“Yes? I’m all ears.”

“I could show you,” she whispered, wondering how it was she felt like both laughing and crying. She pressed her body up to his. “Like this.”

“You know, that’s a good start.” He pretended to resist, but when she slid her hands down his back, he drew in a shuddery breath and sighed against her hair. “I think I’m going to like the whole showing-me thing.”

“I thought so.” Unzipping her tent, she pulled him inside.


JARED WATCHED Lily zip her tent, closing them inside, alone. He could feel the beat of time passing in tune with the beat of his heart, and understood that this might be it.

His last time with her.

It took away all the teasing tone to his voice, and left nothing but stark, naked need. “Lily-”

She dropped to her knees and went for the buttons on his pants, but he stilled her fingers and hit his knees as well, bringing their joined hands to his heart.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

Pulling her closer, he lowered his head and took her mouth, kissing one corner first, and then the other, and then finally taking it home, slipping his tongue inside to find hers.

A soft hum of pleasure escaped her, and egged him on. He opened his mouth wider, taking more of her, needing even more than that, but she gave it all to him. Lips and tongue and teeth, until he was doing a slow burn for her.

It took all of two seconds.

“Jared,” she whispered, arching into him, her hands, restless and hungry, running over his back. A soft, shuddering sigh escaped her. “More.”

Yeah, he wanted more, too. Needed more. But this wasn’t going to be a quickie. No hot and fast fire that could burn out in a flash. No, if this was it, then he planned to linger, to make her his, so that she would never, ever forget him.

Pressing her back onto her sleeping bag, he bent over her, taking his time, kissing her lips, her throat, her collarbone, and back up again, but her hands kept shoving at his clothes, trying to rush him. To stop that from happening, he gathered her wrists and stretched them over her head, holding her still while he looked down at her.

Her mouth was wet from his, and as he watched, she licked her lips, as if needing that last taste of him. God, her mouth, it was made for this, for him, and he bent for another slow, deep, wet kiss, keeping at her until he felt all resistance fall away. Until he was aching and she was panting for breath, giving into him with a soft, desperate murmur that was the most erotic sound he’d ever heard. She was moving against him, restless, her breasts rubbing his chest, her legs entangled in his, and all he wanted to do was sink into her. Stunned by how fast his control was slipping, he shook his head. “Lily, I-”

She reared up and bit his lower lip.

Heat shot straight through him, pooling at his erection. And any vestige of control vanished like a rug being jerked out from beneath his feet. “God, Lily.”


Hurry, like they always did, rushing to the big bang, which was so amazing with her, it was like an addictive drug. “Not tonight,” he said. Her white bra shimmered in the dark. He flicked open the front clasp and spread the material away from her. Her nipples were already hard. “For once we’re not going to hurry.”

Hands still above her head, she arched up. “But I want you.”

“And you’re going to have me.” He dipped his head to taste his way down her throat. “All night long.”

“No one has that much stamina-ohmigod,” she gasped when he licked a pebbled nipple, then sucked it into his mouth.

“We can always start again,” he said against her skin. He could be with her like this for a hundred years and not get tired of the feel of her, the taste, the scent, and staggered by the thought, he closed his eyes and breathed her in. “A couple of times, whatever it takes.”

“Whatever it takes,” she repeated with a choked laugh as he kissed his way to her other breast. “You sound like you know what you’re doing.”

“When it comes to you, Lily, I think I do.”

“You can’t say that. We haven’t known each other long enough. This is just-”

He slid a hand between her thighs and she sucked in a breath as she opened them for him. “Sex?” he asked softly.

She gasped when he stroked his hands unerringly over the denim. “You know it’s supposed to be light and casual between us. We’ve talked about it.”

“You’ve talked about it,” he said, and bent to her breasts again. “Me, not so much.”

“But…” She blinked rapidly, as if she needed to in order to see past the sexual haze that surrounded them.

Good. At least he wasn’t alone in losing his mind.

“So you’re saying this isn’t just…”

“Hell, no. Not for me, and if you’re being honest, not for you either.” He curled his tongue around a nipple while his hand skimmed down her rising and falling belly, slipping into the waistband of her jeans.

She sucked in a breath to give him better access. “Jared…we’re wearing too many clothes.”

Lifting up, he tugged her pants off, tossed them over his shoulder, leaving her gloriously bare.

She squirmed, then shot him up a little smile. “Now you’re wearing too many clothes.”

“We’ll get there. I like you naked, Lily. I like the smooth feel of your skin…” He stroked a hand over her ribs, rasped a thumb over a nipple. “And I love the scent of you.” He stroked a thumb over her wet, hot center, making her gasp and rock her hips for more.

“When I’m with you,” she managed. “I don’t know if I’m coming or going.”

“Oh, you’re coming.” He slid a finger into her while his thumb made another passing sweep over her creamy flesh. “You’re going to come again and again and again…”


“Right here.” With each stroke of that thumb, she rocked her hips against him, urging him into her rhythm, but he was already right there with her. Damn, she was hot. Hot and wet, and his. He was crazy to want her this way, a woman who’d just as soon never face the undeniable growing emotions they had for each other, even after only a few days.

But he did. He wanted her for always.

Hell of a fix, given that she’d run for the hills if she knew his thoughts. So he kissed her deep. He had his tongue inside her mouth, his fingers inside her body, was as close to her as he could get, and yet, it wasn’t enough. Hell, they could do this every night until they were old and gray and he had a feeling it wouldn’t be enough.

Because he loved her.

“Jared…please. Please, now.”

“Yeah, now.” He stroked her again, heat coiling low in his belly when she gasped his name like a prayer, a mantra.

He definitely liked the sound of that, and let himself look at her, soak her in. Her eyes were closed, her hair wild around her face, falling around her pillow like shiny silk. Her mouth was open, as if she needed it that way just to breathe, and with her head back, her throat was exposed.

He’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Leaning over her, he put his mouth to her neck. She sighed, the soft sound going straight to his gut.

And lower.

Her hands came up to his shoulders, running restlessly down his back as she murmured some wordless plea.

She wanted him. She wanted him inside her, and maybe, just maybe, she wanted inside him, too.

He kissed his way to her shoulder, then a breast, and she cried out his name in a voice he knew would headline his dreams for the rest of his life. Beneath the hands he had on her, he felt her muscles tense and tremble, felt her hips rocking with pure, mindless pleasure.

She was close.

He nudged her over with his fingers, feeling the tension rumble through her, which was erotic as hell, but not nearly as erotic as the taste of her, he knew, so he dipped his head and put his mouth on her. And she fell again, the sharp edge of her pleasure nearly taking him with her.

While she still shuddered, he kicked off a boot. “Condom.”

“Inside there,” she gasped, and pointed to a zippered pouch on her pack.

He had the packet in his teeth, and was trying to lose his other boot and pull off his shirt at the same time.


Damn it, he had a knot in his damn bootlace. “Yeah?”

Her hair was wild about her face, which was flushed. Her body, sprawled out beneath him, was damp and dewy, and the most mouthwatering thing he’d ever seen. “How about now? Can you hurry now?”

He’d never laughed while being hard enough to pound a nail through stone. “I swear I’m trying.” Finally he got his boot off, and she helped him with his jeans, taking a second to glide her tongue along his length, leaving him a quivery mess of sensation, and then…oh, God…and finally, finally, he pushed her back, rose over her, and thrust home.

She was hot, slick and so ready for him, he nearly came right then. There had to be a name for this, he thought dimly, this mind-blowing sensation he felt being inside her, feeling her breathe with him, her heart in sync with his.

Oh, wait. There was a name for it. Love. “Lily.”

Arching up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, sending him even deeper within her, so damned deep he could happily drown. Her fingers dug into his buttocks now, urging him on. Her hips were rocking, her muscles tightening on him as she came again, or still, it didn’t matter because she was taking him with her into the wild current, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

“So good,” she murmured, her breasts pressed hard to his chest, her mouth working its way along his jaw, her breath scraping in and out of her lungs, panting in his ear now. He could feel her heart beating, or maybe that was his. Yes, that was his. He ground himself against her with every thrust, latching his mouth onto her neck and holding on, staking his claim, sinking his teeth into her skin as he…completely…lost…it, wondering if he would even live through it.