He shifted to her other breast. She closed her eyes and leaned back, torn between the sensations he evoked. His mouth and tongue against her nipple, the steady movement of his hand between her legs. All of it made her strain for more. Then he shifted his hands to her hips, where he pulled her forward, so she was nearly hanging on the sofa. He lowered his head.
She knew exactly what he planned to do.
“No,” she said, trying to move back.
He didn’t bother looking up. “Yes.”
“No. I mean it. Not like that.”
He straightened and stared into her eyes. There were questions there, questions she didn’t want to answer. Fortunately men were easily distracted.
She reached for him. “Be inside of me,” she said, guiding him toward her. “I’ll come that way.” She rubbed the length of him, then stroked her thumb against the tip.
She shifted so she could take him inside, but instead of going along with the suggestion, he pulled out of reach.
“Why?” he asked.
“It’s not my thing.”
“Maybe it’s mine. Talk to me.”
Words no normal male ever said on purpose, she thought, annoyed and feeling the passion fade away.
“Does there have to be a complicated story about everything?” she snapped. “I don’t like it. So let’s move on or forget it.”
Actually moving on was no longer an option. She stood and stepped around him. There were clothes everywhere, a testament to their uncontrolled desire. Or at least it had been uncontrolled until he’d insisted on getting bossy.
This was exactly why she didn’t have anything to do with men like Garth. They were too used to getting their own way every damn time.
Instead of grabbing her clothes, she stalked out of the living room, down the short hallway and into her bedroom. She picked up her robe off the bed and pulled it on. But before she could tie the sash, let alone return to the living room, she felt him reaching for her from behind.
She started to turn toward him, but he held her with both arms around her waist. His powerful body nearly dwarfed hers and she wasn’t especially tiny. Only one more wildly annoying thing about the man.
“You should get dressed,” she said. “This isn’t going to happen.”
She braced herself for the temper tantrum sure to follow, but all she got was a soft kiss on her temple.
“Why does it frighten you?”
“It doesn’t. Just because I don’t happen to like something doesn’t mean there’s a problem. It’s a personal preference. Now it’s getting late. You should go.”
“It’s barely six in the evening.”
“It’ll be late soon.”
He turned her so they were facing each other. He was still completely naked and mostly aroused, which was a little disconcerting. She shifted her gaze to his face. He looked curious and a little determined. Not a good combination.
“Did someone hurt you?”
She tied the sash on her robe. “No. Why do you have to assume that just because it’s not something I like that I must have a problem? Maybe it’s you. Maybe you’re obsessed. You should consider therapy.”
He gave her a slow smile. “Are you done?”
“No, but you can talk if you want.”
“I’m not obsessed. I like that part of sex because the feedback is easy to understand. Plus it practically guarantees my partner is satisfied.”
She rolled her eyes. “And you’re all into a job well done. Aren’t you a giver?”
“Do you always tell guys no?”
“Yes, and most of them are fine with it.”
He put his hands on her shoulders, easing her backward. She only resisted moving a little.
“I’m not like most men,” he told her.
“As I’ve pointed out before, you’re not all that.”
“Sure I am.” He unfastened the tie and slipped off her robe.
“We’re not doing this,” she said, but without a whole lot of force.
“Sure we are.”
He moved closer and kissed the side of her neck. A shiver rippled through her. His hands skimmed her back before finding her breasts. Okay, maybe she wasn’t as out of the mood as she’d thought.
He eased one hand down her belly, then between her legs. He immediately found where she wanted him to be and rubbed her swollen center.
“We wouldn’t want all this going to waste,” he murmured against her skin. “One more step back and then you’ll be on the bed.”
“Right where you want me,” she said, taking the step, then letting herself fall onto the mattress.
He settled next to her, touching her, kissing her mouth, then her breasts. He worked his magic, sucking on her tight nipples until the heat was back, as was the frantic need. She was more than ready. It wouldn’t take but a second.
But instead of kneeling between her thighs or touching her with his hand, he shifted on the bed, moving lower and lower until they were back where they started. She slammed her legs together and half rose on her elbows.
“Look, there’s no way we’re going to-”
“Trust me.”
Two words. Meaningless, really. Because she had no reason to trust him. He was the enemy. At least he had been until today. This was all about winning. He wanted to defeat her, to make her surrender and she wouldn’t.
“Why do you have to go and spoil a perfectly good moment?” she asked, furious with him for insisting and herself for being tempted.
“Trust me.”
She should throw him out. If the need didn’t go away on its own, she had a very nice shower massager that would take care of business. Didn’t he understand? She didn’t like oral sex. Not that she’d ever actually allowed anyone to do that to her, but what was the point? One orgasm was as good as another.
“Five minutes,” he said. “If you want me to stop after that, I will.”
“Can I hold a gun to your head while you do it?” she asked.
“I’d be worried what you’d do when you lost control.”
“I won’t.”
“Want to bet? Come on, Dana. What’s the worst that could happen?”
The answer to that question was vague at best, but full of dark fear. If she allowed that, if she gave in, then…What? What would happen? Did she actually think Garth would physically hurt her?
The idea was ridiculous and because she never let fear win, she grudgingly relaxed back onto the bed.
“Five minutes,” she said, bracing herself for something hideous. “Then you’ll stop.”
“If you tell me to.”
“I will.”
Instead of answering, he stretched out between her legs. When he was comfortable, he reached for her hands and brought them in so she could use her fingers to hold herself open for him.
The feeling of being wildly exposed nearly made her blush. She wanted to jump up and announce that she’d changed her mind, but she reminded herself it was only for a short time and then they could be done with this nonsense.
At first there was nothing. Just a whisper of breath. Then she felt a single, slow stroke of his tongue, as if he were getting the feel of her.
The warm, soft, wet contact nearly made her jump. It was…different. Nothing like she’d thought. If she had to assign a single-word description it would be delicious.
He licked her again and her insides clenched. A third stroke of his tongue had her tingling. Then he focused all of his attention on that one swollen, hungry part of her.
He shifted his tongue up and down, moving steadily, but not too fast. There was just the right amount of pressure. The sensations were unlike anything she’d experienced before. Incredibly intense. Amazing and wonderful.
She drew back her knees and pulsed her hips in time with his movements. Pressure built inside of her, pushing her toward the edge, making her rock her head from side to side. Every part of her tensed. Her toes curled against the sheets. More. She needed more. He must have read her mind because he moved faster and faster until she couldn’t hold it all.
She came with a cry as her body shattered. Ripples of pleasure cascaded through her, making her shudder and moan and hang on to every ounce of release. He continued to please her with his tongue, moving exactly in time with her release, drawing it out until she was drained and boneless.
When he finally drew back, Dana could barely open her eyes. She knew she should say something, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Nothing had ever felt like that.
But as good as it had been, she felt strange inside. Twisted up and confused, as if she’d exposed a part of herself and didn’t know how to cover back up. What was he thinking? Vulnerability wasn’t her best feature and it was one she fought to keep to herself.
As Garth sat up, she opened her eyes. His expression was tense and hungry.
“Condoms?” he asked, his voice raw with need.
She pointed to the nightstand drawer. As he opened it and pulled out the small box, she saw his hands were shaking slightly. His swollen erection throbbed slightly.
He fumbled with the condom, finally siding it in place, then without any style at all, he pushed into her, filling her.
He was still a moment, his breath coming through clenched teeth. When she started to move, he groaned, then grabbed her hips.
“Give me a second,” he muttered.
If she’d been standing, the shock of it would have caused her to fall over. Just to be sure, she pulsed her hips and he swore. His eyes were glazed with passion, his muscles rigid as he struggled for control. He was a man on the edge.
She hadn’t been the only one to enjoy what he’d done to her, she thought happily, raising her legs and wrapping them around his hips. From the looks of things, he’d been caught up in the experience nearly to the point of losing it.
Suddenly surrendering didn’t seem too bad. Not when it brought a man like Garth to his knees. She shifted again, drawing him in deeper. She stroked his arms and his back, feeling thick scars and warm skin.
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