I had only made it to the parking lot when I needed to stop to try and catch my breath. My legs felt like lead, and they didn’t want to move anymore. My stomach was tied in knots, and I wanted to vomit. Luke came up behind me, placing his arms around me, but I broke away from him.

“Don’t, because if you do, I’ll lose it, Luke, and I can’t lose it!” I started raising my voice.

Suddenly, I heard my mother’s voice in the distance. “She was only seventeen years old and a baby herself.”

As I started to take a few steps forward, I stopped and turned around. With sarcasm I responded, “Let me guess…you swooped in and saved the day!”—raising my voice—“Or better yet, her life!

“The two of you aren’t going to do this in the middle of the parking lot,” Luke snapped. “Get in the Jeep, and we’ll go back to the apartment where you two can talk about this.”

As much as I hated her at this moment, I needed to hear everything she had to say. I couldn’t spend the rest of my life wondering about the truth Mary had kept hidden all these years. As hard and painful as it was going to be, I needed some answers.

“Luke’s right. Let’s go back to my apartment; I want to hear about what a lie my life has been.”

The three of us climbed into the Jeep, and Luke drove us back to my apartment.


We walked into my apartment, and I immediately took out a bottle of wine. As I was taking a glass from the cupboard, my mother looked at me and said, “You seem to drink a lot. Do you have a drinking problem?”

I gasped as I set the glass on the counter. “Considering everything I’ve been through in my life, I should have one.”

She shook her head and sat down at the table. Luke sat down across from her, and I stayed at the kitchen counter.

“So, go ahead and tell me how my whole life’s been a lie,” I said.

She cleared her throat as she began to speak. “I had some problems, and the doctors told me that I would never be able to conceive a child. You have no idea how much that devastated me, because the only thing I wanted was a child with Johnny. I started drinking a lot, I stayed in bed all day, and I isolated myself from the world. One night, Johnny came home with this seventeen- year-old girl, Allison. He told me she was pregnant with his child, and that she’d agreed to give us the baby. Her mother was a prostitute and a drug addict, and her father had run off after she was born. She could barely take care of herself, let alone a child. So, Johnny paid for her medical care and after you were born, he gave her money to start a new life.”

Her eyes filled with tears as she continued. “I know you’re probably to going ask me why I stayed after that. It was because of you, Lily. I may not have given birth to you, but you were my baby, my daughter, and you were a part of Johnny, which made you even more special.”

I gulped before throwing back my glass of wine. I closed my eyes and Luke got up from the table and walked over to me.

“Lily, are you alright?” he asked as he put his hand on top of mine.

“I raised you, Lily. You’re my daughter, and you cannot say otherwise! I loved you and nurtured you. I took care of you when you were sick, and I was there for you when you cried, while your father was out playing his shows and having sex with any woman that looked his way.”

Luke tightened the grip on my hand. “Mary, I think Lily’s heard enough.”

As I removed my hand from his, I looked at him. “It’s ok, Luke. Let’s go sit down.”

I walked over to the table and sat across from my mother as I actually had a moment where I felt incredibly sorry for her. “Mom, please just tell me why you were going to let me marry Hunter if you knew about him and Brynn. All I want is an honest answer.”

Mary looked at me with pursed lips as she tilted her head. I could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke to me. “You seemed happy with Hunter, and I couldn’t ruin that for you. All I wanted was for you to be happy. I know I was wrong, and I should have told you when I first found out,” she said as she shook her head.

“When did you find out?” I asked.

“Does it really matter at this point, Lily?”

“Yes, Mother, it does. It matters to me.”

She took in a deep breath before spilling the words I didn’t want to hear. “I found out the day we went shopping for your wedding dress.”

My stomach instantly felt sick as I put my shaking hand over my mouth and my eyes swelled with tears. “But, Brynn was with us that day and she was trying on maid of honor dresses. How did you find out?”

“I received a text message from Mrs. Kendall with a picture of Hunter and Brynn going into a hotel room together. She said she saw them, and she thought I should know. Why do you think I broke down and cried when you came out in your dress? Part of it was because you were so beautiful, and I couldn’t believe you were getting married, and the other part was because I knew it would destroy you, and I couldn’t let that happen. So, one day, not too long after that, I confronted the two of them and warned them that they were to end it immediately.”

Luke walked over to me and clasped my shoulders with his hands, rubbing them gently. I took in a deep breath, and I buried my face in my hands. As I thought of something, I lifted my head and looked at my mother.

“If you couldn’t get pregnant, then how did you with Brynn?”

She looked at me and smiled lightly. “Brynn was a complete surprise. The doctors couldn’t explain it either; they just said she was a gift from God.”

“Yeah, a real gift,” I mumbled as Luke kissed me on the head.

Mary reached over, put her hand on mine, and I instantly froze. “Lily, what your sister did was wrong, and please don’t think that I’m defending her, but you also need to remember that you’re supposed to love your children unconditionally.”

As I slid my hand out from under hers, I got up from the chair and walked over to the window. There was a part of me that understood where she was coming from and why she didn’t tell me. As I turned around and looked at my mother, I saw a weak woman who was scared and alone. I saw a forgiving woman who took in someone else’s child, as her own, because she so desperately wanted a baby with the man she loved. I walked over, sat down in the chair, and grabbed her hand.

“Our relationship is going to need a lot of work. It’s going to take time to get back to where we were before all of this happened. I just can’t instantly forgive you and pretend it never happened; I need time to process everything you’ve told me.”

She tilted her head and gave me a small smile. “At least it’s a start. I want our relationship back, Lily.”

“We’ll get there eventually, but you’re going to have to give me space, and as for Brynn, don’t expect miracles, because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive her.”

As Mary and I got up from our chairs, she hugged me. “I’m going to go now and give you the space you want, but please keep in touch. You’re a very lucky woman to have such a wonderful man in your life. Even though I don’t know him very well, I can tell he’s a great man; and he’s very sexy too.” She winked.

As I smiled at her and walked her to the door, she turned to Luke. “I’m counting on you to take care of my daughter.”

“Don’t worry, Mary, I’ll take excellent care of your daughter.” Luke grinned as he winked at me.

Shutting the door behind her, Luke walked over and pulled me to him. “I’m so proud of you. It took a lot of strength to try and mend things with her; that’s one of the qualities I love about you, Lily.”

“Oh yeah?” I smiled as I nipped at his bottom lip. “Tell me what other qualities you love about me.”

His hands began to travel up and down my sides as he softly kissed my lips. “I love how soft your skin is,” he whispered as his lips traveled to my neck. “I love how perfect your ass is,” he said as he squeezed it with both hands. “I love how beautiful and firm your tits are.” He smiled as he pulled the strap to my sundress down and exposed one breast, taking it in his mouth and lightly sucking my nipple. “But most of all, I love how wet you get when I touch you,” he whispered as his finger dipped into me.

I moaned as I ran my fingers through his hair, threw my head back, and brought one leg up to his waist so his finger would deepen inside me. My body instantly knew pleasure when he touched me. Hell, it knew pleasure just by the way he looked at me. As he removed his finger, he looked at me and smiled. “Come on, babe, let’s take it to the bedroom this time,” he said as he picked me up, carried me, and gently laid me down on the bed.



As Lily and I were snuggled against each other in bed, I heard my phone beep. I reached over, grabbed it, and read a text message from Maddie.

“Adam just called and talked to Charley. He said that he’s sorry and something came up, so he won’t be able to come visit her. She’s devastated and won’t stop crying.”

I closed my eyes, and Lily asked what was wrong. I showed her the message from Maddie, and she instantly felt bad for Charley. I was relieved because I didn’t want him anywhere near her, but I felt sorry for Charley. I kissed Lily on the forehead and sent a message back to Maddie.

“Typical douchebag, Adam. I’ll be up there in a second.”

I sighed as I climbed out of bed and looked at the clock, which read 6:00 p.m. Lily and I got dressed and headed upstairs to Maddie’s apartment. As I opened the door, Maddie walked over and told us Charley was in her room. I could hear Charley crying down the hallway. As Lily and I stepped into her room, we saw Charley lying face down and crying into her pillow.