“Let me pay for your coffee,” I said to Sam.

“It’s on the house.” Jamie smiled as she handed us our coffees. “Cheap-ass, Sam, over here never pays. Consider it a ‘welcome to Santa Monica gift.’”

“Thanks, Jamie!” Sam smiled as he grabbed a bag of coffee from the shelf. “I’m taking a bag home; I owe you!”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “He owes me every week.” She laughed.

“Thank you, Jamie. It was nice to meet you.” I smiled as I held up my coffee cup.

“It was to meet you too!”

I walked out of Brewsters and climbed into the truck. “Your cousin is really nice,” I said.

“Yeah, she’s more like my sister. She came to live with me and my family when she was eight years old. Her mom and dad were drug dealers who got caught, and they were sent to prison.”

“Are they still in prison?” I asked.

“Yeah, 20 years later, and they’re still there. She hasn’t seen them in all these years either.”

We arrived back at the apartment building, and I got out of the truck. I walked over to my Explorer and set my coffee cup on the hood. I took the keys from my purse and unlocked it. Sam followed me.

“Let me give you a hand with those boxes,” he offered.

“That’s alright, Sam. Go enjoy your coffee. I can handle this.”

He walked over to the back of the Explorer. “Nah, come on, Lily; just let me help. It’s the neighborly thing to do anyway.”

I sighed and unwillingly opened the hatch. Sam smiled, grabbed a box, and headed towards the apartment building. I stepped ahead of him so that I could hold open the door. Before I got up to the door, it swung open, and a guy stood there, staring at me.

“Luke, you’re just in time; hold this box,” Sam said as he handed it to him.

“What are you doing?” Luke asked. “I woke up, and you were gone. By the way, there’s no coffee left.”

“Yeah, I know; I just picked some up at Brewsters. I have the bag in my truck. By the way, this is Lily; she’s our new next-door neighbor.”

Luke looked at me. “Hey,” he said as he quickly looked away.

“Hey,” I replied back.

I couldn’t help but stare at him. He stood in the doorway—all six feet of him—in ripped jeans and a gray muscle shirt. He was barefoot, and his short, brown hair was messy. He was definitely one of the hottest men that I’d ever seen. You could tell he worked out by the muscle and definition in his arms and shoulders. He had a Celtic cross tattooed on his left bicep, with wings behind it. Thank God he was gay. I felt rather uncomfortable because Luke didn’t seem as friendly as Sam did.

“Lily, go unlock your apartment door so that we can get these boxes in there,” Sam said.

I walked past Luke and caught him staring at me. The minute I looked at him, he turned away. As I unlocked the door and opened it, I stepped outside and held the building door open so that Luke could set the box down in my apartment. He did just that and then went inside his apartment and shut the door behind him without saying a word.

“What’s his problem?” I asked Sam.

“Just ignore him. He’s not much of a morning person, that’s all.”

I couldn’t shake the feeling that he seemed familiar to me, but I knew it wasn’t possible. Just as Sam and I were bringing in the last of the boxes, Giselle and Gretchen pulled up. I haven’t seen them in over three months, so I put down my box and ran over to them as they got out of the car. I hugged Gretchen first and then Giselle.

“I’m so happy you moved to Santa Monica,” Giselle said as she hugged me tight.

“Me too,” I said as my eyes began to swell with tears.

“Who’s the hot guy that’s walking towards us?” Gretchen smiled as she pushed her hair back behind her ear.

“Hello, ladies.” Sam smiled.

“Sam, this is Giselle, and this is Gretchen; they’re my two best friends.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you,” Sam said as he held out his hand to each of them.

“Sam lives next door, and he’s been helping me bring the boxes in,” I said.

“We also went out for coffee this morning,” he blurted out.

Giselle looked at me and smiled. “Did you hear that, Gretchen? Lily went out for coffee with a guy.”

“I sure did, sis!” Gretchen smiled at me.

I turned and looked at Sam. “Don’t listen to them. Thank you for your help; I appreciate it.”

“No problem. If you need anything, just knock on my door or wall.” He smiled.

I grabbed Gretchen and Giselle’s hands and led them into my new apartment.


“So, Lily, tell us about Sam from next door, and what’s going on between the two of you?” Gretchen smirked as she ran her hand along my new couch.

“Nothing’s going on between us!” I exclaimed. “He helped me bring in my boxes; that’s all.”

“But you went out for coffee with him,” Giselle said.

“Correction, we went and grabbed a coffee to go. Besides, he’s gay anyway.”

“Shut up! He can’t be,” Gretchen moaned.

“Yes, he is, and Luke is his boyfriend,” I said as I started unpacking the box for the kitchen.

“What a shame,” Giselle said. “He seems like a nice guy, and he’d be perfect for you.”

“First of all, I’m not on the market. I’m done with men, remember? And second of all, you’ve known him all of ten seconds. How do you know that he’d be perfect for me?”

“We can tell,” Giselle and Gretchen spoke at the same time.

I rolled my eyes. “Come on, help me arrange this furniture.” I smiled.

We moved the living room furniture around until it was perfectly placed. My bedroom furniture had been delivered, and most of my boxes were unpacked.

“What’s this?” Giselle asked as she held the box labeled: SCRAPBOOK.

“Those are just some photos I took when I left Seattle. I was going to make a scrapbook dedicated to the start of my new life. But since I ended up staying in Portland, there isn’t much in there. Just put it in my closet, and I’ll go through it someday.”

“Oh, ok,” she said as she headed to the bedroom. She came back out a few minutes later, holding my guitar. “Aren’t you going to keep this out?”

I looked at her and then at the guitar. “Yeah, I almost forgot about that. I put it in the closet so that it didn’t get damaged while I was unpacking and moving things around. Thanks, Giselle; just find a corner in the bedroom and set it there.”

“I’m starving!” Gretchen blurted out.

“Me too,” followed Giselle.

I looked at the clock, and it was already 6:00 p.m., and I realized I hadn’t eaten a thing all day. “Let’s order a pizza and a salad,” I said.

“Sounds good; where are your menus?” Gretchen asked.

“Considering I moved in last night, I don’t have any menus.” I laughed.

“I have an idea; why don’t you go next door and see if Sam has any pizza menus?” Giselle winked.

“I have an idea; why don’t you just do a search on your phone?” I said.

Giselle rolled her eyes just as there was a knock on the door. I walked over and looked through the peephole to find Sam standing on the other side. I opened the door, and I was surprised to see him standing there, holding two pizzas and a large brown bag.

“Sam, what’s all this?” I asked as I pointed to the pizzas.

“I thought you ladies would like something to eat since you’ve been working hard all day.” He smiled.

“Come in, and thank you!” I smiled.

“You’re a lifesaver!” Gretchen proclaimed as she walked over and kissed him on the cheek. “We’re starving.”

“That was very nice of you to think of us, Sam. Let me get my wallet; how much do I owe you?”

“Nothing, it’s on me. Consider it a housewarming gift,” he said.

“You didn’t have to do that, but thank you, and please join us,” I insisted.

“Don’t mind if I do.” He smiled.

I took some plates from the cabinet, grabbed some forks from the drawer, and sat down next to Sam at the table. Gretchen had already torn into the breadsticks while Giselle opened the salad. Sam grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, put it on my plate, and then smiled at me.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“You’re welcome,” he whispered back.

“You could have invited Luke to come over,” I said to Sam.

“I already asked him, but he refused. I told him that we’d be in the company of three beautiful women and great food, so it was his loss.”

“And what did he say to that?” I asked.

“He said he’s good and just for me to come alone.”

I got up from my seat and grabbed the bottle of wine Giselle and Gretchen had brought over. I took the wine glasses from the cupboard and set them on the table. Sam stood up, opened the bottle, and poured each of us a glass. He held up his glass for a toast.

“To my new neighbor, Lily. May we become great friends and share many good times.”

We all smiled and clanked our glasses. “Thank you, Sam.”

We talked for a few hours about our careers. Sam’s an architect and works for a well-known company called Glassman and Fillmore. I shared my love of photography and the fact that I have a teaching degree, which was the reason that brought me to Santa Monica. Gretchen and Giselle talked about their modeling careers and the exotic places they’ve been. It was late, so Gretchen and Giselle called it a night. I hugged them goodbye, and Sam walked them to their car.

I was cleaning up the kitchen when a text message came through from Gretchen.

“I’m in love with Sam; why does he have to be gay?”

I smiled and shook my head as I replied, “All the good ones usually are.”