Colt reaches up, dragging his fingertips along my back. I can feel the heat from his fingers on my skin, despite the thin material separating us. He continues lightly rubbing my back. At first I think he’s doing it to keep me calm, but then I feel him trace his fingertip along my spine, spelling out the word shhh.

I press my lips together, smiling while my heart pounds erratically. Who knew I was such an adrenaline junkie?

A second later, the toilet flushes, and I drag a ragged breath into my lungs, unaware I’d been holding my breath.

We wait for several agonizing seconds in the, but Lars’ footsteps can’t be heard. He’s still in the bathroom with us.

The shower curtain flings open.

I recognize Lars from his photo. Bald head, dark, unfeeling eyes. And he looks pissed.

For a tense moment, we stand and stare at each other.

Lars steps forward. “Who the fuck are you?” I stumble back, but Colt snakes his arm around my waist, keeping me upright.

Colt springs forward, knocking Lars out of the way and we flee from the bathroom. Colt pulls me toward the door, but I’m stopped hard in my tracks. Lars has grabbed me by the neck, his fingers biting into my skin, pressing against my windpipe. I stumble back toward the wall.

Holy shit. Is this really happening?

I claw at his fingers. Can’t breathe. Need air. Now. Colt grabs Lars like he weighs nothing at all and deposits him across the room. I rub my neck, sucking down lungful’s of air. My heart gallops at an alarming pace while I watch them struggle.

Colt hits Lars in the jaw, the collision knocks his head back violently. They tumble toward me. Lars meets my eyes and grins. He leans back and sends a kick straight at my stomach, knocking the wind from my lungs. His hit knocks me back and I crumble to the floor. The shock of it leaves me breathless, reeling with pain and tears blurring my vision. I struggle for breath, but I clamber on my hands and knees, scooting myself away from them.

I watch as Colt and Lars go at each other, fists flying. I have no idea what I’ll do if Colt loses. Lars will come after me next. But Colt’s pissed. I can tell he won’t let that happen. The dull thuds of flesh connecting against flesh and male grunts pierce the otherwise quiet hotel room.

A few minutes later, Colt has got Lars by the neck choking him out from behind. And after struggling for a few seconds, Lars falls unconscious to the floor.

“Come on.” Colt pulls me up and we run for the door, heading back up to our room.

The stairs are harder to navigate this time, my legs are wobbly, and I’m still struggling for air. Without Colt helping me, I’d be jelly on the floor.

When we reach our room, Colt sits me down on the couch while he storms through the hotel room, grabbing bags, shoving my laptop into its case, and throwing all the bags over his shoulder. Then he’s hauling me to my feet again.

The trip downstairs is a blur, but somehow we reach the car. Colt opens my door and directs me onto the seat, buckling my seat belt around me like I’m a child. Only once I’m in the safety and silence of his car again do I let myself analyze what’s just happened. Without meaning to, I begin to cry. Fat, soggy tears fall down my cheeks and I struggle to breath. I’m not cut out for this. I can’t handle field work if this is what’s it going to be like. Lars could’ve had a gun. I could’ve been paired with someone less capable than Colt. And then what would’ve happened?

Colt glances over. “Are you okay?”

I sniff and wipe at my eyes. “No I’m not okay. We just got attacked!”

“I’m taking you back to the school. Assignment’s over.”

I let out a muffled sob, despite my best attempt to hold it in.

“Fuck!” Colt slams his palm against the steering wheel.

The noise startles me and I jerk in my seat. The movement sends a spike of pain through my side. Ow. I clutch at my ribs.

“Taylor, you’re shaking.” His voice is soft, worried.

He’s right. My teeth are chattering, despite the heat outside and my knees are trembling. “I’m…I’ll be okay…”

“You’re in shock.” He puts his hand on my knee and gives it a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll get us out of Ohio, then we’ll stop for the night somewhere. We’ll get some sugar in your system and lay you down to rest. Just hang in there for me.”

I don’t argue. I feel safe with Colt, I do, but today’s been more than I can handle. I lean my head back against the head rest, and close my eyes. 

Chapter 16

I pull into the motel, letting the car roll to a stop so I don’t wake Taylor. No luck. Her eyes blink open, and she looks up at me. I don’t think she’d realized when she drifted off to sleep that her head was resting in my lap. I hadn’t minded at all.

“Sorry.” She sits up and looks around out the windows.

We’re parked beside a cheap one-story motel. The sounds from the highway hum nearby.

“This okay with you?”

She doesn’t speak, but manages a nod.

It’s nothing like the luxury hotel we stayed in last night, but after what happened there, that’s fine with me.

“Wait here.” I get out of the car, locking the doors behind me, and head into the motel’s office, leaving Taylor safely inside the car.

I return a minute later, dangling a room key from my little finger. I open Taylor’s car door, and help her out, using extra care around her ribs. With the way she’s moving, I can tell they’re already bruised from Lars’ kick.

“Can you stand here for a second?”

She nods.

I retrieve our bags from the backseat, slinging them over one shoulder, then help Taylor walk, placing one arm around her waist. I lead her to the door of our room, only a few paces away from the car.

When the door swings open, I notice instantly there is only one bed. But Taylor’s breath catches, and the fact that she’s in pain reminds me we have more pressing issues. I’ll deal with the sleeping arrangements later.

I sit her down on the edge of the bed. Once she’s sitting, I toss our bags on the chair beside the door, then I kneel on the floor in front of her. She watches me untie her shoes laces. I slip her shoes off one at a time, then peel off her socks. She peers down at me with those big blue eyes, her chest still heaving.

I wanted to punish that bastard the second his eyes fell on her. And after he kicked her, I wanted to destroy him, but I couldn’t hang around. I’d had to get her out of there. Out of danger.

Her feet dangle from the edge of the bed, and her toes are painted pink.

“Let me see,” I say softly.

She nods her approval.

I gingerly lift her shirt, and hesitate. “Do you mind?”

She shakes her head.

I pull the shirt over her head, leaving her sitting there in just a lacy pink bra, which I desperately try not to stare at. I trace my fingertips along her side, pressing slightly at the ribs that are already showing signs of bruising.

At my touch, she winces and grips the comforter in her fists.

“Here?” I ask, tracing the spot again, more carefully this time.

She nods.

I don’t allow myself to look at her the way I want to drink her in. But I still notice more than I should. Her skin is incredibly soft, she has three tiny freckles dotting her left shoulder and her belly button is the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen. I refocus on her as though she is a patient. Nothing more. “Doesn’t feel like anything’s cracked. You’re not having trouble breathing, are you?”

She tries a deep breath, her chest raising and falling in the most delicious way. “Seems okay.”

“Your ribs are bruised, but not broken. You’ll be sore for a few days, but you should heal fine.” I continue caressing her sides and stomach, until well after I’m satisfied there’s no real damage. Then I get up and toss her shirt on the bed beside her. “I’ll run you a warm bath. That should help relax your muscles.”