She gazed up at him and saw what she'd never seen before. He understood that the quiet challenge of loving another took the greatest courage. But he was a courageous man-her own hero-and she knew with unending certainty he would love her every moment of every day.

"Come, I want to show you something." He pulled back the covers.

"I'm not strong enough to walk."

"Then I will carry you."

He gathered her into his arms, and how wondrous it felt to be cradled against his chest.

"I had much time to think whilst we waited for your fever to break." He navigated the stairs with ease, holding her close.

"What? You were thinking?"

"Aye, 'tis shocking, I know. But every once in awhile I am capable of it. And I did see what a thick-skulled dolt I was. I should warn you that I'll probably show this trait from time to time, for it runs in my family. Surely you've noticed this same fault in my brothers."

"Now, I heard that." Thomas looked up from his Sunday afternoon reading.

Andy closed his book. " Tis good to see you awake, sister. Mayhap I should fetch you some tea."

"That sounds wonderful," she answered as Jonah lowered her onto a hard wooden bench. She didn't remember a bench being in their comfortable parlor. In fact, much had changed since she last saw this room.

Andy scampered off, footsteps echoing in the nearly empty room, on the floors without carpets, on walls without tapestries, on windows without curtains.

"What is this?"

A wicked grin teased dimples into his cheeks and a mischievous spark twinkled in eyes as dark as midnight. "All our furniture is in Mistress Briers' stable. She has agreed to upholster it anew for you."

"For me?"

"Aye, you are the lady of this house now, Tessa. 'Tis your home, and you should make it yours." His fingertips brushed curls out of her eyes, an infinitely tender act. "Besides, you know the place. What do four men know about decorating? 'Twas an eyesore. We're depending on you to save us from our lack of taste."

"Not again?"

"Aye. I need your skills yet again." Humor twinkled in eyes as dark as a devil's.

And she saw it then, as the colonel ambled into the room with a book in hand and Thomas sat awaiting her answer with hope in his eyes and Andy returned holding a cup of steaming tea just for her. This was her family, her real family, and they loved her as she loved them.

Her husband, her wonderful husband, stood and took the cup from his brother. "So, what do you think?"

"This needing me is becoming a habit. First I save your father and brother. Then I find Anya to save your sorry souls. And now you want new furnishings."

"Aye. I might very well need you for the rest of my life." He knelt before her, but it was love that blended with the glinting humor in his eyes, love that gentled his voice. "Especially since I will be needing a son or daughter."

And how wickedly he said it, as if he wanted to haul her back upstairs and lay her down in that bed-Even weak, she felt desire pool hot and low.

"All right, Jonah. As you know, I'm always a dutiful wife."

That made him laugh. She could see it now. There would be children racing around these rooms, the colonel watching them over the top of his book, and Jonah at her side.

"Andy, what kind of tea did you bring me?" She sniffed at the bitter brew.

"Why, 'tis your bird dropping tea, of course." Andy grinned, and she recognized the slant of revenge in that unabashed grin.

The colonel threw back his head and laughed. "That a boy, give her a dose of her own medicine. Then she'll know how we have suffered."

"Drink it, sweet Tessa." Jonah kissed her brow again. "For I want my beloved wife well and strong. We have such a wondrous life ahead of us."

About the Author

Jillian Hart makes her home in Washington State, where she has lived most of her life. When Jillian is not writing away on her next book, she can be found reading, going to lunch with friends and spending quiet evenings at home with her family.