They retired to Darcy House for a light dinner with a group of their closest friends. Lizzy and Darcy played the hosts with tremendous success, the entertainment consisting solely of conversation, but none were left wanting.

It was late when they bid farewell to the last of their guests and ushered the girls to their rooms. Lizzy sat at her dressing table idly brushing her hair while dreamily musing over the evening's events and fought off sleep. Yawning hugely with eyes closed, she was unaware of her spouse's presence until he retrieved the brush from her slack hand.

He commenced brushing after tenderly kissing the top of her head. “Tired, beloved?”

“Exhausted actually. It was a busy day, but so wonderful. Everything was perfect: the music and singing, the company, the greetings.” She opened her eyes to gaze at Darcy's reflection. “I believe I was remiss in telling you how handsome you were, beloved. I saw no one to compare.” He merely smiled and continued to brush. Lizzy sighed happily and relaxed into his body. “Assist me to bed, Fitzwilliam, I doubt I could manage it alone.”

He bent over, pausing for a kiss to her shoulder, and gathered her into his arms, carrying her to their bed. Removing the gauzy robe, he nestled her bare body close to his side and in his embrace, one hand warmly blanketing her belly as they drifted into a satisfied slumber.

The morning following, dawn having peaked hours earlier, Lizzy lazily opened one eye to note a smiling Darcy propped on an elbow, staring at her while tracing one fingertip lightly over her facial features. “Must you do that, Mr. Darcy?” she mumbled sleepily.

“I must, yes, I must. It is a compulsion born from an urgent hunger for you, my wife.” He commenced the placement of gentle kisses along her neck, working his way slowly down to below her navel. Lizzy stretched and sighed, playing with his thick hair. His husky voice drifted to her from under the blanket, “Good morning, child mine. Grow quickly and strong so your parents can feel you.” He kissed and caressed her belly, murmuring further nonsense while Lizzy roused fully. “Elizabeth, am I simply hopefully wishing, or are you slightly thicker here?” He ran a hand over her hipbones, which did not feel as acute as usual.

“I have noticed the same,” she replied with a smile, withdrawing the blanket so she could see his face. “A couple of my favorite chemises are snug now. I frequently discern little flutters inside, like feathers tickling, but I do not know if it is the baby moving or, well, other sensations,” she finished with a blush.

Darcy was grinning with joy. “Soon, beloved, we shall feel her regularly.” He kissed her pubis again, laying his cheek gently onto her. “She will be tough and kick me firmly, Elizabeth, I know she will. Or he. Sturdy legs to grip a horse.”

Lizzy laughed. “Naturally! A true Darcy—on a horse before he walks, gifted with a pony ere he is finished with swaddling cloths, and leaping fences prior to weaning from my breast.”

“Foolish girl. I shall wait until he, or she, is weaned at least.” With a last kiss, he worked his way back up to her lips. He lay onto the pillow, fingering her hair. “Dearest, I received a tremendous offer yesterday. I apologize for not having the opportunity to share with you until now. Do you recall my mentioning the fabulous racehorses bred by the Duke of Grafton?” She nodded. “I met with him yesterday, per his request, if you can imagine. He has heard of the fine Pemberley thoroughbreds and their reputation for endurance as well as speed. Grafton's horses are bred for speed, and having won the Derby and the Oaks numerous times they have proven their capabilities. Now, though, he wishes to add greater stamina to the mix for the longer races at Newmarket and St. Leger. Therefore, he has come to me and wishes to set up a breeding program.”

“Oh, William! This is wonderful!”

“Yes, it is a dream becoming reality for me. A few of our horses have prevailed at the racetrack, but as you know, our main contracts are with the military. The money from the crown is considerable, but nothing compared to what we could earn from racing stock. I have yet to work out the details with Duke Grafton, but the profit from the breeding alone would be substantial, not to mention the reputation gained in the process.”

“Dearest, you should be bouncing with joy, so why do I sense hesitancy in you? Is there a negative to the arrangement?”

“Not to the project itself, although I am certain Mr. Daniels will diligently search for any legal mishaps.” He smiled and chuckled, caressing the back of his fingers over her cheeks. “The only negative is that the Duke wishes for me to visit his estate in Suffolk to personally inspect his stock, then he would like to visit Pemberley for the same reason. He is adamant and enthusiastic at the prospect, and I do not wish to hedge and possibly have him turn elsewhere. He wants to leave in two days,” he finished softly, gazing intently into her eyes.

“Oh! I see. How long would you be away?”

“Five days, perhaps seven. Elizabeth, I do not desire to leave you! A week away is more than I can fathom, yet this is an opportunity of a lifetime, and it would benefit us now and our future…”

“William, stop,” Lizzy pressed her fingers against his lips. “You would be an utter fool to not do this. The very thought of being away from you for a week is unbearable, but you have to go.”

“I would bring you with me, love, if I could, but he wants to travel on horseback. This will actually be quicker in the end. Elizabeth, it is unconscionable for me to desert you here in London at this time, so soon after our arrival, and with the baby. I might miss something important, or you may need me.” He exhaled angrily and flopped onto his back, staring at the ceiling as he muttered, “I cannot do it.”

Lizzy bit her lip, furiously thinking. A week without him was too horrible to imagine, so she pushed it away, refusing to face it. She drew close, kissing his chest then up to his neck and ear. With fingers to his jaw, she turned his face toward hers and met troubled eyes with a dazzling smile. “You will not be deserting me, beloved, as I will be ordering you to leave. My girls will keep me company and watch over me. Our baby is safe and secure. What you are attempting with Duke Grafton is for our children's benefit.” She sighed, lip beginning to tremble. “I will be anxiously awaiting your return with pent up desire and need.” She kissed him lightly, running her tongue over his lower lip, speaking huskily, “Imagine how amazing it will be when you come home, my lover.”

He groaned and embraced her tightly while rolling to the side, “Elizabeth, I cannot…”

“You can and you will. Now make love to me, Fitzwilliam, before I cry.” She grasped him with an iron grip and pulled his body onto hers, claiming his mouth for an ardent kiss.

With a moan, he ran one hand down her side, over her bottom, and clutched her thigh as he pulled the leg over his hip. “I love you, Elizabeth, so tremendously. Are you certain? I could not bear to leave you if I thought you had any misgivings or resentment.”

She smiled and stroked his face. “I am certain I shall pine for you every moment of the day and night, but I am also certain you must do this. You would regret it profoundly if you let this opportunity slip through your fingers. I prefer to live without your presence for a week than to live with your unhappiness forever.” Traveling a hand to his groin for a gentle fondle, she sucked his lower lip between hers, nibbled lightly, and then whispered, “You reside in my soul, beloved. A week apart will not alter this fact.”

Darcy sighed, kissing with abandon as he caressed over her body. He knew she was presenting a brave face, and he loved her for it. He also knew she was correct. He had to pursue this business deal, his duty to Pemberley and the future far too important. Nonetheless, it broke his heart. Already, still two days away and with her currently in his arms loving him, it felt as if his soul was splintering. Logic and duty seemed inconsequential against the thought of separation.

Within minutes they were crazily aroused, Darcy covering his delicate wife with his large frame as they joined. Of all the various ways they made love, each astounding and stimulating in unique ways, there was something expressly intimate in the feel of his body fully over her. Darcy was a tall man with sturdy muscles and broad shoulders. Logically, he should crush her small frame under his bulk, yet using either knees or arms to shift some of his weight off her, he still managed to proficiently excite with masterful hands and a deft mouth. His flesh felt phenomenal pressing onto her. So amazingly powerful, warm, masculine, and protective as her hands were thus freed to massage and tantalize his rough yet soft skin, through his hair, over his chest and abdomen, and on to any other part reachable.

Always facing the other, touching at hundreds of points, sweaty flesh writhing hotly together, Darcy was dominant yet gently responded to her demands, unceasingly cognizant of her pleasure. This was the preferred way they loved each other. Watching the passion rising on their faces, breath mingling as they panted, murmured endearments, vocalized sounds of gratification and lust, hearts beating in time, and then finally climaxing in unity with bodies melded.

The following two days passed quickly—too quickly. They spoke of their separation no further, other than in the abstract. In the end, Darcy decided that Gerald Vernor, as the one friend who knew the most about horses, would accompany him. His solicitor, Mr. Andrew Daniels, would also go for the legal necessities. Col. Fitzwilliam was charged with keeping a close eye on the women and roughly knew Darcy's itinerary in case of an emergency. Darcy assisted Lizzy with planning activities while he was gone, not wishing her to avoid any dinners or theatre events. Between Richard, Lord Matlock, Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Bingley, and Mr. Lathrop, Lizzy would not be without proper chaperones. The ladies all knew how Darcy fretted, so they planned something for each day, even if it was simply luncheon and tea. Most of these careful plans were for Darcy's benefit rather than Lizzy, but she agreed knowing it eased his mind.