“She did this to you?” When Tenley nodded, I looked to Jay. “I want to talk to her.”

“I don’t think that’s in your best interest.”

“Tough shit. I want to know why the fuck I’m picking Tenley up with marks on her face.”

“Well, Tenley’s right here. I’m sure she can tell you.”

“I want to hear it from Sienna. Tell her I’m here—I guarantee she’ll want to see me.” I was banking on her anger and her bitch tactics. She’d jump at the chance to try to fuck with my head because that was what she was good at.

“Maybe we should just go,” Tenley said softly, sliding off the barstool.

“Not a chance,” I snapped.

Tenley ignored me and shifted forward, wincing as her left foot hit the floor and then her right. When she took an unsteady step toward me, her knee buckled, and she latched onto the bar.

I grabbed her by the waist. “What the hell?” I shot Jay an irate glare.

Fights happened all the time at The Dollhouse. The girls got territorial over clients, drugs, whatever. But security never let it get far. After a couple of slaps they were hauled off each other. Messed-up faces and ripped-out extensions didn’t make money.

Whatever had gone on between Tenley and Sienna, Jay had let it happen on purpose. Probably until Tenley defended herself. It pissed me off.

“I’m fine,” Tenley said thinly, her fingers digging into my shoulders.

“Bullshit,” I spat, annoyed she was lying.

She could hardly bear her own weight. I drew her closer until her entire body was pressed tight against mine. As angry as I was, I was too fucking needy to give a shit that she was only holding on to me because she’d drop like a stone otherwise. That ratcheted up my frustration even more.

I kept my arm fixed around her waist, feeling her gasps against my stomach as Tenley found her balance. She kept a hand on my forearm as she took a step back and struggled to put weight on her right leg.

“Sit down and don’t move,” I ordered, lifting her back onto the stool. She complied, which was pretty fucking atypical. She looked to be seconds away from tears. Rightfully so. Sienna was not a person Tenley should be messing with, nor were any of the other people who worked at or frequented The Dollhouse. At least here, in the shadows, she was safe from the lecherous stares of the douche bags in the club.

The standoff with Jay ended when Sienna burst through the door, which almost hit the side of his head. “Time’s up, bitch—” Then she saw me.

Of the two women, Sienna was definitely the worse for wear. Her eyes already had shadows underneath and her nose was swollen. Her hands went to her hips and she pushed her chest out. She wore some horrific red pleather getup that was so short it barely covered her ass, and the front was so low her nipples were almost showing.

“Came here to collect your trash?” Sienna asked. It came out all garbled.

I stepped in front of Tenley, blocking her from Sienna’s sight.

Sienna said, “You know, after that bitch fit you threw at Lisa’s, I did what you asked. I backed off because you needed to do that stupid girl for whatever reason. But I sure as hell don’t appreciate your toy coming to my club, talking smack to my face.”

Tenley huffed from behind me but I ignored the commentary on my relationship with her. Sienna wanted to rile me up and it wasn’t going to work. “What kind of smack?”

She gestured to Tenley. “That slut broke my fucking nose!”

I bristled at the pejorative. “Watch your fucking mouth.”

“Your little plaything called me a whore!”

I kept my tone flat to avoid feeding into her dramatics. “So you thought you’d fight her?”

“She came in here and acted like she had you all figured out. She got what she deserved. I should have her arrested for assault.” Sienna swiped under her swollen nose, where a thin trail of blood was making its way down to her lip. I was sure her coke habit didn’t help the problem.

“So you’re telling me Tenley hit you first?”

“You need to muzzle your bitch,” Sienna hissed.

I leaned in and Jay shook his head in warning. I put up a hand in a show of submission. I wasn’t stupid; he’d lay me out with one shot. “Answer the damn question. Did Tenley hit you first?”

“She came into my club!”

I’d heard enough. “You really are a piece of work.” I started to turn away.

Sienna grabbed my arm, her nails digging into the skin as she pressed herself up against me. “Get your head out of your ass, honey,” she said in my ear. “Her purity isn’t going to rub off on you. Once the novelty wears off, you’ll do what you always do. And then what will you have? Nothing.”

“I’m not looking to purify myself. I’ll own the shit I’ve done, but I don’t have to end up like you. You keep falling into the same hole, wondering why, when you’re the one holding the shovel. I hope you enjoy burying yourself.”

“Fuck you!” Sienna shoved my chest. “Get out and take your skank with you!”

“Glass house, Sienna. Watch yourself.”

“You asshole!” she screeched, grabbing for an empty glass on the bar, but Jay snagged her around the waist before she could reach it.

Tenley’s eyes were wide as I hauled her out of the way. When Sienna went on a rampage, it meant lots of broken things, and sometimes that included people. Security swarmed her, keeping her from getting her hands on anything she could throw at me. She lived a sad life, and I was glad not to be part of it anymore.

I half carried Tenley across the club. When I burst through the front door, my car was being towed out of the parking lot.


Max just gave me a look that said I should have known better.

“Where’s your car?” I barked at Tenley.

“Over there.” She pointed across the lot.

I headed in that direction, my arm around her waist. She was still having trouble walking without support. Her Prius was nowhere in sight. “Where’s—”

Tenley lifted a remote, a red BMW beeped, and the engine turned over.

“Whose douche mobile is this?”

“It was Connor’s. It was my only way back home,” she replied, looking up at me with sad eyes.

Well, wasn’t I an asshole.

“Thanks for getting me out of there.”

There was an awkward moment when I wanted to kiss her, but I realized she was waiting for me to let her go so she could get in the car. When I did, she dropped her head and started to hobble toward the driver’s side.

I grabbed her hand with the keys in it. “Uh, yeah, you’re not driving.”

She passed the keys over without an argument, which told me how much pain she was in. I helped her around to the passenger side. She had to lift her leg at the knee to get it into the car. I got in the driver’s side, where I practically ate the steering wheel, the seat was pulled up so far.

The air in the car was thick with tension, and Tenley was quiet as I pulled out of the parking lot onto the street. I glanced at her every so often. I had too many questions I wanted answers to— about tonight, about the last three weeks, about the night she left.

Finally, the silence too much, I asked, “What the hell would make you think it was a good idea to come to The Dollhouse?”

“Sarah has the key to my apartment and she wasn’t answering her phone. I figured she was working.”

“I have a key to your apartment. I would have let you in. Then we could have avoided this shit.”

“You weren’t answering my calls. I wasn’t sure you wanted to see me.”

We were right back to the very beginning, when she was all skittish around me. What damage had Trey done while she was in Arden Hills? I had a feeling her time there had been pretty fucking horrific. Which meant I needed to stow the anger brigade and stop snapping at her.

“No matter what’s happened between us, Tenley, you still could have come to me. I wouldn’t have turned you away.”

For whatever reason it was the wrong thing to say because her shoulders sagged and started shaking.


That made it worse. She pressed her hand over her mouth, but a sob slipped out. Thankfully, we were almost home. I pulled into the underground parking and cut the engine, flicking on the interior light so I could see her.

She was caved in on herself, the way she’d been after the first tattoo session. I smoothed my hand down her back. Like me, she’d lost weight. I could feel the prominent ridges of her spine through the layers of clothing. It scared me that she was more fragile than when she’d left.

She sucked in a couple of deep breaths, shuddering on the exhale. When she lifted her head, her emotions were under control again, but just barely. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so upset.”

“It’s okay—dealing with Sienna would make anyone crack. Why don’t you come up to my place? You’ll never be able to handle the stairs to your apartment.” I hoped the excuse would be enough to get her to agree. I had no idea where we stood, but I didn’t want her to go.

“I want to see TK,” she whispered.

“She’s up there. She’ll be happy you’re home.”

“TK’s at your place?”

“I’ve been taking care of her while you were away.”

“Oh.” She sniffed, then swiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. “That’s good. Thank you for doing that.”

I shrugged. “I wanted to.”

I got out of the car and came around to Tenley’s side, where she was already hoisting herself out. If she was still having this much trouble tomorrow, I was taking her to the doctor for X-rays or something. Her lips were set in a thin line, which I took to mean she was in pain and wanted to hide it.

“You need anything from the trunk?” I asked.