This was perfection. They didn’t need to talk. All they needed was the language created between two bodies. He sucked her clit into his mouth, using his lips and tongue to drive her crazy, until she went rigid and screamed his name. Fuck. A man could get used to giving a woman that kind of orgasm. He licked his lips and lifted his head to tell her just that.

Then the goddamn smoke detector went off.

Chapter Eight

Bri should be doing something other than staring stupidly at Ryan while he hurried to open windows and fan out the smoke curling from the oven. She should help or…something. But since she wasn’t certain she could stand without falling on her face, she settled for shoving her skirt down to cover her nakedness. Her panties had been thrown…somewhere…and she was in no position to search them out. Even the ear-piercing shriek of the smoke detector wasn’t enough to snap her out of her post-orgasm haze.

She’d always read about women who got themselves into trouble because they were thinking with their bodies instead of their minds, but she’d never understood before. Now she did. With the way Ryan made her body feel, she could forgive him any number of sins as long as he kept touching her.

Knowing that should have terrified her. Ryan didn’t like her. He’d made that abundantly clear, even though he never hesitated to kiss her like he wanted to memorize her taste. Not to mention all the orgasms.

The memory made her legs shake all over again.

She couldn’t get over the strangeness of the whole thing. Growing up, boys mostly left her well enough alone, other than when they thought a few well-placed compliments would make her more inclined to do their homework. After she graduated from college, the only use most men had for her was to ask where to find the hunting and fishing section of the library. And yet here was Ryan, a walking fantasy with his good looks and impressive shoulders, bringing her to orgasm every chance he got.

The smoke detector made one last trill and then fell into silence. Ryan turned from the window and gave her a sheepish grin that had her heart beating too hard. “That kind of ruined the mood, huh?”

She wasn’t sure anything could ruin the mood between them. “I guess catching things on fire really is a running trend with you.”

His jaw tightened and she had a second to wish she could take her words back, but Ryan surprised her. He took a deep breath. “Less so than rumor would have you believe.” He grabbed hot pads from a drawer and opened the oven door, which promptly released a cloud of black smoke. “Shit. Guess we’re not having corn bread with the chili.”

“I’m not really a corn bread fan.” She bit her tongue, wishing she’d just stayed silent. They wouldn’t get through this weekend if she didn’t at least attempt to be polite. It wasn’t normally a problem—she liked people and tended to be nice as a general rule, even when they weren’t. For some reason that didn’t hold true with Ryan.

He shrugged and dumped the pan into the sink. “Then we’ll call it fate and I won’t try to throw together something else.” He stirred the chili. “This, at least, seems to have survived our being distracted.”

Distracted. That was a good way to put what had just happened between them. Which shouldn’t happen again. Right? She didn’t know anymore. There was something about this man that made her feel off-center and defensive, how even being in the same room with him set her on edge. She’d never reacted like that to anyone.

And that was even before they slept together.

She ate the bowl of chili he set before her mechanically, not really tasting it as she mentally picked at their situation. They had no future. She knew that, and she suspected he knew it as well. They didn’t like each other. Couldn’t carry on a conversation without sniping at each other, and couldn’t snipe at each other without ending up in compromising positions. But when his hands were on her body and his tongue stroking hers, they fit together. No complications. No arguments. Nothing but two people coming together with pleasure as the only goal.

Bri set down her spoon. “I’d like to have sex again.”

Ryan took a cautious sip of his beer, fighting for some kind of calm. He’d been in plenty of hairy situations before, but the sheer idiocy of breaking into a cold sweat as a reaction to Bri’s proclamation embarrassed him on a level he wasn’t prepared to deal with. He was twenty-eight years old. He shouldn’t be acting like a bumbling teenager because a woman he’d already slept with wanted to have sex again.

Hell, considering the direction they’d been headed before the smoke detector went off, he shouldn’t be surprised.

Even knowing that, he couldn’t jump into this without figuring out where she was coming from. He sipped his beer again, feeling a little closer to normal. This was nothing different from approaching an enemy encounter—he had to figure out what direction she was coming from and head her off or confront her as necessary.

Comparing Bri to an enemy didn’t settle him nearly as well as it should have. He swallowed. “Why do you want to have sex again?”

Her face flamed red and he had half a second to wonder if she were going to back out on him before she took his beer out of his hand and drank. She made a face. “How do you drink that stuff? It’s terrible.”

“Which is probably why my brother and Avery stocked plenty of wine for you.” He leaned against the counter and propped his chin on his fist. “Stop avoiding the subject you brought up in the first place.”

“I’m not avoiding. I’m simply trying to figure out a way to approach it.”

He took back his beer and finished it off. “How about from head-on?”

“You would think that, wouldn’t you?” Bri closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them. “We have three days here and not much in the way of entertainment. So we can stare out the window and watch the snowfall, or we can try to find something to talk about.” Her expression conveyed just how pleasant either of those alternatives sounded.

Ryan couldn’t say he disagreed. Hadn’t he just been thinking about how they could barely hold down a conversation without fighting? “I’m not arguing so far.”

“For once.” She pursed her lips. “You see what I mean. We’ve been talking for all of two minutes and I already want to smack you.”

“Maybe you should go get that chair from earlier and try again.”

“Ha ha.” She twisted on her barstool to face him fully. “My point is that we already know we’re compatible in one way, so why not take advantage of it?”

Though part of his body perked up in agreement, Ryan couldn’t help digging in his heels a little. “Normally I restrict myself to sleeping with women who actually like me.”

“Do you see any of them here?” She motioned around the living room and kitchen. “I don’t think some perky redhead is going to materialize from the woodwork to relieve you.”

This was what she thought of him—that he needed relief. “While it’s flattering to find out that you think my standards are so low, I think I’ll pass.”

If anything, her blush got deeper. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Are you sure? Because it sounds like what you meant.” Ryan hissed out a breath and tried to get his annoyance under control. “That night we were together was the first time in a long time for me.”

“I never said it wasn’t.”

Not in so many words, but if she thought he needed the kind of so-called relief sex brought, it wasn’t a far jump to the conclusion that he was screwing everything in sight. “Because you’ve described me in such glowing terms up to this point.”

“I wasn’t trying to insult you.”

He shook his head. “Then you’ve been doing a hell of a job of it.”

Bri wrapped her arms around herself, looking so lost and confused again that he wanted to hug her. That hint of vulnerability killed him, so he gave in to the urge to put his arms around her. She shivered and leaned into him, and they sat like that for a few minutes. Finally, she raised her head. “I really didn’t mean it like that.”

He pushed her bangs off her face, letting his thumbs linger against her skin. “It’s okay.”

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. “Ryan, I’m going to kiss you now.”

Well, hell, what was he supposed to say? “I think I can handle that.” Even if this conversation wasn’t done.

She leaned up and pressed her lips against his, the sweetness of the move taking his breath away. Here she was again, his Bri. He’d be damned before he let her go without a fight.

Chapter Nine

The feeling of Ryan’s mouth opening under Bri’s made every worry she had float right out the window. What did anything matter when his hands were on her and his tongue traced hers? It didn’t. Nothing mattered but this man—right here, right now. Hadn’t she laughed herself silly over the last novel she’d read where the heroine thought just that?

She’d been wrong. So terribly wrong.

Ryan sighed when she dragged her teeth over his bottom lip, then he settled his hands on her behind, pulling her more firmly into the spot between his legs. Before she realized what he meant to do, he unfastened her skirt and it dropped to the floor. She started to pull away, all too aware of the curtainless windows and new chill on her bare skin.

Oh God, where are my panties? It wasn’t like she’d gone searching for them after he’d ripped them off earlier.

He hooked the back of her thighs and lifted her as he stood. Bri gave a little squeak that turned into a moan when she wrapped her legs around his waist and his hard length rubbed against her. “You feel so good.”