The friendly, borderline flirtatious banter while dancing had relaxed Caroline. It was familiar and comfortable, making her forget the past intensity of the man before her. Now her breath caught and the odd tingles rippled anew over her skin, vulnerability and faint anxiety causing her heart to palpitate as her eyes locked with his.

Lord Blaisdale read her expressions with glee. He leaned back slightly, smiling with confidence. “Miss Bingley, I am aware that you do not know me well, not at all really, so permit me a moment to share myself with you. I am a forthright man, for the most part. Confident, assured, cognizant of what I want in my life. And, as you aptly pointed out, I almost always get what I want. Any time I allowed others to lead me, it was a disaster. My marriage is a perfect example.” He paused, watching her closely. Caroline was engrossed, her mind racing. “I never wished for my wife’s death, but cannot pretend that it was an event of overwhelming grief to me. She was a disappointment on numerous levels, intimately and publicly. I vowed never to make such a horrendous mistake again. You are shivering, my lady. How thoughtless of me! Here, allow me.”

He removed his jacket, stepping within inches of her body and pulling the fine woolen fabric over her slender shoulders, fingers purposefully brushing along the skin of her collarbones. “There. Is that better?” He whispered.

Caroline nodded, afraid to meet his eyes. “Much better. Thank you, sir.”

“Caroline. May I call you Caroline?” She nodded. “Excellent. Now, look at me, Caroline.” He spoke with a ring of authority, her eyes rising involuntarily but then flashing in irritation as she boldly stared back. He smiled suddenly, quite brilliantly, and leaned against the railing, putting a safe space between them. “Excellent again, Caroline. I knew you had fire.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Let me be blunt, my dear. You would have to be an idiot, which I do not think you are, not to know that I have been infatuated with you for years. Yes, even when my wife was still alive. You intrigue me, Caroline. I have watched you, learned about you, wondered, and wished. Does this flatter or frighten you?”

“A little of both, my Lord.”

“Good. Obviously when I was married, my desire for you was unattainable, at least I did not reckon you would be amenable to anything other than marriage… Ah, I see that is correct. Good. My esteem for you would be diminished if that were so. However, I did seriously contemplate approaching you for an arrangement. Are you shocked by this, Caroline?”

“Not completely, sir. I am not a fool. I know gentlemen keep mistresses, although I would not have entered such a relationship. The question is why you are telling me all this.”

“Do not play coy with me! Because I still desire you, Caroline. Only now you can be my wife. I can give you all that you have ever wanted, more than you would have with Dandridge. Does this idea appeal to you? Or do you harbor romantic notions of true love?”

“Not completely, no. I think it possible for some, but not necessary and certainly not common. However, I do not merely want a marriage of cold convenience. It is undeniably true that you can provide materialistically and grant a prestige that I would enjoy. I may not be a romantic fool, Lord Blaisdale; nonetheless, I have learned in recent months that a marriage can offer an abundance of pleasures beyond the mercenary.”

He grinned wickedly. “Are you referring to sexual pleasures, Caroline? If you are, then you are correct.”

Caroline reddened, glancing away for a moment. When her gaze returned to his face, it was calm and composed yet with a hint of rosiness. “I am referring to communication, respect, affection, joy, and even peace. Are these characteristics you would want in a marriage?”

“Considering my marriage possessed none of those, or sensual satisfaction for that matter, then I think I can answer in the affirmative.” He stepped nearer. “I do admire you, Caroline. I think we are much alike, you and I. This frank conversation proves that communication should not be a problem with the other named virtues falling naturally in the aftermath. What about intimacy? Do you suspect this essential aspect of a good marriage to be one you can also desire?”

“I have no experience in the matter, my Lord, so cannot answer with any reliability.”

“I think you are flirting with me, Miss Bingley! Be cautious, my dear, as it is vital to me that my next marriage be one of passion and I do intend to ensure it will be before I commit myself in any way.”

“How do you mean? Would you take advantage of me, sir? Ruin my reputation and be branded a scoundrel in the process?”

“Many already consider me a scoundrel, and if I was proved wrong in my judgment of you, then I would care not one whit for your shattered reputation. Are you virtuous, Caroline? Seductive teasing has its place and is welcomed, but I will not take a wife who has known another. I refuse used property. And I want to be the one who unleashes your potential, who teaches you the ways of love.”

He quietly observed her flushing face. He detected the demure and innocent flashes in her eyes that a virginal woman, no matter how skilled at saucy flirting, cannot hide. He smiled in satisfaction.

“You do not need to answer. It is apparent. Ah! How greatly will I enjoy being your teacher, Caroline!”

He was very close to her now, reaching one finger and running softly over the bare flesh of her neck. His finger stroked lower, Caroline’s breath now exhaling in short fits as a result of his mesmerizing touch. “I want a lively wife, Caroline. One who will embrace adventure, crave passion, and be witty and charming. But I also insist on propriety, faithfulness, and submission to my dominance. Only in our bed will I submit and only then if it brings mutual delight. I want Lady Blaisdale by day and wanton lover by night. I want a mother for my children, manager of my households, elegant hostess when entertaining, proud and beautiful wife on my arm, and savage temptress in my chambers. Can you accept this, Caroline?”

His lips were almost brushing hers. Caroline could hardly breathe, let alone think coherently. Never had she experienced such rushing and crashing sensations. The previous reactions to his presence were weak compared to the fire now racing through her body. Dimly, she heard his words and filtered through them, nodding slowly as she realized she had never wanted anything in all her life more than him and all he promised.

Steeling herself, she withdrew a pace and forced the tremors of fear aside. Determined to risk potentially losing him, she lifted her chin and met his fierce stare. Her voice was firm when she spoke, “I can accept this, Lord Blaisdale, and will do my best to comply with your demands. However, I must be honest and confess that I do not know if I am capable of the more… private requirements you wish for.”

“Do you truly doubt your potential or are you toying with me?”

“You have stressed your repugnance for such behavior, my Lord. Another attribute of a successful marriage that has been revealed to me is honesty. This has not necessarily been a natural trait of mine, but I have seen the positive affects of the quality in my brother’s union. Additionally, you have been exceedingly forthright with me so it is only proper for me to extend the same. You are offering me an incredible opportunity and I would be a fool to pass it up. Perhaps I am a fool for risking your rejection, but I…” She swallowed, dropping her gaze from his penetrating stare.

“Yes, Caroline? Tell me.”

She glanced away, noting afresh their solitude. With eyes averted, she haltingly resumed. “You intrigue me as well, Lord Blaisdale. I… feel… strange sensations… when near you. But I do not… I have not…”

He clasped her upper arms, gently pushing her against the stone wall. He began the kiss with light pressure before deepening to an unrestrained passion. Caroline was taken utterly by surprise, stiffening for a second before the surging waves washed all innocent hesitation away. His hands roamed unchecked, stirring and rousing skillfully, his hard body pressed into hers.

Never had any man handled her in such a way. Sir Dandridge’s tentative touches and timid kisses had educed vague flutters but none of the shivers currently overwhelming her. Lord Blaisdale’s assault overpowered her to the point where she mustered not the slightest embarrassment or offense at the breach in gentlemanly behavior.

Caroline came alive in places unknown to have perception. She soared to raging heights of pure passion as he skillfully caressed and surveyed her figure. All the while the fiery kiss continued and intensified.

She discovered her hands and arms wrapping around his body and boldly exploring in return. Lord Blaisdale trailed his lips down her neck toward her bosom, releasing a guttural growl and grinding so harshly against her that even the layers of clothing were irrelevant.

Caroline’s legs grew weak, her muscles failing as a low moan escaped. She was clutching onto him for stability when he pulled away, panting heavily and grinning with supreme satisfaction. He stroked lightly over her cheek, lust-filled green eyes engaging her dazed ones.

“Delicious, Caroline. You are well, love? No further doubts?”

“Lord Blaisdale, please. I…”

“Do not fear. You have proven what I already knew. And I believe you can now address me as John.” 

Chapter Eleven

The Court of St. James

The horses turned the corner onto Grosvenor Square, hoofs clomping loudly on the perfectly laid stones as Mr. Anders tugged slightly on the reins. The well-trained animals slowed in response, the vehicle’s occupants noting the deceleration but not needing that clue to know they were nearing the end of their journey.