A woman with a rich fantasy life should have an outlet for it that did not involve ruining her future.
The weather grew warm and fine, and for a single day Teresa wanted nothing to do with searching fruitlessly for suitors. It seemed that everywhere Lord Eads escorted them, no eligible gentlemen were to be found anyway.
She almost believed he was trying to sabotage his sisters’ chances.
But if they were to engage in gentleman-scarce outings, one may as well be of her own creation. She made plans and called at the hotel to invite her friends.
“Lily’s no been herself since the ball, an Effie’s itching to make trouble again.” Una took Teresa’s arm as they went into the parlor. The same ancient little grey lady draped in black wool sat staring out the window.
“Good day, ma’am,” Teresa said, then to Una: “I have something planned that should put both Lily and Effie to rights. I came to tell you.”
“I’ve news first. Mr. Baker-Frye asked ma brither for Moira’s hand this morn.”
“But that was very quick!”
“She’s verra beautiful.” Una winked. “But I think he cares for her. For all that he’s worth twenty thousand a year, he’s a kind man. Moira says they agree on everything.”
“How remarkably dull and wonderful for them.”
Una laughed.
With a light step, Teresa went around telling the sisters about her planned outing at week’s end and bidding them all dress suitably for the outdoors.
Moira’s cheeks glowed.
“May I invite Mr. Baker-Frye, Teresa? He’s fond o’ growing things.”
“Of course. What a merry party we will be.”
Only Abigail and Lily could not be found, but Teresa suspected where to search for at least one of the missing sisters.
In the kitchen, quiet in the lull between breakfast and lunch preparations, Lily was arranging sprigs of fresh herbs about the edges of two dozen little chicken carcasses laid out on a roasting pan.
“Abby’s gone back to the bookstore.” She offered a game smile.
“Dearest Lily, you must pull yourself out of this brown study and—”
“Qu’est-ceque—What are you doing?” Monsieur Le Coq rushed forward from the doorway, throwing off his hat as he came.
“Dressing these capons,” Lily said. “They look so much prettier this way.
And they will taste divine.”
“Mais, vous—” Then he looked up and his dark eyes opened in wonder.
“Mon ange,” he whispered.
Lily cocked her head. “What does that mean?”
And so Hotel King Harry’s exclusive French chef was obliged to translate for the seventeen-year-old Scottish angel who had appeared in his kitchen days earlier for so brief a moment that he thought he’d imagined her, though she’d left behind the most miraculous cakes he had ever tasted. He not only translated but he rhapsodized in a manner only the French could affect, with such mellifluous praise that Lily’s eyes were shining by the time he finished.
“Monsieur, yer a poet,” she said brightly. Then more hesitantly: “Might I make cakes again today? Or mebbe a pudding?”
“I would be honored, mademoiselle!” he said with a flourishing bow that encompassed the entirety of his realm.
Lily beamed.
Disconcerted, Teresa left them to their cakes and chickens. She did not recall ever seeing Lily’s eyes shine at Tobias quite like they had at the fastidious little French chef. Bemused and not liking where her thoughts brought her, she set off on foot for her brother’s flat four blocks away.
“Walk aboot wi’ yer head in the clouds, lass, an yer likely to take a tumble.”
She snapped her cloudy head up to see Lord Eads astride his beautiful big roan stallion on the street beside her.
“Good day, my lord. My head was not in the clouds but in the hotel with your sisters. Congratulations on your acquisition of another brother-in-law.”
“Will ye claim ye’d no hand in that one too?” The shadow cast by the brim of his hat fell across his eyes and she could not tell if he was smiling.
“No, for I did. Although they might have encountered each other in the corridor any day, it’s true.”
“Do ye niver have a maid wi’ ye, Miss Finch-Freeworth?”
“Annie walked with me to the hotel but she was distracted by a footman, I think. I could not find her when I departed.”
He dismounted and drew his horse toward her. “’Tis no way for a leddy to go aboot town. Alone.”
“I am always alone, my lord.” Even with Annie. Painfully alone. The only real friend she’d ever had in Harrows Court Crossing had gone away to school when she was only ten years old and then to war when she was fifteen, and until he inherited Brennon Manor from their father he was unlikely to return. Her three years at the Bailey Academy for Young Ladies had afforded her the dear friendship of Diantha, and lately she had grown deeply fond of Lady Una. But at home in Cheshire she had no one with whom to share her stories and dreams. “And I hardly see how a man who has committed crimes and kissed a lady in a foyer after midnight can lecture me on propriety.”
“I wasna lecturing ye on propriety, but safety.”
“Then what about the foyer?”
“A man o’ honor pays his debts.”
“And . . .” Something seemed to be caught in her throat. “The crimes?”
His horse scraped a hoof. A carriage rattled by. The sun tried to peek out from a cloud then lost courage and inched behind it again.
“I killed a man,” he finally said.
This had not been part of Teresa’s fantasy of the handsome Highlander.
“Was it a duel?”
“An accident?”
“Cold bluid.” He seemed to study her. “Nou will ye cancel the wager, lass?”
“Why did you kill him?”
“Does it matter?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“I admire yer honesty.”
“You admire one thing about me and it is my honesty?” She shook her head.
“’Tis no the anly thing aboot ye I admire.”
A hesitant smile shaped her pretty lips that Duncan hadn’t stopped thinking about in a sennight since he’d had them at his command.
“What else do you admire?” she asked.
“That ye dinna tolerate the unkindnesses others show ma sisters.”
Her eyes widened.
“An I admire yer courage.”
“An yer brazen cheek.”
“Brazen cheek?” A crease ticked the bridge of her nose. “Now then, my lord, I don’t—”
“An hou ye pretend yer doing this all for yerself when ’tis clear ye thrive on helping others.”
“I am doing it for myself.”
“An I already told ye I admire the lips I kissed in that foyer.”
Her eyes took on a slightly confused, sultry luster. “And I already told you that you may kiss them again if you wish. But despite your pretty words I don’t think you do.”
“Aye, I do.”
For a moment she did not speak. Then: “I don’t trust you.”
A weight seemed to press upon his chest. “Years ago a blackguard enticed ma sister Miranda from home wi’ fine promises, forced her into foul service in Lunnon, then left her on the street to die. That was the man I killed.”
Her throat jerked. “I am sorry,” she said softly. “More sorry for you than I can express.” Then with an air of firm decision, she stepped away from him.
“Come to the picnic tomorrow, my lord. If you are very well behaved I will let you again kiss these lips that you so admire.” She set off, striding down the walkway alone, her coppery locks shimmering beneath her bonnet, leaving him bemused and wanting more.
He put his horse into a lad’s keeping and went after her. Her eyes were wide when he took her hand and laid it upon his arm.
“What are you doing?”
“Escorting ye to wherever it is yer going.”
“Is this only about your concern over my safety?”
“Aye,” he lied. “’Tis anly that.”
Friday dawned bright and clear, ideal for the picnic. Four carriages were loaded with Eads ladies, servants, and baskets of savories and sweets prepared by Diantha’s cook. The gentleman rode alongside.
Ascot Manor, the estate of retired naval commander George Finch-Ascot, sat at the end of a spectacularly long drive miles outside of London. Its extensive grounds included a collection of Greek and Roman sculptures, vast gardens, and several famous hothouses.
Admiral and Mrs. Finch-Ascot were not in residence, the housekeeper informed them. But in his absence the admiral extended a warm welcome to his cousin and her friends, and begged them to enjoy the park at their leisure.
A suitable spot for a picnic was agreed upon and the ladies set to laying out blankets and baskets.
Teresa chatted with everyone, and she studied Una for signs of interest in Toby’s friends from the War Office. But she could not eat a morsel. Since the earl had escorted her to her brother’s apartment building the previous day her stomach had been tied in knots. They had spoken nothing more of his violent and tragic past, instead mostly of Harrows Court Crossing and his sisters.
She knew so little of him, all of it confusing, yet when he bid her adieu with a proper bow she only wanted to ask him to remain with her, to stretch the moments into hours and make it last.
He laughed at her quips and tales as though he understood them. He said he thought she was mad but he never actually treated her as though she were a curiosity merely to be tolerated. Except for his regular offers to end the wager prematurely, he gave her no sign of disliking her company.
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