And I will. I'll be safe.

I am good, though. It helps coming back to camp and finding your letter sitting on my bed. This may be one of my last ones before I ship out. I don't know what it's going to be like in Iraq or how frequently I'll get your letter or how often I can send one out. I'll try though. I promise.

I laughed out loud reading the first bit of your letter. Be careful or Henry might ground you. Is there a little mayor in his future? That totally brightened up my day. If Henry is anything like you, and by anything I mean hard-assed mayor (in the best way) I can picture the kid with sock puppets on his hands with his hands on his hips, and little lotion dots over his spots, and a tiny little glare on his face. That kid is adorable. Imagine if you start dating, the interrogation he's gonna give your significant other is gonna be the best thing ever. Film that for me.

I know you said it wasn't shingles, but just follow up with the doctor every now and then. I heard adult chicken pox is really bad, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Who else would give me the secret apple turnover recipe then? I'm kidding. Seriously, just make sure you and Henry are okay. Have you tried sock puppet gloves? The TV says they work so it must be a good idea.

Oh! Happy birthday! I think I'll make it in time this year so that this letter will get there in time. Can I just say that my mind was blown to find out we're only nine years apart? You're a mayor, and a mom, and you're really awesome, you know that? See. I've used that word to describe you multiple times so it must be true. I hope you have a good birthday, Regina. High five the kid for me.


P.S. Thank you for everything, Regina. If I don't get back to you, I just want you to know that I really appreciate this year you've spent including me in your life. There's no way I could ever repay you for that. Your letters, your gifts, Henry's drawings, they mean so much to me, and they always helped to get me through the day.

February 5 2003

You're acting as if you're not going to return. Don't talk like that, Emma. You'll be home soon. I know, I can't promise that, but you will be. This time next year you and August will be home visiting his friends.

Thank you very much for the birthday greeting. I'm pleasantly surprised you remembered. That was very thoughtful, and I truly appreciate it. I did manage to receive your letter the day after, so you made it on time.

Our spots are clearing up, so it's safe to assume it wasn't anything worse than chicken pox. You weren't too far off from your vision of him though minus the sock puppets. I gave those a try after reading your letter, and now I'm finding it difficult to remove them from him. He now has a whole collection and insists on sleeping with them. I highly doubt I will ever get back into dating. Henry is the only man I need in my life, thank you very much. He should be wary when he begins dating and be aware of all the hours of footage I have of him refusing to wear a diaper and running amuck. Now you've gone and had me wondering what his teenage years will consist of. Not appreciated, Ms. Swan.

Well, if you deem me awesome then it must be true. I have the Certified Emma Swan Stamp of Awesome Approval. Did I get that right? Henry has sufficiently been high fived. He sends his hugs - "Hug Emma, Mommy?"

Take care, Emma.


April 1 2003


I'm here. I'm not injured. Well, I got some scrapes here and there, but I'm okay. I wanted to send you a letter before we left, but it sprung up on us. We sort of just woke up one day and they told us to pack, so here we are. I'm sorry I worried you, but I'm okay. It's pretty ridiculously hot here, so if I don't sweat out my body weight I'll be good.

How are you and the little man? Is he using the big boy potty yet? Tell him Emma says happy birthday.

I'll be safe. I promise.


April 22 2003


You have no idea how relieving it was to see your letter in my mailbox. My apologies for the second letter. I was just worried when it had been a while since I heard from you, and I saw on the news of the invasion, and my mind went rampant. I realize our communication won't be as frequent as we're used to, but I'm so glad you've landed safely and that you're okay. Please have your scrapes looked at. You may think it nothing, but you don't know what type of infection or bacteria you could pick up from an unclean wound. It's better to be safe than sorry.

I don't think Henry will be using the toilet anytime soon. His favourite word right now is "no." All the books I've read say that every child is different and they will learn at their own pace. They advise not to push your child into something they're not ready for. However, I don't think they were prepared for a child like Henry who prefers to wear his big boy briefs and consistently wets the bed. The books also say it's helpful if your child watches the parent of the same sex go to the washroom, but you understand my predicament on that one. I hope I'm not hindering his growth or development because he doesn't have a father.

I'm doing better now. I'm looking forward to when it isn't constantly raining so that I can go outside and get some gardening done. You should see how beautiful my flowers are when they're in bloom. When I was a child, my father and I used to picnic under my Honey Crisp tree the first day it was dry and bright enough. Those are the apples I use for my turnovers, so guard that secret with your life.

Henry sends his love and his thanks.

Stay safe, Emma.


May 31 2003

Hi Regina,

I got looked at. No infections or diseases or bacteria. Don't worry. It's gonna take a lot more than some burns and bruises to take me down.

Ah, he's hit the terrible twos, has he? I don't envy you for that. You're not hindering his growth. I knew a couple of single moms growing up who had little boys who turned out amazing. Except the one that grew up to be an axe murderer... I'm kidding! Seriously though, when Henry's ready, he'll let you know, and you're not gonna learn that from a book or an Internet search.

Did you just reveal your secret ingredient so soon? Well then. I think now the only thing left to do is to actually try this turnover. Are you busy sometime next April? And I suggest you go apple picking before then to welcome my arrival.

Stay awesome, Regina.


July 20 2003


Thank you for the postcard. It looks like a beautiful city despite the reasons behind your presence there.

This was the best postcard Storybrooke had to offer. I'll have to have a talk with someone to photograph better scenery and landmarks. It's our clock tower. It hasn't worked for as long as I can remember, but it's part of our town history.

Stay safe.


August 13 2003

The kid went to the bathroom by himself! What? That is amazing! Tell him I appreciate the drawing of him on the toilet. Purple hair, huh? I think the kid is trying to tell you something. His inner rebel is showing early.

I found this really neat keychain. I thought you might like it. Well I didn't find it, I bought it off some kids selling in the market. I think they made it themselves, so it's cute. If it didn't get confiscated on its way to you, the bead colours are their flag. I know it's not much, but that's the start of me making it up to you for all those birthday and Christmas gifts you've sent to me.


August 31 2003


Thank you for the gift. I love it. Henry has already taken to playing with it when he steals my keys from the front table. Lately he's been taking them from the front table, and if it weren't for the jangling of him, I would never find them. His most notable hiding places, however, has been the vegetable crisper and inside his toy chest.

Henry and I will be travelling to New York for a week tomorrow. I haven't taken him out of Storybrooke, and to be honest I haven't left the town myself since I adopted him, so I'm quite anxious to leave town. I can't remember the last time I had a vacation. I packed Henry's suitcase only to find that he removed all his clothing and replaced them with his toys.

As a former resident of the big city, do you have any suggestions for sightseeing activities? The itinerary I planned for the week may be missing some highlights.

Stay safe.


October 13 2003

August got hurt. Really badly. I don't even know how that went down, it all happened so fast. We were driving, just doing a patrol, and it wasn't different from the patrols we do any other day, and then there's just this explosion and screaming and bullets flying and next thing I see is August on the ground and he's red and his leg - god it was bad before but now it's just. I don't know. Me and Neal covered for him and we got him out of there, but what if it's too late?