‘What do you propose?’ he demanded. ‘These people who are supposed to be working for us give us nothing but gossip. I want proof.’

‘I think, sir,’ said Castlereagh, ‘that we should appoint a man of some standing to work for us. What we need is absolute proof and someone who actually witnesses misconduct. For that we will need someone who is skilled and able to win the Princess’s confidence. I suggest that I get in touch secretly with our ambassador in Vienna. If Your Highness will give me leave to write to him— strictly confidentially, I think he will know the man whom we should appoint to act as our agent.’

‘Let it be done with all speed,’ said the Prince Regent.

Lord Castlereagh wrote to Lord Stewart and headed his letter Most private and secret. He must appoint a man whom he thought fit to do this service and this agent must be able to give eye-witness proof. English witnesses would be preferred but it would be better not to involve anyone in the Regent’s service. The aim was to enable the Prince Regent to be free of a woman who had no decency and was quite unworthy to be his wife. It would be understood that as the object of the evidence would be to justify a divorce, the proofs must be direct and unequivocal.

When Lord Stewart received this communication he studied it very carefully and cast about in his mind for the person who would be able to perform this very delicate duty.

At last he decided on the Baron Frederick d’Ompteda, the Hanoverian envoy to the Pontifical Court.

He wrote to him commanding his presence immediately and when the Baron arrived, acquainted him with what was expected of him.

‘You understand,’ said Lord Stewart. ‘We must have evidence and witnesses of the misconduct of the Princess of Wales. It should not be difficult to obtain in view of the reports we are receiving.’

The Baron replied that he would do his best.

‘It is what the Prince Regent expects,’ replied Lord Stewart.

The Baron took his leave and set out for Rome.

Caroline had arrived at Como where she decided to settle for, a short time while she and Pergami put their heads together, as she said, and planned a tour of the East.

An Italian countess had a charming house to sell on the lake and when Caroline saw it she decided to buy it and make alterations so that it would be a mansion worthy of a princess. Together she and Pergami planned the alterations; and in a short time it had been greatly enlarged, avenues had been planted and as Caroline said, it was indeed her. house. She named it the Villa d’Este.

‘For,’ she explained to Pergami, ‘I am descended from that noble family.’

While she was in Rome waiting for the Villa d’Este to be made ready for her occupation, she received a letter from the Hanoverian minister, Count von Münster.

‘He is the son of my old governess,’ she told the maids who were attending to her as she read the letter. One of these was Annette, a rather flighty girl who spent a great time flirting with the male members of the household, and the other was Louise Demont who was of a more serious turn of mind. ‘Ah, what a life I used to lead the old lady! I’m afraid I was a very naughty girl. The tricks I got up to!

They would surprise you if I were to tell you.’

Louise said demurely that nothing Her Highness told them would surprise them, which amused the Princess.

‘You don’t know, you cannot imagine,’ she declared. ‘Ah, poor Countess von Münster! And this is her son writing to me. He’s a very important person now in Hanover and he is telling me that Baron Frederick d’Ompteda will be calling on me and he hopes I will receive him. The Baron is the Hanoverian envoy to the Pontifical Court. Well, we must make him welcome, mustn’t we? You have been to tell the Baron Pergami that I wish to see him?’

‘Madam, shall we wait until you are dressed?’

‘No, no, no! Send him now. He can assist at the dressing, it will not be the first time.’

When the Baron Pergami arrived, the two girls left him alone with the Princess.

‘What a strange way to behave,’ said Louise primly. ‘I am not surprised that there are all these rumours.’

‘Are there rumours?’ asked Annette.

‘Have you not heard of them?’

Annette shook her head. She had little time to listen to rumours; her great concern was with a young German who had recently joined the household.

Maurice Credé was very attractive and she was sure he had noticed her.

‘My dear Baron,’ cried the Princess, ‘how good of you to call! My good friend the Count von Münster told me that you would be coming. I trust that you will be frequently with us. We are delighted to have you.’

The Baron bowed and told her she was very gracious and she would find that he would take advantage of her goodness.

‘Anyone recommended by the Count von Münster will be well received here.

Pray sit down and tell me about yourself. I doubt there is any need for me to tell you about myself. You will have heard stories about me and my goings on.’

She broke into loud laughter.

It shouldn’t be difficult, thought d’Ompteda. One only had to look at her and one could well believe all the stories one heard of her. The loose revealing gowns, the painted face, the over-heavy wig, her very manner of sitting so slovenly, somehow suggested immorality. It would be an easy case to prove, this one.

He talked of Hanover and his work in Rome and while he talked, Pergami came in.

‘This is Baron d’Ompteda, my dear,’ said Caroline. ‘Dear Baron you must meet Baron Bartolomeo Pergami, who is my guide, comforter and very good friend. ‘Tis so, is it not, my dear? He looks after my affairs so beautifully. Come sit down and talk with us. Baron d’Ompteda has had such an interesting life!’

The greatest success, thought the Baron. Why she makes no secret of the relationship. She even asks him to sit down. She must be besotted— or crazy. And Pergami? Yes, he behaved with a proprietorial air. There was no doubt about it. He was her lover. It was going to be easiest possible case to prove.

She sent for refreshment.

Good God, thought d’Ompteda, is he going to be allowed to drink with us? ‘Theodore, bring us wine,’ she commanded.

The man bowed.

‘A very good servant,’ she said before he was out of earshot. ‘Theodore Majocchi. Such a nice fellow! So willing and so grateful to be taken into my household. Many of my English servants have left me, Baron, but I have been well served by Italians and I have found the country so hospitable. Though I intend to leave it for a while. My dear Baron Pergami is working a detailed plan for us to travel in the East.’

‘And Baron Pergami will accompany you, Madam?’

She laughed at Pergami who returned her smile. ‘Now he is not suggesting that I should go without you, my dear!’

‘It would be impossible,’ said Pergami.

Why, thought d’Ompteda, they are admitting it! My task will be done in a week. But he was mistaken. His orders had been: Optical Evidence. This meant that he must see the Princess and Pergami in bed together, or at least some reliable person must.

Two or three weeks passed and still he had not found what he must have. He had artfully questioned the servants and although they were ready to admit that the Princess’s conduct was very strange, no one could actually say that he or she had tangible evidence of misconduct.

Caroline left with her household for the Villa d’Este and d’Ompteda followed them there. After all his present business lay with Caroline. It was ridiculous. It seemed to him so obvious but where could he find the tangible evidence he sought?

She was free and easy in her manners. She had been to a ball, during her journey through Italy, dressed as Venus— naked from the waist. This had shocked many but she had danced merrily with numerous men in her semi-nude condition. She was immensely proud of her bosom and saw no reason why she should hide her greatest beauty. There was a great deal of gossip about that costume; there was talk about the manner in which she rode about the town, how she would now and then cook a meal and sup alone with Pergami; how he was allowed to talk to her when she was in the bath; how when he was ill she had made him a posset and sat on his bed talking to him, that she had been alone in the bedroom for some time and was still sitting on the bed when servants entered the room.

All this— but it was not optical evidence. And that was what he must find.

Quite clearly he must enlist the help of her household and he looked round for suitable people.

First there was the manservant, Theodore Majocchi. He had discovered that before he came to serve the Princess he had worked for Count Pino and had been dismissed from his household for stealing. Perhaps a bribe would tempt him.

Maurice Credé was perhaps a better subject because he was in a higher position and would be easier to talk to. He had seen that Credé was an ambitious man; he was rather fond of the woman, it was true, and was actually conducting a liaison with one of the women. That might be useful. The woman might have easy access to the Princess’s sleeping apartments.

He would keep his eyes on the woman named Annette and there was another who seemed more intelligent, Louise Dermont.

He had selected his tools; now he would get to work. The Princess was leaving for the East in a week or so. He must get evidence before she left because, through Lord Stewart, he was being made aware of the Regent’s impatience.

He encountered Maurice Credé in the grounds of the Villa d’Este and told him that he wished to speak to him secretly. Credé looked surprised that such an important person as the Baron should wish for his company, but as he was ambitious and always looking for advancement he was flattered.