Head Over Heels

The third book in the Lucky Harbor series, 2011

To another youngest sister. To my youngest, Courtney, whose heart is the biggest of all.

And also to Lance Tyler, my real life inspiration for the Lance in my story, who I know is sitting on a cloud somewhere, amused at my attempt at giving him a Happy Ever After. For additional information on cystic fibrosis, go to www.cff.org.


To Melinda, who read the rough draft and lent me her husband Todd’s expertise on being a cop. And to Todd, for answering the endless questions. All mistakes are mine.

To Gena, who asked for a big, tough, stoic hero. Sawyer’s all for you.

And last but definitely not least, to Jolie and Debbi, because without you two, this book would still be on the floor in little bits and pieces, and me alongside it.:)

Chapter 1

“If at first you don’t succeed, destroy

all evidence that you tried.”

Chloe Traeger

It wasn’t often that Chloe Traeger beat her sisters into the kitchen in the morning, but with Tara and Maddie currently sleeping with the town’s two hottest hotties, it’d been only a matter of time.

And in the name of fairness, Chloe hadn’t actually gotten to bed yet, but that was just a technicality. With a wide yawn, she started the coffee. Then, gathering what she needed, she hopped up onto the counter-hissing in pain from her throbbing legs. The quiet in the kitchen soothed her as she mixed ingredients together for her natural antibacterial cream. Given how loudly she lived her life, the silence was a nice start to the day.

Especially today, which promised to get crazy quickly, though not much could out-crazy last night. Later in the afternoon, she’d be doing her esthetician thing at a high-end spa in Seattle, but first she had to put in some time here in Lucky Harbor at the B &B that she ran with her sisters.