muffled and resonant, “my precious, beloved, beautiful wife. I fully intend to sleep with you enclosed in my arms, but first I absolutely must shower you with kisses and caresses. I covet the warmth of your skin under my hands and lips and body. I yearn to love you slowly, wholly absorbing your essence into my soul as you attain rapture in my embrace. It is essential that I whisper endless words of love and faithfulness and desire and happiness into your dainty ears.”