“Sure you can. You have to.”

“I know I have to.” Jenna flopped back in her chair and stared at the ceiling. “It’s just that there are…mitigating circumstances.”

Kristen laughed. “Mitigating circumstances? Of course there are! You’ve been on the run for years, scared away from home by a mother unable to show her love and-” She broke off so awkwardly that Jenna lifted her head and stared at her in surprise.

Kristen chewed on her lip, looking characteristically uncomfortable.

“And what?” Jenna inquired, frowning. “The fact that I was a complete jerk? You can say it, you know.” She forced a smile and relaxed back against the chair. “It’s certainly true enough, isn’t it?”

“I wasn’t going to say that.” Kristen’s voice was low, a little hesitant And again Jenna stared.

Kristen eyes were full of apology. And worry. “It’s just that we’ve still not talked about it. And we should.”


“You know.”

And suddenly Jenna understood they were no longer talking about things she’d done, but what had been done to her. The abrupt shift of subject made her dizzy. Sick.

Or maybe it was just the subject matter.

Shame and acute embarrassment hit her. “Oh. You mean, that.”

“Yeah,” Kristen said softly. “That.”

“Forget it.” Jenna certainly wished she could. It had been the last straw in her out-of-control life. Squeezing her eyes shut, Jenna tried not to think about it, but the memories surfaced, anyway.

Her mother’s anger, fueled by a sick jealousy of Rand Ridgeway’s attention.

Jenna’s own belief that she somehow deserved it.

Stone’s unflagging trust, terrifying her all the more.

He’d loved her, really loved her, and she had been completely incapable of accepting that. As a result she’d done everything in her power to destroy her and Stone’s relationship, just to prove she hadn’t been worthy of it.

In the end she’d destroyed far more than just herself, taking both Stone and Sara down with her.

Finally, unable to do anything else, she’d given up and run.

“Oh, Jenna, I’m so sorry.” Kristen pulled Jenna out of her chair, brought her to the couch and sat down next to her. “I’m sorry, honey. Had you forgotten? I didn’t mean to make you remember such awful things.”

“No, it’s all right. And I certainly hadn’t forgotten.” She wasn’t likely to ever forget. Rand holding her down with hot hurtful hands, forcing her to kiss his cruel mouth. In the few times she’d attempted a physical relationship since, her memories had ruined it for her.

But not with Stone. When she’d been with him, there’d been no room for anyone else.

Kristen held her hand. “About Stone. I really think he’ll understand. You were going through such a terrible nightmare. And on top of that you somehow believed you deserved it.”

“It wasn’t like that,” Jenna protested, unable to see herself as so pathetic.

“Wasn’t it?”

They looked at each other until Jenna was forced to nod. “Yes, okay. Maybe I did feel responsible in some sick way for what happened with Rand. I dressed wild, I acted wild. Maybe I asked for it-”

“No,” Kristen said firmly. “No one asks for that. Honey, listen. Everyone adored Rand, still do. It wasn’t your fault they didn’t believe you.”

“But I don’t know if Stone can forgive-”

“If anyone can,” Kristen promised, “Stone can.”

Her sister looked so certain Jenna could only wish she felt as positive. “I left him alone with our baby, Kristen. Nothing and no reminding him of what happened there is going to change that.”

“You don’t give yourself or him enough credit. Things are different now. You aren’t that same scared little girl anymore. You had a car accident, one in which you should have died, but didn’t, and it gave you an epiphany.”

“Yes, not to mention a huge headache and quite a medical bill. It doesn’t change what I did. Or what Stone will say when he’s done laughing me out of here.” Dropping her head into her hands, she ran her fingers through her cropped hair. “I’m just so tired of making a mess out of my life.”

“Hush,” Kristen said, leaping up to pace. “Stop feeling sorry for yourself while I’m thinking.”

“Well, stop thinking so loudly.”

Kristen grinned at her, dispelling some of their mutual misery. “God, if nothing else, it’s good to have you back. Damn good.”

Jenna smiled at her sister. “Yeah, it’s good to be back.”

“Stone will feel the same, you know.”

“Not now that we’ve-I mean, we…in his office…” She covered her face again.

“Jenna,” Kristen said slowly, eyes wide. “Tell me you didn’t… Jenna! Why aren’t you telling me?”

“God, I’m such an idiot,” Jenna groaned.

“How did this happen? Never mind,” Kristen added sardonically when Jenna lifted her head and gave her sister a long look. “Obviously I realize the logistics. But-”

“Don’t ask.” Misery overwhelmed Jenna. “It’s done, and he still thinks I’m Cindy Beatty.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”

“Well, no,” Kristen said slowly. “But I’m beginning to see some of your reluctance to tell him the truth.”


For a minute they sat in silence.

“Well, if you wait until he falls in love with you-” Kristen leaped to her feet again “-he won’t be able to resist when you tell him.”

“Oh, sure, like that’s going to happen.”

“I bet he’s halfway there,” Kristen said. “Quite frankly you have nothing left to lose.”

Wasn’t that the truth.

“Are you feeling okay?”

Jenna realized she’d been holding the side of her face again, where the worst of the damage had been done in her accident. It ached sometimes, as it did now, although the doctor had told her it was because, when she felt tense, she tightened her muscles too much.

The office door opened behind them just as Kristen asked, “Any lingering pain?”

Jenna didn’t have to turn to see the newcomer, didn’t have to see to know why her entire body was suddenly tingling with anticipation. And panic. How was she going to explain this? And why hadn’t she told him the truth? Why was she still hiding?

Stone let the door shut quietly behind him. In his slow but sure way he took in the entire setting-and Kristen. His face hardened, although he remained polite. Dipping his head, he still managed to greet Jenna with a solid warmth that seeped into her very nervous bones.

“Cindy,” he said quietly, only his eyes reflecting the fact that he’d recently made love to her until she didn’t know her name.

“S-Stone,” she said rising. “Hello. I’m just-”

But he turned to Kristen, who smiled wobbily and said, “Hello, Stone. It’s been a while.”

His expression gave away none of the thoughts Jenna knew had to be racing through his head. “Certainly has.”

“How’s Sara?”

“Ever thought about calling and asking her yourself?”

“I’ve wanted to,” Kristen said softly, her face creased in regret. “I’m sorry I haven’t.”

“Don’t be.”

“I’ve also wanted to apologize. For… the court case back then. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“Not many of us were.”

So unrelenting. So stiff. Jenna hadn’t heard him sound so cold before. So utterly uncaring. It was unlike him, but God, could she blame the man? Jenna knew Kristen. had only been trying to do what was best for Sara, but when she remembered all Stone had faced in those early months, she wanted to cry.

He made no move to lighten the tension, which had become so thick she could hardly breathe. In the awkward silence she threw Kristen a panicked look. How would she explain?

Kristen. saved the day, or tried to. “Well, I should get going. Please let me know if something comes up. I can be available to take an assignment on an hour’s notice.”

“I don’t mean to interrupt business,” Stone said, folding his long lean body into a chair. “I can wait.”

He thought Kristen was looking for a job, Jenna realized with relief. Well, what else could he think? He could never in his wildest dreams guess the truth. “It might be a while,” she said, not exactly eager to face what had to be done. What should have already been done.

“Never mind, it’s okay.” Kristen nearly ran to the door. “We can finish another time. Thank you,” she said to Jenna, giving her a look Jenna had no trouble reading.

Tell him!

Don’t you dare leave! Jenna silently begged in response.

“Take care,” Kristen said.

Stone looked surprised at Jenna’s outburst. “No! I need your résumé, remember?” Jenna jumped up, desperate to delay the inevitable.

“I won’t forget. Goodbye, Stone.” Kristen hesitated. “I hope to see you again. Will you tell Sara you saw me?”

Jenna’s heart stopped. Stone’s gaze was shuttered. “Why would I do that?”

“So that maybe you could tell her I asked about her. That I send my-” She stumbled over her words when Stone didn’t make a move to encourage her. “So you can tell her I said hello.”

He stared at her. “I’ll tell her.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes bright as she left

Stone rose and came toward Jenna. He stopped so close his thighs brushed hers. “Why are you so tense?” He lifted her chin so he could meet her eyes. “I wish you wouldn’t hide from me.”

“Hide?” She laughed nervously, pulling away to sit at the chair behind her desk. “I’m right here.”

“You know what I mean.” With slow grace he closed the space between them. He leaned forward, his big hands on the arms of her chair, surrounding her, crowding her in the nicest of ways. One hand lifted and his fingers brushed her jaw gently. Tenderly. Lowering his head, his mouth replaced his fingers, and she felt him kiss the puckered skin of her scars so lightly, with such gut-wrenching care, tears welled.