"Dear God, Kara," she whispered, when she was finally able to pull away, finally able to take her lips from Kara’s. Barely.

"I’m sorry," Kara murmured and she tried to pull back but Ginny held her.

"Don’t stop," Ginny pleaded and her mouth went back for more. One more kiss, one more touch of her tongue.

"Ginny, no," Kara said. She held Ginny at arms length. "What are we doing?" she whispered.

Ginny stood there, her breathing rapid as she looked at Kara. "I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I do." She reached out and took one of Kara’s hands and brought it to her breasts without thinking. "Oh, Jesus," she murmured. "Oh my God." Her eyes slid shut as she felt Kara’s hand close over her breast, when she felt Kara’s thumb caress her erect nipple.

Kara’s mind screamed for her to stop but her body wouldn’t listen. Both hands now cupped Ginny’s breasts and her mouth found a throbbing vein in the soft neck that was exposed.

Ginny pressed closer, desire crowding out all other thoughts. Her dreams didn’t do justice to the pleasure that Kara brought to her. It was through a deep fog that she felt her shirt being pulled from her shorts, felt warm hands touch her hot skin. She didn’t stop the hands that moved over her flesh, hands that impatiently shoved her bra away.

Kara had to have her mouth there. She had lost all sense of propriety. She no longer cared if what they were doing was wrong or not.

"Oh, Kara, yes," Ginny breathed when she felt a wet tongue rake across her nipple. She pulled Kara closer, gasping when Kara’s hot mouth closed over her, gently sucking at her nipple, driving her insane with desire. Her eyes slammed shut as she held Kara to her breast. Her legs parted instinctively and pressed down hard on Kara’s thigh.

It was only then, when desire shot through her, right to her center, making her press harder against Kara, that she realized how far they had gone, had quickly she had lost control. It was only then that fear replaced desire.

"No," she whispered. "No, Kara."

Kara immediately pulled away, her eyes clouded with desire.

"Oh, Jesus, I’m sorry, Ginny," she said quickly, moving away from Ginny, away from temptation. She ran both hands through her short hair and groaned softly. "I didn’t mean to go that far."

"I’m sorry, too," Ginny whispered before tears closed up her throat. She could say no more.

"Please don’t do this," Kara begged. "Please don’t cry. This is all my fault. I let it go too far."

Ginny shook her head but still, no words would come. She sat down heavily on the sofa and pulled her T-shirt down. Her hands were shaking and she covered her face with them.

"Please, Ginny," Kara pleaded.

Ginny finally lifted her tear-stained face to Kara and she was shocked by the genuine regret she found there.

"I think I just want you to go now, Kara." At the anguish that crossed Kara’s face, Ginny reached out a hand and captured Kara’s fingers. "I just need to be alone and sort this all out. I’m not angry with you. I can’t be angry with you when I’m the one that wanted this."

"I wanted it, too," Kara whispered.

"I know. That’s what scares me so."


GINNY LAID IN BED for a long time, waiting on sleep to come. She draped one arm across her eyes, wanting to hide from the humiliation she felt. What Kara must think of her. She was a tease, she admitted. Nothing but a damn tease. But it wasn’t intentional, she thought. It wasn’t. She had simply lost control. In Kara’s presence, she seemed to do that a lot.

Had Kara’s mouth really been at her breast or had she imagined it? Yes, and her nipples hardened now at the thought of it. For a moment, she had simply lost herself in Kara’s touch. For a moment, she had just let go and let her feelings have full reign.

But she had come to her senses, thank God, and Kara had stopped when she asked her to. What was it that she wanted from Kara? What did she need from her?

"I want to make love with her," Ginny whispered. "I do. I want all of her."

She turned her head into the pillow, willing these feelings to go away. She didn’t want to want Kara. She didn’t want to have these feelings for a woman.

But she did. She couldn’t deny them any longer. It was driving her insane. Tomorrow, she would go to her. She would go to Kara and beg her to make love to her if she had to. Kara had wanted her tonight, Ginny knew that. She could feel that, see that in her eyes. Maybe Kara could give her the release that her body craved.


GINNY STOOD NERVOUSLY beside her car, her eyes wide. Her legs were shaking and she wasn’t sure she could even walk to the cabin. She swallowed, her hand reaching back to the car. Maybe she should just leave. Maybe this was a mistake. Why was she in such a hurry to disrupt her life? To change everything? And it would. She could never go back to the life she had.

But she wasn’t happy with her life. Was she? Hadn’t she been searching all these years? Searching for what, she hadn’t known. Not until she met Kara, anyway. Now she knew. I want her.

She walked to the door, her hand trembling as she knocked lightly. She heard footsteps then Kara was there, holding the door open.

Their eyes collided and her breath caught in her chest. Kara stood barefoot before her, an old paint-stained T-shirt hanging out over faded blue shorts.

"Ginny… what are you doing here?" she asked softly.

"I had to come. You knew I would," she accused. They stared, neither making an attempt to move. "May I come in?" she finally asked.

Kara stepped back, letting Ginny pass and she shut the door behind her.

"I’ve been thinking… thinking about us," Ginny said quietly. She turned around and gasped. Hot desire burned in Kara’s eyes.

"You shouldn’t have come," Kara said.

"I want you," Ginny said simply.

"No. I can’t do this," Kara said. "I won’t stop the next time."

"I don’t want you to stop," Ginny whispered.

"Ginny, listen to what you’re saying."

"Please… you’re not going to make me beg, are you?"

"You don’t know what you’re doing," Kara said.

"No, you’re right. I don’t. And I’m scared to death."

Kara laughed nervously. "Then why?"

"I want you, Kara. I want to make love with you," she said quietly and she watched as Kara nervously swallowed.

"I don’t want you to hate me, Ginny… and you will."

"No, I won’t. You want me, too. I can see that in your eyes," Ginny whispered.

Kara moved to her and took her hands. "Yes, I want you. I just don’t want to hurt you." And I don’t want you to hurt me, she added silently.

"I want you to be the one, Kara. I want you to show me." Ginny’s hands gripped Kara’s tightly. "Please?"

Kara left her protest unspoken. Ginny’s eyes were begging and Kara ignored the warning bells in her head and she lowered her mouth and captured Ginny’s lips, lips that opened under hers. She felt Ginny’s hands tremble as they clutched her arms and Kara pulled her mouth away.

"Don’t be scared," Kara begged.

"I am. I’m scared to death. I don’t know what to do," she said. "How to touch you."

"I’ll show you," Kara said softly. Her hands cupped Ginny’s face and her kiss was soft, gentle. But when Ginny’s tongue came out to meet hers, Kara’s mouth turned hungry and she moaned against Ginny’s mouth, taking her tongue inside.

Their breath came fast and they pulled away, both their chests heaving with their desire. Ginny reached up and touched Kara’s clinched jaw, soothing her.

"You’re scared, too," Ginny said with awe.



"I don’t want this to be a mistake," Kara whispered.

"It would be a mistake to ignore this attraction."

Kara took Ginny’s hand and led her into the bedroom. The afternoon sun was gone, leaving the room in shadows. Ginny stood still, but her hands shook uncontrollably in Kara’s. She had never been more nervous in all her life.

Kara knew this was probably a mistake but she couldn’t stop it. Not this time. She wanted what was about to happen. Her hands went to Ginny’s waist and she tugged her shirt from her shorts.

Ginny’s breath poured from her as Kara pulled the shirt over her head. Ginny raised her eyes to Kara’s as Kara unsnapped her bra and Ginny let it fall to the floor. She stood and watched as Kara’s face softened and she saw that Kara’s hands were trembling, too, as they reached out to touch her. But her hands stopped, just a breath away and Ginny saw Kara squeeze her eyes shut tightly.


"Oh, God, I… I just want you so much," she murmured. She needed to go slow, despite the ache in her. She finally cupped Ginny’s full breasts with gentle hands.

Ginny murmured a sigh and closed her eyes, her body melting under Kara’s soft caress. She gasped when Kara’s warm mouth covered her erect peak, taking the nipple inside and Ginny’s hands went to Kara’s face and she held her there, her head bent back, eyes closed tightly. So different from Phil, she thought crazily. Oh, and it felt so good. As she knew it would. Her legs would not support her a minute longer and she collapsed on the bed, weak from Kara’s mouth.

"Ginny?" Kara asked with uncertainty.

"Come to me," Ginny said softly. "Please?"

Kara’s breath caught at her soft plea and she moved and stood by the bed, pulling Ginny’s face into her. She wanted her so badly, she had to force herself to go slow. She didn’t want to scare Ginny but she wanted her more than she could ever remember wanting before.