MITCH’S MOUTH was warm and familiar. Skye told herself that giving in to him wasn’t a smart idea. That she would probably regret it later, but right now she couldn’t seem to care. With all the confusion in her life, it felt good to have something solid around and today that was Mitch.

She shifted closer, wanting to feel all of him, even as she parted her mouth to admit him.

She’d expected the kiss to be enticing-she’d always loved kissing Mitch. She hadn’t expected the wave of heat that crashed through her, making it tough to breathe.

Wanting exploded from nowhere. It was as if her insecurities, her fears and all her worries faded into the background. The only thing that mattered this second was never letting go.

He wrapped his arms around her, as if to hold her in place. If she’d been able to speak, she would have told him she wasn’t going anywhere. Not while they were touching and every nerve in her body danced in anticipation.

His mouth claimed hers with a certainty that made her want to give in more. She ran her hands across his shoulders, feeling his strength beneath the soft cotton of his shirt. His tongue played with hers, each stroke sending need rippling through her.

It was like the last time, she thought hazily. Desperate and fast, but without the anger. This time there was only passion.

He drew back a little and kissed his way along her jaw. She went to work on the buttons holding her blouse together. She found herself fumbling a little as he licked his way down her neck.

Sensual shivers caused her skin to pucker. Between her legs she felt heat and swelling. Every part of her wanted to be with him again, to feel him inside of her. She ached for what only he could give her.

She pulled her blouse free of her slacks. He’d already reached behind her and unfastened her bra. The second it came off, he leaned in and took her right nipple in his mouth.

The warm dampness of his mouth made her sigh. The flick of his tongue against her sensitive skin made her gasp. She wanted to take off the rest of her clothes, but she could only hang on as he sucked deeply, pulling her into his mouth.

Fire shot through her, burning down to her belly, making her squirm. Now, she thought frantically. She needed him now.

She didn’t remember it being like this-fast and uncontrolled. Making love with Mitch had always been about connecting. There had been pleasure, but they were just as intent on being together. Now, she wanted what he could do to her and what she could do to him. She wanted him hard, filling her, losing control. She wanted him desperate.

There was no time to analyze the change. Even as he moved to her other breast, she reached for the belt at his waist and worked it free. Then his hands were unfastening her slacks.

She stood so she could push them, and her bikini panties, down. She stepped out of her clothes, completely naked. His gaze roamed her body, and desire darkened his eyes. But instead of unzipping his jeans, he slouched down on the sofa and drew her closer.

“Kneel,” he told her.

She looked from him to the couch, understanding dawning. The shy part of her hesitated, while the rest of her sent up a quiet cheer. Before she could pick a side, he reached out and slid a single finger between her legs. He moved through her waiting heat, finding that one spot and rubbing it.

“Now,” he whispered.

She knelt on the sofa, her knees on either side of his hips. She grabbed the back of the couch for support while he shifted until he could press his mouth against the very center of her. His hands rubbed her bare legs, his thumbs moving closer and closer and then she felt his tongue lightly stroke her most sensitive spot.

She gasped at the contact, then closed her eyes. He licked her slowly, thoroughly, as if rediscovering everything she liked. Pleasurable sensations poured through her, making her groan.

There was nothing for her to do but let him have his way with her. She arched her body as he licked her over and over again, moving just fast enough to make it impossible for her to catch her breath.

She’d never done anything like this before, she thought hazily. Not in this position, not with her body so exposed. He had total control, moving faster, bringing her closer, then slowing down until she was panting with need.

She got lost in all of the various sensations, the feel of gentle stroking, the scrape of his teeth and the play of his lips on her body. Tension filled her, pushing her toward the end. Her body quivered and clenched, anticipating. She rocked slightly, holding in the need to beg.

And through it all he kept pushing her toward her release, closer and closer.

She clutched the sofa back and pressed down, needing more. There was sound and movement beneath her, but she didn’t know what and didn’t care.

More, she thought desperately as he moved faster. More and more and…

She came with an unexpected shudder. Her orgasm rushed through her body, filling every cell, making her cry out. It went on and on, thrilling her, satisfying her, muscles shuddering, skin quivering. And when it was nearly over, he shifted on the cushion, straightening, then he lowered her onto him.

She let him guide her down until she settled on his erection. The unexpected fullness as he pushed inside shocked her back into climax. This time she came from the inside.

Even as the pleasure staggered her, she opened her eyes and found him watching her.

It was too intimate, she told herself. He shouldn’t be seeing this. But she couldn’t seem to close her eyes. Then she was moving up and down and he was coming and they were lost in each other.

She saw him tense, saw the moment his orgasm took over, knew that for those few seconds, he was hers.

She rode him until he was done, then she was still.

When their breathing returned to normal, Skye braced herself for what would happen next. Last time she’d felt ashamed and Mitch had become cruel. Now she was more vulnerable than before. She felt naked and raw, but she couldn’t seem to pull up any emotional protection.

Instead of lashing out at her, he stared into her eyes, then tucked her hair behind her ears.

“You okay?” he asked.

A simple question. Nothing fancy or special, but still she found herself fighting tears.

“I’m good.”

“Me, too.” He smiled, his expression one of a very satisfied male.

She moved off of him and stood. Once again she found herself the one who had undressed while he had little to do except straighten his jeans and pull up a zipper.

But this time he grabbed a crutch and stood, then reached for her panties and passed them to her.

“I’d offer to help,” he said, his gaze lingering on her breasts. “But that would only slow you down.”

She pulled on her bikini panties, then picked up her bra.

“Wait,” he said, and carefully pulled her against him.

She went willingly into his arms. Although they touched, she didn’t lean against him. That might throw him off balance.

How was he adjusting? What did he miss the most? Was there still pain? All questions she wasn’t comfortable asking. She wasn’t a part of the healing process. She wasn’t sure what, if any, part she had in Mitch’s life.

He kissed her, the movement of his mouth making her want him again.

Long locked-away feelings woke and stretched. They pushed against the walls of her heart, as if seeking light and a chance to grow.

Care about Mitch again? Risk it all?

The thought was as exciting as it was terrifying. That road was a dangerous one. There was Erin to consider and everything else going on in her life. She couldn’t be sure where his heart was and they were both very different people now.

She drew back and fastened her bra, then quickly finished dressing.

“I’ll see you at the party,” he told her.

Party? What…oh. The one she’d asked him to attend. Because he was helping her. He was on her side.

“I’ll be the one making sure it all flows smoothly,” she said with a smile. As if her insides weren’t shaking. As if she wasn’t more scared than she’d been in forever.

She couldn’t give her heart back to Mitch. It had taken her nearly all this time to get over him. If she fell in love with him again and got hurt, she might never figure out how to be whole.

MITCH STOOD in the center of the physical therapy center and watched the other patients work on their problems. There was plenty of sweat and cursing, not to mention a few tears. But everyone there was making progress.

Three weeks ago, he’d been walking around on a prosthesis. Now he was stuck on crutches and he hated every minute of it. Hated it enough to do what he was told.

The receptionist, a young woman in a bright shirt covered with dancing teddy bears, smiled. “Mitch Cassidy?” she asked. “Joss is expecting you.” She picked up a chart. “If you’ll follow me to exam room one.”

He limped along behind her on the smooth floor. She held open the door and waited until he was inside before flashing him a smile and retreating.

Less than two minutes later, Joss entered, flipping through the chart. “You can’t be here without a note from your doctor,” he said, not looking up from the pages.

Mitch pulled it out of his back pocket and passed it over.

“How do I know it’s not faked?” Joss asked.

Mitch laughed. “Because I’m not that stupid. You’ll call and check.”

“You bet your ass I will. He’d better tell me you’re cleared to be back on your prosthesis, or I’ll break your other leg.”

Mitch settled on the examining table, drawing his crutches up next to him before unrolling his pant leg.

“Having much pain?”

Mitch desperately wanted his prosthesis back, but knew he had to change if he wanted to stay healthy. “Some,” he admitted. “More an ache than a sharp pain.”