“Do you know what this is about?” he asked as he rang the bell.
“No. Izzy said we were all getting together for dinner and that saying no wasn’t an option.” She grinned. “That’s Izzy. Always a gracious hostess.”
Nick opened the door. “You made it,” he said with a laugh. “Come on in.”
They walked into the house. Nick gave Dana a quick kiss on the cheek, then pulled Garth into a bear hug.
“It’s good to see you,” Nick told him.
Garth returned the embrace. “You, too,” he said, appreciating that their friendship had been nearly restored. “You’re in a good mood.”
“I know.”
Nick led the way into the kitchen where Cruz and Lexi and Mitch and Skye already waited. Izzy poked around in the refrigerator. She straightened as they approached.
“You made it,” she said happily. “We’re all together. It’s practically a greeting-card moment. I’m just digging out some cheese. Skye informed me appetizers are expected. I was excited that I remembered to get food for dinner, but apparently she has higher standards.”
He and Dana greeted everyone else. While Izzy put out cheese and crackers, the women gathered around to help. Nick and Garth joined Mitch and Cruz.
“It’s been pretty quiet,” Cruz was saying. “I’m surprised. I thought Jed would come after all of us.”
“He’s scrambling for money,” Garth told him. “I’ve heard that he’s going everywhere, but no one is willing to take a risk on him. Everyone knows I’m buying up large blocks of shares. With his own daughters also buying a piece of the pie, people know he’s about to lose control. No one bets on a sinking ship.”
“As long as we stay safe,” Mitch said.
“Tell me about it.” Cruz grimaced. “At least Lexi isn’t interested in taking any risks. As slow as she moves these days, she would be a prime target.”
Garth knew the conversation was important, but he found himself distracted by watching Dana from across the room. She laughed at something Izzy said. The sound carried to him, making him want to pull her close to him. Not to protect her but because being near her made him feel good.
She turned her head and the light caught the different colors of brown in her hair. She was so beautiful. He’d thought she was pretty and sexy as hell, but now, as he stared at the shape of her mouth and the curve of her cheekbones, he saw how stunning she was. Maybe because one was lit by what was inside of her and that took a while to be visible.
His gaze drifted to Lexi and Skye, then to Izzy. His family. How curious. He’d begun this journey with every intention of destruction. Instead he’d found a place to belong. They’d dragged him into their world. Or as Izzy had promised, they’d loved him into being a part of them. The irony was if he hadn’t set out to ruin them all, they never would have found their way to each other.
Izzy and Nick exchanged a look, then Nick walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of champagne.
“We want to thank you all for coming,” Izzy said. “We would have had you out to the ranch, but it’s a long drive and someone should be using Lexi’s kitchen.”
“Hey,” her older sister said from her seat by the round table. “I cook. Sometimes. I think it’s a personal choice. It’s not like you know your way around anything more complicated than a toaster oven.”
“True,” Izzy said. She pointed at the champagne bottle. “Where are the glasses?”
“I’ll get them,” Cruz said, walking to a cupboard and opening it. “What are we celebrating?”
Izzy looked at Nick, who said, “They’re your family. You tell them.”
Izzy reached into her jeans front pocket and pulled out a diamond band, then slid it on her left ring finger. “Nick and I got married yesterday.”
The news was followed by silence, then a shriek from Skye and Lexi. Both descended on Izzy, as did Dana. There was a girl hug, while the guys all slapped Nick on the back and shook his hand.
Garth went last. Nick looked at him. “You always said you owed me for pulling you out of that damn jungle. Because of you, I met Izzy. We’re even now.”
Garth nodded, mostly because his throat was a little tight. He must have allergies or be getting a cold, he thought, hugging his friend again. “Bringing you two together was my plan all along,” he joked.
“Right.” Nick grinned. “Who knew?”
Champagne was poured. There was a bottle of sparkling cider for Lexi, who grumbled about missing out on the fun.
“We’re not really big wedding people,” Izzy told them. “We’d talked about waiting, mostly so everyone would be focused on Skye and Mitch’s wedding. But then we were talking and…”
“It’s my fault,” Nick said. “I insisted.”
Izzy snuggled close to him. “He didn’t have to insist. I love him and want to be with him. We’re very happy. We saw a judge yesterday and now it’s official.”
Nick kissed the top of her head.
Garth watched them. Their happiness was visible. He was delighted everything had worked out, not only because Nick was his friend but because he’d come to care for Izzy. She was wild and exactly what Nick needed. At the same time, she would be there for him. They were a good match.
His gaze drifted to Dana, who looked excited by the news. She glanced up and saw him. Their eyes met. He felt the connection run between them. For a second he wanted to go to her and hold her, or at least be near her.
“There’s more,” Izzy said with a shrug. She set down her champagne glass and picked up a second one filled with sparkling cider. “I’m pregnant.” She looked at Lexi. “I didn’t want you getting all the attention.”
Lexi stood and hugged her. “That is just so typical.”
Izzy hugged her back. “You know I’m kidding, right? The baby wasn’t planned.”
“In this family, they rarely are,” Lexi told her.
“Now I want a baby,” Skye said, joining them.
Garth looked at Mitch, who looked both pleased and terrified.
Dana clutched her glass and took a step back. “Just in case it’s contagious,” she murmured.
Cruz laughed. “You’ll get there.”
“Maybe,” she said.
Garth noticed she was careful not to look at him. Why? Because she would never want a child with him? Because she didn’t want children at all? He didn’t know her feelings on the subject, mostly because they’d never talked about it. They’d never talked about anything beyond the moment.
Why was that? Most of the women he knew were anxious to label everything. To discuss their feelings and plan for the future. Why didn’t Dana?
“How far along are you?” Lexi asked, sitting back down.
“About two months.”
“This is so cool. Our kids will be less than a year apart.”
“I know.” Izzy eyed Skye and Dana. “You two had better get busy if you want to keep up.”
“Apparently.” Skye looked meaningfully at Mitch. “Talk about pressure.”
He put his arm around her waist and kissed her. “I’m completely up to anything you want.”
Dana took another step back. “So what about those Cowboys? Aren’t they having a great season?”
“You’re not hearing any ticking sound?” Izzy asked. “No ‘tick tock’ in the background?”
“I don’t hear a thing,” Dana said.
“There’s no need to pressure anyone,” Lexi said briskly. “Izzy, this is about you and Nick. We’re all happy for you. Now knowing you as I do, I’m sure even though you eloped, you’ll want to register for wedding gifts.”
Izzy grinned. “I hadn’t thought of that, but sure.” She grabbed Nick’s arm. “We can get some fancy china.”
Conversation continued to flow. Garth was fairly sure he was the only one who had noticed the subtle conversation shift. Lexi hadn’t wanted to let Izzy pursue the subject of Dana having a baby and he knew why. The obvious assumption would be that they were a couple and he the most likely candidate for the father. But after what he’d told Lexi in her office the other day, she knew that wasn’t going to happen.
He wanted to take her aside and tell her it wasn’t as bad as he’d made it out to be. Dana was special. More than that. He liked being with her. He liked her. And that didn’t happen often enough in his world. But love and babies? It wasn’t a place he’d ever planned to go. He’d always assumed he would have a marriage of convenience. One that was more business deal than romantic match. Lexi’s claim that he was falling for Dana had thrown him. More than that, it had terrified him and he wasn’t a man who easily admitted to fear.
Love. No. He knew what love did. He’d seen what it did to his mother. The only reason she’d stopped loving Jed Titan was because a surgeon had physically cut out that part of her brain. Otherwise, she would still be missing him. Not that she’d ever talked about it or admitted her feelings. When he’d encouraged her to go out and find someone, she’d always said she’d fallen in love once and that was plenty. Her heart could only belong to one man. The same man who hadn’t bothered to help when she’d needed him most.
He wasn’t willing to go there. Wasn’t willing to risk that much. The price of love was too high.
He watched Dana laughing with Izzy. He wanted her and needed her, but love? It was impossible.
JED SAT IN THE FRONT seat of his car, drinking whiskey. The noon sun was bright in the big Texas sky. It was a perfect late-fall day-crisp and clear. Around him the storefronts in Titanville had been dressed for Christmas. Lights and garland circled every window and door. Bells rang and carols played in the town square. It was a little piece of paradise.
Normally he enjoyed strolling through Titanville. Everyone knew him and respected him. He’d worked hard for that respect. There were those who thought he’d had it easy, but they were wrong. Sure, he’d been born a Titan and that was saying something, but he hadn’t simply accepted what God had given him. Jed had taken a good-sized fortune and grown it into something impressive. He’d expanded the company, made a name for himself. He could walk into any restaurant in Dallas and get the best table. Senators and heads of state wanted to be seen with him. He’d lived the kind of life that made most men envious. He’d had it all…until Garth Duncan had decided to take it from him.
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