“Hes got her,” Jordan spat out. “The son of a bitch pulled her into the book. Hes got her trapped in the goddamn book.”

SHE felt him take her. Hed wanted her to, shed known that immediately. Hed taken her with pain so she would be sure to know he could. Hed ripped the consciousness from her body as gleefully as an evil boy rips wings off flies.

After the pain, there was cold. Bitter, brutal cold that shot straight to the bones, seemed to turn them brittle and thin as glass.

She was torn from the warmth and the light and thrust into the cold and the pain, through the damp, hideous fingers of the blue mist. It seemed to wrap around her, binding arms and legs, strangling her until she wheezed for even one breath of that cold air, wheezed for another even though it was like inhaling iced blades.

Then even the mist was gone, and she lay shivering, alone in the dark.

Panic came first, made her want to curl up tight and whimper. But as she sucked in air, she tasted… pine, autumn. Forest. She pushed to her hands and knees and felt, yes, pine needles, fallen leaves, under her hands. And as the first edge of fear eased, she saw the sprinkle of moonlight coming through the trees.

It wasnt so cold now, she realized. No, it was more brisk than cold, the way it was meant to be on a dear fall night. She could hear the sounds of night birds, the long, long call of an owl, the hushed music of the wind soughing through the trees.

A little dazed, she braced a hand on the trunk of a tree, nearly wept with relief at the texture of the rough bark. It was so solid, so normal.

Fighting a wave of dizziness, she pulled herself to her feet, then leaned against the tree while her eyes adjusted to the dark.

She was alive, she told herself. She was all in one piece. A little light-headed, a little shaky, but whole. She had to find her way back home, and the only way to get there was to move.

Which way, that was the question. She decided to trust her instincts and move forward.

The shadows were so deep, it seemed she might stumble into one and fall forever. The light that struggled through the trees was silver, the dull tone of unpolished swords.

The thought passed through her mind, absently, that there were too many leaves on the trees for so late in October.

She stepped on a twig, and the sound of it snapping under her heel was like a gunshot that had her stumbling forward in reaction.

“All right, its all right.” Her own voice echoed back to her, had her pressing her lips together to prevent herself from speaking again.

She looked down to check her footing, then simply stared, puzzling over her shoes. She was wearing sturdy brown hiking boots, not the dressy black leather pumps that shed pulled on for the evening.

Shed wanted to dress up because… The thought faded in and out of her mind until she bore down, grabbed it. Shed wanted to show off her ring. Yes, shed wanted to look fabulous to match her engagement ring.

But when she lifted her hand, she wore no ring.

Her heart jumped, and every other terror faded to nothing at the idea of losing Jordans ring. She swung around, raced back through the woods, trying to find the place where shed fallen.


And running, searching the ground for a glint of gold, she heard the first sly rustle behind her, felt the bright chill sprint up her spine.

Shed been wrong. She wasnt alone.

She ran, but not in blind panic. She ran in a headlong rush to escape and survive. She heard him coming behind her, too arrogant to hurry. Too sure he would win this race.

But he would lose, she promised herself. Hed lose because she was not going to die here. Her breath whistling, she burst out of the trees and into the shimmering light of a full white moon.

It was the wrong moon. Part of her mind registered that as she loped across the grass. It shouldnt be full. It should be in its last quarter, waning toward the new moon, and the end of her four weeks.

The end of her quest.

But here the moon was full, swimming in a black glass sky over the shadow of Warriors Peak.

She slowed to a walk, pressed a hand to her side to ease a stitch.

There was no white flag with the emblem of a key flying from the tower. There were no lights gleaming gold against the windows. It would be empty now, she thought, but for the busy spiders and the skittering mice.

Because that was how Jordan had written it.

She was in the book, walking through the pages of his book.

“Youve a very strong mind.”

She whirled. Kane stood behind her, just at the edge of the woods.

“This is false. Just another fantasy.”

“Is it? You know the power of the written word, the reality created on the pages. This is his world, and was real to him when he built it. Ive only brought you here. I wondered if your mind would hold up to it, and I see it has. That pleases me.”

“Why should you be pleased? Im only that much closer to the key.”

“Are you? I wonder, do you remember what happens next?”

“I know this wasnt in the book. You werent in the book.”

“A few changes.” He rifted an arm, swept it out in an elegant gesture. “That will lead to a different ending. You can run if you like. Ill give you a sporting chance.”

“You cant keep me here.”

“Perhaps not. Perhaps youll find your way out. Of course, if you leave, you lose.” He took a step closer, held up a hand that dangled a long white scarf. “If you stay, youll die. Your man made death in Phantom Watch.”

He gestured toward the great house that Jordan had called the Watch in his novel. “How could he know it would be yours?”

She spun toward the Watch, and ran.

“WE have to get her back.” Helpless, Flynn rubbed Danas cold hand between his. Theyd laid her on the bed, tucked blankets around her.

“If this is what shes meant to do,” Brad began, “she shouldnt have to do it alone.”

“Shes not going to be alone.” Seeing only one choice, Jordan got to his feet. “Were not bringing her back. The contact, calling her, being here. None of its bringing her back. Brad, I need you to go get Rowena. I need you to get her here, and fast.”

“Thatll take an hour.”Zoe , standing at the foot of the bed, now moved to the side. “An hours too long. Malory, Rowena came to us before. We have to try to make her come to us again. Danas not supposed to be alone. Thats what he does. He separates us, isolates us. We dont have to let him get away with it.”

“We can try. Were strongest when were together.” Malory reached across the bed forZoes hand, kept her other clasped around Danas. “Well ask her to come.”

“Not this time.”Zoes fingers tightened, and the light of battle shone in her eyes. “This time we tell her.”

“How do they intend to order a god to make a house call?” Flynn said.

Brad laid a hand on his shoulder. “Its going to be all right, Flynn. Were going to get her back.”

“She looks like the portrait.” His throat burned as he stared down at his sisters face. Her white, empty face. “Like the daughter in your portrait. After…”

“Were going to get her back,” Brad said more firmly. “Look, Ill head out right now, get up to the Peak. Ill bring Rowena orPitte , or both of them back if I have to do it at gunpoint.”

“That wont be necessary.” Rowena stood in the doorway, withPitte behind her.

DANA ran toward the house, fled toward it, hoping that the stone and glass would offer some kind of protection.

What happened in the book? What chapter had she fallen into? Were her actions her own will, she wondered, or written?

Think! she ordered herself. Think back and remember. Once shed read a story, it became part of her. It was in her memory. She just had to clear away the fear and bring it back.

She was so scared. The screech of an owl had her heart pounding at the base of her throat. Fog was eating over the ground now, thin and white, just edged with blue. It thickened, seemed to boil around her feet until it was as if she waded through smoke.

It muffled the sound of her running footsteps. And his, she realized. God, and his.

If she could reach the house, just reach the house, she could find somewhere to hide until she caught her breath. She could find a weapon, defend herself.

For he meant to kill her, he meant to wrap that long white scarf around her neck and pull, pull while she struggled for air, while her eyes wheeled frantically in her head, while her veins burst with her blood.

Because he was mad, and she had seen the madness too late.

No. No. Those were Kates thoughts. The thoughts of a fictional character in a fictional world. It wasnt a fictional killer who hunted her now. It was Kane.

If he could, he would take something more precious than her life. Hed take her soul.

At the last moment she veered away from the door. She remembered now, remembered this last chance and battle. Kate had wasted precious time battering against the wood, pounding on it and calling for help before shed snapped back and accepted that there was no one to help.


Edit out that bit, Dana thought, and setting her teeth, she smashed her elbow through the window. She ignored the shock of pain from jagged glass scraping her arm as she reached in, flipped the latch. With a grunt she shoved the window up, leaped onto the ledge, and rolled inside.

She landed hard enough to hear her own bones rattle, and lay stunned, gasping against the pain as she struggled to see through this new layer of dark.

The air was stale and damp, and the heels of her hands skidded on dust as she pushed herself up. No glossy floor, no dripping chandeliers or stunning antiques. No fire roaring in the hearth.