She watched him dump the wood into the pile. “Hey, you don’t have to haul wood.”

“I like to haul wood.” He squatted in front of her and waited until she looked at him. “No Keith?”


“You okay?”

She looked around her, took a deep breath, and smiled. “Actually…yes.”

She said that as if half-afraid it wouldn’t last. Then as if karma was proving her right, a scream split the air.


LILY RAN TOWARD Michelle and Jack’s tent. Michelle had pretty much desensitized Lily to the sound of her scream but she still had to investigate.

What now? she wondered. What could it possibly be now?

Loud crying came from inside the tent. “What happened?” Lily asked Jack, then turned to the sobbing tent. “Michelle?”

“He br-brought me a present,” she hiccupped from inside. “N-not more diamonds.”

Jack sighed. “Michelle, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you wouldn’t like it.”

“Like what?” Lily asked him.

He spread his hands helplessly. “I was just trying to bring her something different, you know? Something that didn’t have money signs attached to it.”

“A frog!” Michelle cried through the tent wall. “He set it right in my hands, and it was slimy! It leapt onto my head. In my hair, Lily!”

Rock chuckled and Rose glared at him. His smile faded. “That’s…awful,” he stammered.

“It was figurative,” Jack said, sounding desperate, like a man who knew he was going down with his ship. “You know, like a gift from the heart, one that didn’t cost a thing.”

Rock leaned in. “Dude,” he said to Jack. “Next time go with a rock or something.”

Jack appealed to all of them. “Look, I just thought that something alive, something breathing, would better symbolize what I was trying to say about our marriage.”

From inside the tent, the crying slowed.

“I wanted her to know it matters,” he said. “It matters a lot. She matters a lot.”

“Michelle?” Lily asked, meeting Jack’s gaze. “Still with us?”

The crying stopped completely. The rasp of a zipper filled the air, and then Michelle stuck her head out and stared up at Jack. “You weren’t trying to freak me out?”

“No!” He looked horrified. “Jeez, I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Michelle chewed on her lower lip, studying her husband for a long moment.

“Well, I think it was a beautiful gesture,” Rock said in his new friend’s defense.

Everyone looked at him.

“It was,” he insisted. “He wanted to keep their marriage alive, get it?”

“Thanks, man,” Jack said, but he had eyes only for Michelle. Longing and love and confusion and worry and need all warred for room in his expression, and Lily’s heart tugged hard.

Relationships were expensive. They cost blood and sweat and tears, and worse, they hurt.

And yet, looking at Jack working so hard to meet Michelle halfway, while not even fully understanding why she was upset with him, got to her.

What would it be like to have a man love her so much that he would do anything, whatever it took, to be there for her, to win her love?

She had no idea, because she’d never let anyone get that close. It’d been all about self-protection with her, being strong enough to take care of herself, but now she wondered at all she’d missed because of it. Excusing herself under the guise of cleaning up dinner, she went to the lake to wash her pans.

This wasn’t about her, she reminded herself. It was about the group she’d brought here, and making their time and money well spent.

This lake was larger than the others they’d seen, and heavily wooded, so much so that from the alcove she was hunkered in, she couldn’t see camp.

That worked for her. She picked up a small, round rock and skimmed it across the water. They’d gone twenty miles today on the canoes, but this lake reminded her of last night’s, where she’d watched Jared take off his clothes-

“I have an idea,” he said softly behind her, and she barely managed not to jump out of her skin. Evening out her features, she turned to face the tall, rangy shadow. He stepped forward, and the moonlight fell over him as he offered her that crooked smile, the one that never failed to turn her heart on its side.

“This time,” he said “when you say you don’t want to talk, I’ll believe you.”

She had to laugh. “You really think we’re going to have a repeat? That I’m going to just take all my clothes off and dive in?”

“I’m hoping,” he said so fervently she laughed again.

But the laughter faded when he pulled off his glasses and stepped close, touching her cheek, whispering her name in a voice of longing and desire. “I’ve been thinking about this all day.”


With a smile, he kissed her, achingly gentle, sweet, and in spite of herself, she slid her fingers into his short hair to hold him to her. But given the sound that rumbled from his throat as he tugged her closer and deepened the kiss, he had no intention of going anywhere. Then he touched his tongue to hers and it was her turn to make a low, desperate sound of need as she staggered back a step, coming up against a tree.

“Mmm,” he said following her, his mouth fastened on her neck as he sandwiched her between the hard trunk of the tree and the even harder length of his body. “I can’t get enough of you.”

“I thought you said we didn’t have to talk.”

He let out a soft huff of laughter against her skin as he spread hot, open-mouthed kisses to her shoulder, scraping aside her loose T-shirt as he went. “I can’t help it,” he murmured. “I want to eat you up, Lily. All of you.”

Before she could say a word to that, he’d dropped to his knees and opened her jeans.


“Right here,” he said, and kissed the wedge of skin he’d exposed, just above her panty line, low on her hip.


His mouth skimmed a little lower, and she lost her train of thought. “Jared.”

“Yeah, you already said that.” One tug and her jeans were at her thighs.

“Yes, but-”

Another tug and her panties followed, leaving her bared to the night and Jared’s gaze.

“But…” he coaxed patiently, his breath warming her skin.

Her head thunked back against the tree. “I…”

His hands skimmed her thighs, as if needing to touch as much of her as he could, and then his thumbs scraped down, down…opening her to him.

“Ohmigod,” she whispered when he leaned in, unerringly gliding his tongue right where she needed it the most.

“You were trying to say something,” he said silkily, and then used his tongue again, in another slow, mind-blowing stroke.

“I…I can’t think when you do that.” Her hands went to his head, her fingers tightening on his hair as he continued to drive her out of her ever-loving mind. “Wait,” she gasped.

He paused, his mouth hovering a fraction of an inch from her quivering flesh. “So you do want to talk?”

“No. Yes.” She gulped for breath. In truth, she had no idea what she wanted. “God. What are we doing?”

“Having wild monkey sex, I hope.”

She had to laugh, though it was shaky. “Here, Jared?”

He let his fingers do the talking, slipping one into her while his thumb slowly stroked.

Her knees wobbled. Again her head hit the tree trunk. “Yeah, okay. Here.”

In answer, he pulled her down to the ground.

“HURRY, JARED. Hurry, hurry…”

With a breathless laugh, Jared rolled over on top of Lily, pinning her down as he smoothed the hair from her face. “Impatient woman.”

“That’s just one of my very fine qualities.”

He nudged his hips to hers. “Maybe patience isn’t a requirement.”

“Good.” she murmured this in that throaty, I-need-to-come voice. “I hear patience is overrated anyway.”

God, he loved that voice. Jared stared down at her mouth, thinking he loved her mouth, too. Then her lips curved, and he thought of all the things he wanted her to do with them…She lay there, sprawled out for all the crickets and the stars and God to see, looking so gorgeous he could hardly stand it.

He came up on one elbow for the sheer pleasure of getting a better look at her. Oh yeah, perfection. He kissed the tip of her nose, her chin. He kissed her shoulder, and then shoved up her shirt to kiss a breast, taking the time to run his tongue over her nipple, smiling against her skin when she let out a shuddery sigh and mustered up the strength to hold his head in place, as if she didn’t want him to lose his train of thought and move away.

Fat chance. He licked her other nipple, then began making his way south, and when he got to ground zero, she gasped and arched up into his mouth.


He held her still for the assault, soaking up the soft, sexy whimpers that left her throat, enjoying very much the tight hold she had on his hair. At this rate, she was going to make him bald, but he’d been there from the chemo and nothing scared him anymore.

Except maybe not being with her.

Yeah, that sounded scary. He’d have to do something about that possibility, but, for now, he planned on taking Lily straight to heaven.

WHEN LILY returned to planet earth, she lay on the ground with Jared sprawled out next to her, head propped up by one hand, the other stroking the length of her.

She felt like a limp noodle, but despite the laziness of his pose, she could feel the tension still within his body. He hadn’t asked, he wouldn’t, but she knew what she wanted to do next.

Coming up on her knees, she smiled down at him.

He’d put his glasses back on. Now he looked up at her, his glasses a little fogged, which made her smile widen.

“What?” he asked.

“You’re cute.”

“Cute,” he repeated, as if unsure this was a good thing.

She removed his glasses. “Very cute.”

“Puppy cute?” he asked, squinting up at her. “Or gotta-have-me cute?”