They kissed everywhere. Darcy moved around to her backside, kissing from the delicious nape of her neck down to the bruise on her tailbone, his hands caressing her trembling muscles. Lizzy moaned, Darcy unrelenting in his attention to her skin. Not once did the memory of the thief's rough fingers invade her mind. Her husband's delicate touch of fine-boned, graceful hands transcended all else and effectively annihilated anything else. He stood, hands flattening on her thighs as he pressed her against him.

“Elizabeth, my Elizabeth, how I hunger for you. I love you so consumingly I do believe I shall burst from the emotion! Let me please you, my soul. Know what it is to be touched by one who lives for your presence, for your voice, for your kiss, for your shining eyes, for your smile…” On and on he spoke huskily as he pleased her, Lizzy writhing onto his naked chest until sagging in repletion. Darcy held her securely and bestowed hot kisses to her neck. Picking her up into his arms they relocated to the bed, Darcy ceaselessly kissing her.

He stretched beside her, propped on an elbow while lazily fondling. He gently cradled their baby, waiting, but the precious bundle of joy was asleep. “How do you feel? Any pains?”

Lizzy shook her head, resting over his hand with her own, and the other brushing over his chest. “No pains, only heavenly shivers of pleasure. Fitzwilliam?” He looked into her eyes, blue depths brimming with happiness. “You do know how wholeheartedly I love you? How perfect you are and how thoroughly you fulfill me?”

He smiled, bending for a soft kiss. “I have no doubts, my Lizzy. I know I do not deserve you, but I accept your love as a gift.” He ran his hand along her inner thigh, Lizzy shivering involuntarily and releasing a muted moan. Darcy chuckled, kissing her nose. “Only one who loves me profoundly could respond as you do, lover. I do not think you that fine an actress.” He snared her lower lip, sucking, his hand stroking her masterfully.

Lizzy arched against him, ardor renewing instantly with his touch. “William! Unfair.” She rolled to face him fully, reaching to caress him. “I want to pleasure you as well, my husband. Give equally, fulfilling you until you do burst, my love.” She kissed over his heart, stroking gently. “Bursting deep inside me, my perfect lover, gloriously linked so intimately.”

Darcy's eyes closed in rising delirium, face buried in her hair as she electrified each nerve with her touch and kisses. As graceful and flawless as the finest dancer, she maneuvered all over his body, spurring his yearning to celestial heights. She paused, poised beautifully above him. They stared, enraptured by sensations and the face of their heart's survival gazing in return.

“William, I love you. Forever.”

Sliding, swaying, caressing, and watching. Entering a timeless realm of sheer pleasure and connection. Marriage as it should be… two individuals loving the other more than they cared for themselves. Giving and giving until theoretically they should be empty, yet always invigorated with more to give. There was physical ecstasy to be sure, beyond the imaginings either had ever entertained. Yet it was the soul relationship that drove them on. There were no words in the human language to adequately describe this nexus and the sensations educed. Perhaps a heavenly, angelic voice could convey the depth. Darcy and Lizzy could only feel. Raw passion and intrinsic lust merged so blissfully with supernatural affinity and intimacy.

About the Author

Sharon Lathan is a native Californian currently residing amid corn, cotton, and cows in the sunny San Joaquin Valley. She divides her time between being a homemaker, nurturing her own Mr. Darcy and two teenaged children, and working as a registered nurse in a Neonatal ICU. Throw in the cat, dog, and a ton of fish to complete the picture. When not at the hospital or attending to the often dreary tasks of homemaking, she is generally found reposing in her comfy recliner with her faithful laptop. For more information about Sharon and her Darcy Saga serial, visit her website at: