"Why would I be looking at ye dress? I'm a girl, can you no' see?"
Provincial, she mouthed to Hugh, but he scowled at her. After steadying and releasing the girl, he asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Been using the land, since no one else was." She hiked a thumb over her shoulder toward the dilapidated stables. "Those are my chicken coops beside the stable and my turnip patch in the back. My horse, too," she said. Jane spied a swaybacked pony, pulling weeds with very long teeth in a broken down corral.Corralled? As if it was going anywhere. "I'm yer neighbor of sorts, or as close as ye can get with this estate."
"What's your name?"
"Mòrag MacLarty—stress on the Mac, if it pleases ye. Are ye kin to Master MacCarrick?"
"I'm his brother, Hugh MacCarrick. My wife and I are staying on for the fall. We plan to fix up the place."
She nodded slowly. "My brothers have the windows Master MacCarrick ordered last year stored in our barn. And they've got a fine share of lumber they'd likely be willing to sell before winter."
"That's good news."
"And ye could hire them to help around here. Six of them, all strong as oxen." The girl gave Jane a once-over, then said in a pert tone, "And ye'll be needing help with the housekeeping?"
That little peeping witch…
"Aye. Are you interested?"
Mòrag nodded, and named her price for daily cleaning, cooking, and laundry. He countered, and they settled.
Without consulting her, he'd just hired a maid. Jane knew how to run a house, and knew that hiring servants was firmly in the woman's sphere of the home.
Hugh added, "But you'll need to ride over every day for at least two weeks. And I expect you to work as hard as we do."
She snorted at Jane. "Should no' be a problem."
"Why, you saucy little—"
"Jane, a word with you." As he grabbed Jane's elbow, he said, "Mòrag, what are the odds that we'll have a hot meal tonight?"
"If ye can get the hearth flue cleared of the squirrels, ye can count on it."
He nodded, then dragged Jane across the weed-clotted yard. Jane glanced back, just in time to see Mòrag stick her tongue out at her before turning toward the manor. "I don't want her, Hugh. She's impudent."
Hugh glared down at her. "Why have you taken such a dislike to her? For watching you dress? She's probably never seen anything like your Parisian silks and laces. Andbelieve me when I tell you that anyone would have stopped and stared. She would have to be curious."
Jane couldn't put a finger on why she bristled around the girl. Perhaps it was because Mòrag—or whatever her name was—clearly didn't like her. "She stuck her tongue out at me," she said lamely.
"The last owner to live here was a verra foolishEnglishman who was hard on all those around here. Keep that in mind." When she remained unconvinced, he said, "Once we get the inside habitable, the outside is going to keep me busy from sunup to sundown. Do you truly want to haul water and pluck chickens? Surely, you canna cook?"
Haul, pluck, cook.Not her favorite verbs, and not ones traditionally associated with Jane. Her idea of turning the house around by herself suddenly seemed very daunting and not quite as adventurous as she'd hoped. At that moment, they heard banging in the kitchen. The girl had found the cookware! Jane rolled her eyes at Hugh.
Hugh pressed his advantage, saying, "She can buy us supplies in the village as well."
Jane put her chin up. "It might be nice to have someone around—but only to help me asI work." She marched toward the manor, with Hugh following her. Inside, Jane made her manner brisk. "What can I do?" she asked the girl.
"I'm thinkin' no' much, by the look of ye."
Jane gave Hugh a meaningful look, but he just squeezed her shoulder. "Is there a ladder anywhere around here?" he asked the girl.
"In the stable, just behind my saddle and gear."
Taking Jane aside, he said, "You stay right in here. I'll be back directly," then set off for the stables.
While Hugh was gone, Jane attempted to help the girl—who, she admitted, got thingsdone —but Jane was under the impression that she only got in the way of Mòrag's cleaning. Her first clue was when Mòrag snapped, "Git yer scrawny arse out o' my way, English."
The squirrels sensed something was afoot with their chimney community, and began chattering their fury.
When Hugh returned with firewood and a damp blanket, Jane frowned. "You're not going to start a fire directly under them? There could be baby squirrels or injured ones or older ones—"
"Squirrel stew ismighty tasty," Mòrag interrupted.
Jane gave her a horrified look, then whipped her head around to Hugh. "Squirrel st-stew?"
He checked a grin. "Jane, I'm going to start a verrasmall fire, with damp wood that will smoke more than anything. Then I'll drape a wet blanket over the hearth opening down here. It'll give them enough time to run up to the roof."
When she still appeared unconvinced, Mòrag said, "Enough with the bluidy squirrels, English. Now, which do ye want to do? Dress chickens or scour pots?"
When Jane merely bit her lip, Mòrag said, "Pots it is." She nodded at an open closet full of them. "You can take all of them to the pump in the back and wash them. There's soaps and brushes in the shed off this kitchen."
Though Hugh wanted to help, Jane waved him away. "I can do it by myself," she said firmly.
"Doona go anywhere but to the pump and back. Agreed?"
"Hugh, really." At his unbending look, she muttered, "Agreed."
When she began hauling pots out to the pump, he moved to a window where he could see her. "We're going to need supplies," he told Mòrag. "But I doona want anyone to know we're here, nor any visitors out here."
"Why no'?"
He'd thought about telling her something ridiculous, like they wanted to surprise his brother with the renovation, but the girl was smart and, he sensed, trustworthy. "There's an Englishman who might come looking for us. A dangerous sort of man, and one we'd rather avoid."
She eyed him, knowing he was being less than forthcoming. He didn't care, as long as they understood each other.
"The sundries storekeeper will know ye're here, and that means the whole village will know. But no one outside of it will."
He added another piece of wood to the small fire he'd started. "The villagers doona like strangers?"
"Nay, no' at all. Strangers are met with a tight lip and a surly expression anyway, and if an outsider asks any of the townsfolk about yer whereabouts, I'll hear word of it directly. And I'll make sure everyone knows ye're honeymooning and are no' keen on receiving any visitors just now."
Hugh raised his brows. They might as well have dropped off the face of the earth by coming here. Hugh and Mòrag understood each other perfectly. He nodded, finished draping the blanket over the fireplace, then strode outside. He chanced his tottering ladder all the way to the second-story roof to clear debris from the top of the chimney.
From the higher vantage, he could keep an eye on Jane as she worked. When she disappeared inside, he took in the views, comprehending more and more what had possessed his brother to buy Beinn a'Chaorainn. A breeze rippled the loch, then stilled, and the water reflected sunlight in a perfect mirror. On a fine day like this, he could see twenty miles away to the rounded spine of mountains at the far edge of Court's property.
For the next half hour, Hugh dodged the exodus of fleeing squirrels and marked damaged spots on the roof to fix when Mòrag's brothers could help with the major repairs. All the while, he checked on Jane, hard at work on her task.
The pots were heavy and unwieldy, but she seemed content to transport only two or three at a time to the pump. Back and forth she went, again and again, until she'd finally collected a mound of pots, handles sticking out in every direction.
At the pump, she rolled up her sleeves, then drew down on the lever—
Black sludge exploded out of the faucet, splattering over the front of her dress and her face like paint from a dropped tin.
"Oh, bloody, hell," Hugh muttered, hurrying to climb down, snapping two rungs on the descent.
Jane froze for long moments, then sputtered, wiping her face with her forearm.
The girl had done that on purpose, no doubt of it. Mòrag could have told Jane to take the pots to the loch. Before Hugh reached her, Jane swung her gaze to him and raised one finger, her eyes murderous.
"I will handle this," she said between gritted teeth. "Don't you say a word to her."
"Jane, this will no' be tolerated—"
"Precisely why I'm about to take care of this. If she wants to toss down the gauntlet, then I'll pick it up." After carefully filling the largest pot with sludge, she lugged it toward the stables. The weight was so heavy it dragged her arm down, skewing her balance.
When Jane returned from the stables—where Mòrag's saddle and bags were—the bucket was empty and swinging at her hip, jaunty as a berry basket.
Chapter Thirty-six
By the end of the first five days at Beinn a'Chaorainn, Hugh felt like a cauldron about to boil over.
This unfortunate state was attested to by the fact that the property was already turning the corner. Every time Hugh thought about touching Jane, he worked.
In his time here, Hugh had accomplished the labor of a dozen men.
This afternoon, he sawed boards for the entryway floor, while Mòrag and Jane cleaned upstairs. The days that were clement enough for him to work outside were the days Mòrag aired the manor. Through the open windows, he could hear Jane humming or laughing as she cleaned, or spy flashes of her as she strolled down the hall.
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