The weather continued to be unpredictable. The sky was continually cloudy to one degree or another, but the snows fell randomly with little warning, even to the bizarrely astute Darcy. It was freezing cold, warming ever so slightly during the days when the sun was allowed to shine through. The small pond froze over, the last of the stubbornly clinging leaves fell, walkways slicked over with crunching ice, and evergreen trees and hedges transformed into wintry monuments. Rhododendrons, hellebore, jasmine, camellia, and cyclamen, as well as potted iris and daffodils sheltered on the terrace, fought to shine through the frosty quilt with varying degrees of colorful success.

Lizzy watched the changes to the surrounds from the thick windows of the manor, happy for one of the first times in her life to forego outdoor activities. Twice she bundled up with barely the tip of her nose visible and strolled along the balcony and private garden with her mother and sisters; however, she honestly did not wish to be far from Alexander. Her only excursions beyond the manor would be to visit the orphanage, bringing gifts to the children and for church on Christmas day. Their guests, on the other hand, delighted in the array of entertainments Pemberley had to offer both inside and out.

Georgiana shed the past year’s maturity in the presence of Kitty, the two giggling and adolescent in their pursuits. Not surprisingly, it was Colonel Fitzwilliam who could generally be found in their company, as equal parts adult escort and fellow juvenile enthusiast. They skated, practiced dancing for the Masque, threw snowballs, and erected a well-accessorized snowman and snow-woman on the south lawn. Mary and Mr. Daniels tended to remain together most of the time in quieter activities, such as table games and conversation, although they did join the revelry surrounding the snow-couple’s creation.

Dr. Darcy and Mr. Bennet renewed their acquaintance, the older gentlemen spending the bulk of their time in the library, although the chess set was put through its paces with neither claiming more victory than the other. Darcy joined them frequently, as did Mr. Daniels and Colonel Fitzwilliam when the ladies were engaged in female companionship. Every possible diversion offered was enjoyed by someone at sometime, and even Mr. Bennet was cajoled into a tennis tournament at one point, with the feminine cheering squad vocalizing their encouragement from the narrow spectator seats. It was George Darcy, of the long limber extremities and quick reflexes, who prevailed over them all. Naturally, he thoroughly delighted in the adulation from the rousing onlookers. Conversely, to the humorous delight of everyone in the Manor, the lanky physician was a disaster on ice skates! His loud declarations of donning slim blades to glide over frozen water being an unnatural and ridiculous activity only increased the laughter and teasing.

Mrs. Bennet flittered about, finding amusement wherever possible. She spent the majority of her time with Lizzy, in the nursery or her parlor with Alexander nearby. She did extend a vast amount of parenting advice, some of it filed in mental wastebaskets for disposal, but a quantity of it actually worthy. Lizzy and Darcy were delighted and a smidge dumbfounded to discover that the flighty, nervous woman actually possessed a rudimentary wisdom after raising five daughters.

Though Pemberley was a very large house, nonetheless, ten people roaming the corridors and haunting the public chambers was rather evident! Adding to the clamor was the arrival of Lord and Lady Matlock with Lady Annabella Montgomery the day after Colonel Fitzwilliam. Lizzy had been introduced to Richard’s younger sister in London. Her husband’s estate was in Hampshire, none of the family visiting with her often except during the season in London. Lizzy found her dull and haughty, resembling her eldest brother Jonathan in personality and none of the other Fitzwilliams. Annabella’s reaction to her cousin’s son and heir was vague, and after a brief pinch to a chubby cheek, she murmured, “How sweet,” before moving away.

Lord Matlock smiled and declared him “handsome and strapping.” Lady Matlock was composed and dignified as usual, but once Alexander was in her arms, it required a seriously vexed wail of extreme hunger to induce her to relinquish him.

In truth, although neither Lizzy nor Darcy would dream of verbalizing it, they were relieved when the three returned to Rivallain after a one day visit. However, the Gardiners arrived mere hours later, filling the brief respite with fresh exuberance. Further presentations of the newborn were performed, Alexander far more tolerant than was his father, who was becoming quite cross.

Despite their fears, Lizzy and Darcy admitted that Alexander was healthy, patient with all the handling, unperturbed, regular in his sleeping and eating patterns, and a certifiable smash with every last soul who laid eyes on him. He grew before their eyes, daily becoming increasingly alert with a rapidly blossoming personality uniquely his own. They were cautious, never allowing him to be taken far from the nursery or disturbed while napping. After his meals, he was held and rocked by his doting mother in solitude for long periods of time, Lizzy refusing to be influenced by family or Pemberley duties.

Unfortunately, Darcy was not so blessed. He was pulled in a dozen directions. Once dressed and separated from wife and son for the day, he rarely saw them again except in passing until late at night. As master and host, it was a responsibility keenly felt to ensure all guests were adequately entertained, nourished, comfortable, and content. As husband and father, it was his duty to guarantee his immediate family was not overwhelmed or unduly disturbed. Add to that the occasional Pemberley estate–related issue and he was busy from sunup to well after sundown. Lizzy fell asleep early, still recuperating from the birth and exhausted from the demands on her body. Darcy arrived later, snuggling close to her warmth in their temporary bedchamber close to the nursery. He made a point to rise with the predawn feeding, assuming the burping and rocking so Lizzy could return to sleep. It was the only time he managed to be alone with his son since the arrival of the Bennets, and after a week he was ready to burst.

Thankfully a day of fair weather dawned and a breakfast decision was made to travel to Matlock for last minute Christmas shopping. Everyone went except for Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner, who opted to grasp onto the silence for placid perusal of the library shelves yet unexamined. Darcy begged liberation from the expedition, claiming business when the truth was he wanted to be alone with his wife and baby. The instant glitter to Lizzy’s eyes as she snapped her gaze to his face clearly spoke of her own need and hope that he was dissembling regarding business. Darcy smiled, his blue eyes softening in a familiar way that Lizzy understood.

After waving farewell to the laughing occupants of three carriages, Darcy practically sprinted up the stairs. Lizzy sat on the bed with Alexander at her breast, raising adoring eyes and one hand to her spouse, who hastily discarded jacket and boots before joining her with a heady sigh.

He buried his face into her neck, kissing as he murmured, “I can only assume the good Lord has taken pity on me this day, as I absolutely would have exploded. I cannot survive another day without your kisses and touch, and our son’s soft body against my heart. I love you so tremendously, my Lizzy.”

“Has it been so awful for you having my family about?”

He lifted to look into her eyes. “It is not your family, my heart. It is anyone who takes me from you and Alexander. Honestly, I am having a delightful time with our guests. Did you know Miss Kitty is an excellent shuffleboard player?” Lizzy shook her head with a raised brow. “Well, she is. I spent roughly ten minutes showing her the basic moves and explaining the rules, and she nearly beat me the first game! Twice I have turned a corner to discover Miss Mary and Mr. Daniels indulging in the mistletoe custom. I think they both nearly suffered apoplexy and I have never laughed so hard—after I departed the scene that is. Your father and I have shared many a game and brandy, and even your mother has surprised me. No, dearest, I merely need to be alone with you and intend to do so all day today.”

“I think this a wonderful plan. I do believe I can bear to be cooped up with you all day.” She smiled brightly, reaching to palm his jaw and draw his mouth to hers for a lingering kiss, lasting until Alexander decided he was replete.

“Come to your father, sweet boy. Behave, as I do not have a cloth handy. Samuel likes you well enough, but not if you soil another garment. That’s my good little man, what a strong burp you have! Yes you do, my precious. Give your papa a kiss. Hmm… delicious milk, so sweet. No wonder you like it so much. Perhaps soon your father can taste your mother’s milk…”

“William!” Lizzy laughed nervously and sharply slapped his knee. “Do not corrupt his innocent ears.”

“He has no idea what I am saying, but I do apologize and will attempt to refrain from verbalizing my desires in his presence. Look, he is falling asleep already, not at all perturbed or shocked. I could even express how urgently I wish to make love to you and he would not flinch. See?”

“Please, William, stop. You are embarrassing me.”

Darcy peered closely at his wife’s rosy cheeks and frowned faintly. “Forgive me, love. I was only jesting. Well, not entirely you understand, but I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.”

Lizzy shook her head, dropping to rest on Darcy’s shoulder, her face hidden from view. Silence fell, Darcy snuggling Alexander while his mind raced. That Darcy desired his wife was a given, and he had assumed she felt the same way, both patiently waiting until her body was restored. Now he was not so certain how she felt and the doubt rocked him. Naturally they had avoided undue intimate contact; Darcy out of respect for her health and Lizzy, he thought, out of respect for his unremitting amorousness. Despite his yearning, he was quite content to wait. He wanted to wait for her, dreamt of it incessantly, imagining how blissful it would be when they finally renewed their intimate marital relationship. Did she not dream of the same? Or was it merely speaking of it in front of the baby?