Lizzy laughed and Darcy's smile broadened. Neither of them needed to voice it, but there was a joy to having attained a level of peace in their relationship where they could tease about the past. Dramatically he cleared his throat, closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply while Lizzy bit her lip to prevent further giggles escaping.

“Seriously, Elizabeth, as I was contemplating your day of birth, it occurred to me that there have been twenty-one previous birthdays which I have missed. Naturally, this is normal, and pondering the fact that you were reportedly a rambunctious, unruly, and undoubtedly malodorous child, I am actually grateful at not having known you for many of those years.” He grinned.

Lizzy harrumphed. “Well, there is the pot calling the kettle black!”

“That is beside the point. In truth, I do wish I could have seen you as a youth; however, I must content myself with living vicariously through your tales and the antics of our children, whom we have previously ascertained are likely doomed to be recalcitrant and rowdy. As for the here and now, today marks the day you came into this world, my beloved wife, and I am profoundly grateful for the fact. If your mother were present, I would feel obligated to bestow a heartfelt kiss of thanks… stop making faces, Elizabeth,” he teased. “I am aware that there will be a multitude of calendar days for us to celebrate as the years unfold, yet for me this particular day is extraordinary.”

He paused to caress her face. “My only true regret is that I was such a fool and spoiled the opportunity to celebrate your twenty-first birthday with you.”

“William,” she whispered, leaning forward to kiss him, “do not think on it.” A knock at the door interrupted any further displays of affection, Marguerite entering with a tray for her Mistress. Darcy requested breakfast in their sitting room in one hour and then poured a cup of tea for his wife.

“As I was saying,” he eventually resumed, “in honor of this day and all the prior birthdays I have been so unfortunate to evade, you will receive a gift for each year including one other to venerate our six months of blissful matrimony. Here is the first.” He placed the enormous box in her lap.

Elizabeth's mouth had fallen open and, for one of the few times in her life, she was speechless. Twenty-three presents! It was unfathomable, yet so utterly like Darcy. She sat stunned while he gazed at her expectantly.

Finally, he began to chuckle lowly. “After all this time I have accomplished the goal of rendering Elizabeth Darcy mute. What a day of remembrance this shall be!” He assumed a faraway expression of joyous delight until she shoved him gently with a laugh.

“You tease!” she accused. “William, you spoil me far too much, as I have stated many times before.”

He moved closer and fingered several locks of her hair where it tumbled over the pillows. “As I have stated, Mrs. Darcy, I will neither apologize for nor cease spoiling. Open it.”

Her first gift for the day was a complete ensemble: a lightweight, airy gown in pale green sprigged muslin with tiny white embroidered flower motifs scattered over the lower half of the skirt, a wide sash in darker green, short capped sleeves, and a scooped neckline with interlaced narrow green ribbon along the edge; a petticoat, also in muslin; short satin gloves with pearl buttons; a bonnet with matching pale green ribbons and soft goose down feathers; a reticule of the same fabric, with variable-colored green beads sewn in a pattern of waves; and lastly, a pair of half boots in white kid.

“Oh, William! It is lovely, all of it! Thank you!” She hugged him tightly, clearly overwhelmed.

“It is for you to wear today on our outing,” he informed her. “Also, Madame Millicent says the bodice and skirt are gathered in such a way as to expand with your changing figure, so the gown will be wearable throughout the summer. I do not honestly comprehend how that can be but trust her expertise nonetheless. I chose the fabric, as I have a penchant for you in green. I hope you approve.”

Lizzy was laughing. “You are becoming quite well versed in women's accoutrements, my love. It is wonderful, all of it.” She moved the box to the side, pulled him toward her while running one hand seductively inside his robe, and kissed him lingeringly. “I did notice that the neckline is quite daring, husband mine. Do you still wish to deny your approval of my burgeoning bust line?”

Darcy blushed slightly but traced one finger over the aforementioned bust line, deigning not to answer with words.

Breakfast was taken in the small sitting room. It was a pleasure to resume their custom of privacy in the morning, having necessarily relinquished the habit since leaving Pemberley. As Lizzy rose to retire to her dressing room, Darcy halted her. Handing her a small box hidden in his robe pocket, he stated, “You will need this, darling, to complete dressing. Marguerite will know what to do with it.”

Inside was a stunning hair comb with interwoven pearls and emeralds. Lizzy could only shake her head in amazement. “William, how will I possibly find the words to thank you appropriately for such gifts as these?” Tears glazed her eyes.

He cupped her face and brushed away her tears, kissing softly. “Your thanks are in how you love me every day, Elizabeth. Trinkets are easy for me to acquire and pale in comparison to what you have already given me in your life and love and, furthermore, are miniscule measured against the gift you nurture inside you. You and our child are priceless treasures to me and I do not have the words to convey my appreciation, so allow me to shower you with worthless baubles.” He kissed her again, and then turned her about, patting her bottom lightly. “Now, go get dressed, Mrs. Darcy. The fun is just beginning.”

The gown fit perfectly, Madame du Loire kindly writing Lizzy's measurements down for Darcy. The bodice was an unusual design of gathers and ribbons allowing for adaptation to changing size. Despite the daring cut, a particular fashion trend Lizzy was not overly comfortable with, it was a relief to wear a gown that did not squeeze her blossoming breasts so tightly. Marguerite handily grasped the design, snuggly pulling the gathers under the bosom as Lizzy's abdomen was yet flat. When all the various clothing items and accessories were in place and the hair stylishly primped with the jeweled comb brilliantly displayed, Lizzy was stupendous. She had no idea where they were going, but to her eyes, despite the plain cut of the gown, it could be to see the Prince Regent and she would feel majestic.

Darcy concurred. He was no less aristocratic in his fine clothing: a jacket of forest green, waistcoat with cream and green pinstripes, long trousers of tan nankeen, white shirt, and lacy beige cravat. He wore simple walking shoes rather than his customary boots. As much as Lizzy preferred him in blue, the honest truth is that he was marvelously handsome in any color or style of dress. Once the mutual approbation was completed, Darcy reached up and solemnly removed the earrings she wore.

“No, these are all wrong,” he declared in a serious tone. Yet another small box materialized and he opened it to reveal a pair of dainty drop earrings with one round emerald atop a perfect pearl. Adorning each lobe with an earring followed with a kiss, he then stepped back a pace, confirming authoritatively that she was “perfect.”

The girls were dressed and anxiously waiting in the parlor when Darcy and Lizzy entered. As delighted as they were to see Lizzy, wish her a happy birthday, and praise the new ensemble, their excitement was due to their own scheduled activities. Darcy had arranged for a carriage to transport them to the Gardiner townhouse where Mrs. Gardiner was awaiting them. She had been delighted at the prospect of entertaining the girls for the day and night, immediately arranging an agenda of local shopping and luncheon out.

Lizzy had been mildly surprised. Heedful of Darcy's extreme protectiveness of his sister, she was fully aware of the trust he was placing in her aunt's hands. The fact that he had instigated this separation spoke volumes of his faith in Mrs. Gardiner and moved Lizzy deeply. Of course, he was taking no chances. The sturdiest of the Darcy carriages would be their conveyance, and two of the brawniest footmen in his employ would be accompanying them everywhere they went.

Once the giggly girls were safely on their way, the Darcys settled into the landau chosen for their transportation. The soft tops were up, providing privacy and filtering any excessive sounds and odors which may disturb Lizzy. A medium-sized, wrapped box sat on the opposite bench. Lizzy pretended to be blind, waiting on her husband's pleasure.