Although she could hear Izzy’s voice in her head telling her she wasn’t fooling anyone. That she was only pretending to be interested in T.J. because of Jed and the same could be said for T.J. That the only Titan sister he really wanted was Izzy.

“She’s just playing a game,” Skye whispered to herself. Izzy had always been the wild one and men gravitated to her. Yes, Jed had pushed Skye on T.J. but she refused to believe his charm was all a game. No one was that good. Izzy was just being a bratty younger sister.

“Do you have a second?”

Skye looked up and saw Trisha, her CFO, standing in the open doorway. “Sure. What have you got?”

“Nothing good,” Trisha admitted as she walked in carrying a folder. “We’ve started the investigation. So far we’ve discovered there are two sets of books. They’re running on the same program with all the same entries. The only differences are the bonuses paid to senior staff and the checks made out to you. The computer guys are telling me they think they’ve found the access point. It’s remote, which means someone hacked in rather than uploading it from here.”

Skye sank into her chair. “We’re that vulnerable?”

“We’re not supposed to be,” Trisha said as she took the seat opposite. “I’ve been in touch with the security company responsible for protecting our system. At first they claimed it was impossible for anyone to hack in. But now that I’ve shown them it is, they’ll be working to find out how. And who.”

Skye already knew who.

“We’ll figure it out,” Trisha told her. “I believe that. But we have a bigger issue. This is the second problem with the foundation. People are starting to talk and ask questions.”

Skye didn’t want to hear that. “Donors or staff?”

“Both. People who work for nonprofits have a very specific drive to make a difference. They don’t want to work their butts off only to discover the money being raised is going to buy someone a Mercedes. Donors don’t want to be fooled, either.”

“You think that’s happening here? That the books showing the payouts are correct?”

Trisha gave her a small smile. “They can’t be. I found a check to myself. I never authorized that. I’m the one who signs the checks and I know I didn’t sign it and it sure never showed up in my bank account.”

“That’s a relief. But don’t you sign all the checks?”

“Yes, but I review only a percentage of them. Otherwise that would be a full-time job. Payroll is computerized, as are payments to the local food banks and shelters we fund.”

“So we don’t know if the other questionable checks got through or not.”

“I’m pulling all bank statements and reconciling them specifically with those checks. Unfortunately the rule of thumb is if a business is keeping two sets of books, that company also has multiple bank accounts. The money could come from anywhere.”

This was a nightmare, Skye thought grimly. She hated that it was happening and didn’t know how to make it stop.

“You’re going to lose good people over this,” Trisha told her. “I’m hearing rumors that people are looking.”

“Are you?” Skye asked bluntly.

“Not yet.”

She couldn’t tell the world what was going on. Not only wouldn’t it help their cause but she had a feeling that blabbing about Garth would only make him happy. Still, she could tell Trisha.

She leaned forward. “You know a little about my family. You’ve met my father.”

“A couple of times. He’s an interesting man.”

“That’s one way of putting it. About thirty-five years ago, he had an affair with a young woman named Kathy and she ended up pregnant. Jed wasn’t interested in marrying her, which is where this all started.”

Skye explained what she knew about Garth and his mother. While she didn’t go into detail, she explained that Garth had been targeting the family from every angle.

“Someone sued my sister and her spa,” Skye said. “This woman used to work for Garth. From what we can tell, he paid her to file a false suit. When Lexi confronted her, she dropped the suit and moved away. Garth will do anything to get us. He poisoned my guests at a cocktail party a few days ago.”

Trisha looked shocked. “I heard about that. They said on the news that it was a frat prank.”

“Garth admitted he’d done it,” Skye said, “but when I told the police, they didn’t believe me. Why would they? A man in Garth’s position, with his money and clout, poisoning guests at a party? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Unless you know he wants the family taken down.” Trisha sighed. “So he’s coming after the foundation?”

“Apparently. He was behind the tip to the D.A. about money laundering. While we were cleared of all charges, think of the money wasted. We could have put our resources into feeding kids. Instead we were hiring lawyers and defending our reputation.”

“I know why this needs to stay private,” Trisha said, “but you have to brace yourself, Skye. People aren’t going to understand and they’re going to start leaving. For the senior staff, their reputation is their most important asset. If they think the foundation is going down, they won’t want to sink with the ship.”

IZZY WALKED through the high-rise condo. The tall ceilings and big windows gave the place an airy feeling. The decor was mostly black and gray with a few bright colors as accents.

She liked the ebony stained hardwood floor and the big fireplace in the corner. She wouldn’t necessarily want to live here, but the place seemed right for T.J.

“Comments? Criticisms?” he asked as he went behind the bar and began fixing cocktails.

“You slept with your decorator,” she said.

He opened a bottle of vodka. “That’s it? You don’t want to mention the view or that it seems so masculine. Just that I slept with my decorator?”

“Am I wrong?”

He laughed. “No. You’re not wrong.”

She slid onto one of the bar stools and rested her elbows on the granite surface.

“You’re a player,” she said.

“Is that bad?”

“Not in theory. I’m just not sure of your game. With me.”

He pushed a martini toward her. “Do we need to have a game?”

Izzy thought about Skye. “We don’t have to-that was your choice. How far are you taking this?”

His blue eyes brightened with humor. “I’m open to suggestions.”

Izzy didn’t have any. She wasn’t completely interested in T.J., but she also seemed unwilling to walk away. He confused her and that didn’t happen all that often. But how much of this was genuine interest on her part and how much of it was to prove a point to Skye? Although right now she wasn’t sure what that point was.

“If you went to school with my sister Lexi,” Izzy said. “You must also know Dana Birch.”

“Oh, yeah. She was intriguing. Hot in a totally different way than Lexi, but I don’t know anyone who was brave enough to ask her out. She made it clear no one was getting close.”

Interesting, Izzy thought, knowing how Dana loved to date quiet, unassuming men she could boss around. The only problem was she easily got bored with them.

“Do you know why?” Izzy asked. T.J. raised his eyebrows. “You’re kidding, right? I’m a guy. I don’t do motive.”

“Or talk about your feelings?”

He shuddered. “No, thanks.”

She laughed. “Fair enough.”

“When do you go back to work?”

“In a few days. Then I’ll be gone for almost two months.”

“That’s a long time.”

“It goes fast,” she said. “They keep me busy. Last time I was working on installing a new rig. This time I’ll be repairing an older one.”

“You’re really a welder?”

“Didn’t you see Flashdance? Welders can be sexy.”

“No one is questioning your sex appeal. But welding?”

“It’s fun. Being underwater gives it an extra punch.”

“Which is important to you?”

“Of course. It’s all about the thrill. Next time I’m off, I’m going cave diving.”


“Want to come?”

“I’ll do one or the other. Not both.”


“I don’t have a death wish.”

“Neither do I.” T.J. didn’t look convinced. “Cave diving is a dangerous sport.”

“That’s what makes it exciting.”

“So you’re in it for the thrill?”

“I’m in everything for the thrill.”

Their eyes locked.

“Why are you so fearless?” he asked.

A question she wasn’t going to answer honestly. “Because it looks good on me.”

He came around the bar and turned the stool so she was facing him. He put down his drink, set hers on the bar, then cupped her face and kissed her.

His mouth was warming and tempting. The kiss teased and promised. It was the kind of kiss that said sex was very much on the table.

She drew back. “Aren’t you still seeing Skye?”

“Don’t you know?”

“We’ve agreed not to discuss you. The conversation was getting awkward.”

“We’re having dinner.”

Izzy didn’t know how she felt about that. She and T.J. didn’t have a relationship. They weren’t dating. They were hanging out. She never asked the other men she saw if they had other women, mostly because she didn’t care. She wouldn’t care now except she knew Skye wouldn’t get the game. She would look at T.J. as a potential husband, just the way Jed wanted her to.

“What are you thinking?” T.J. asked.

“That I can’t figure you out. You can’t have us both.”

He leaned in and kissed her again. “That’s okay with me.”

Then his mouth was on hers again. The kiss was insistent, taking and giving with equal passion. Izzy wrapped her arms around his neck and parted her lips.

He deepened the kiss. He used his hands to roam her body, then he discovered the side zip on her strapless sundress.

She felt the tug. Acting on instinct, she stood so when he pulled down the zipper, the dress fell, leaving her wearing nothing but a thong and high heels.