A week somewhere with a beach and blue water. Things slowed down some at Vows in January, according to Parker. She could probably figure out how to skip out for a week,. Nobody figured like Parker.

He’d teach her to surf.

Maybe she knew how to surf. He should ask her.

And it occurred to him he was planning a vacation around Parker.When had that happened?

He sat for a moment listening to the sounds from the garage, let himself absorb the notion.When it didn’t give him the jitters, he let out a huh.

So it didn’t matter when or how it happened, it just was. And he was okay with it.

Better than okay, he admitted, because he could see her with him on that beach with blue water, drinking some local rum deal, and just letting work go for a few days.

Or . . . maybe a break at her place in the Hamptons. Something to be said for winter beaches—solitude, sex by the fire.

So, he’d toss the idea at her, see where it went.

He gathered up the files, moved through the garage and into the office.

“Got some stuff,” he began, and went over the lists and invoices while his mother peered at the paperwork through her green-framed glasses.

“You’re taking off now?”

“I was going to. I sort of have a thing I have to do. Whatever you don’t get to, I’ll finish up by Monday.”

“I didn’t say I couldn’t get it done. Come here.”

He leaned over the counter.And she cuffed the side of his head.


“Why didn’t you tell me we were getting an invite to Thanksgiving dinner at the Brown Estate?”

“It just came up.” Aggrieved as only his mother could make him, he rubbed the side of his head. “And Parker said she’d call you about it, which I guess she did.What’s the problem?”

“If you’d told me, I wouldn’t have been taken by surprise. And if she hadn’t called, I’d’ve bought a damn turkey on my way home from work today.Then I’d have a turkey I don’t need.”

“Well, she did so you didn’t, and you don’t.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t.” She gave him that smirk that made him want to hunch his shoulders. “You’re wearing a suit.”

He knew it. “She said it didn’t matter.”

“I don’t care what she said. I’m saying you’re wearing a suit. You should buy a new suit.When’s the last time you bought a new suit?”

He nearly did hunch his shoulders, and thanked God all his men were out of earshot. “I don’t know. Jesus.”

“Don’t take that tone with me.” Her finger jabbed out at him like a switchblade. “You buy a new suit. And a tie. And some decent shoes.”

“Good God.”

“You’re seeing someone like Parker Brown, you have more need for a suit than for a wedding or when somebody drops dead. And you’re a successful businessman, don’t you forget it.A successful businessman has more than one suit in his closet. And you could use a haircut.”

“Anything else? Maybe I should learn French.”

She wagged a finger, but her lips twitched. “You could parlay voo if you wanted.You’re bright enough.You get that from my side of the family. You get your build from your daddy. That’s why you look so sharp in a suit. Go on and get out of here so I can deal with this work you’ve tossed at me.”

“If I’d known I was going to get bushwhacked, I’d have found more.” He walked to the door, glanced back—and felt the smirk they shared move onto his face. “Since I have to spend all this dough on clothes, I guess I can’t give you the raise I was planning on.Too bad.”

It took some of the sting out of the idea of shopping when she scowled after him.

BY THE TIME HE GOT TO PARKER’S, THE PLACE WAS IN FULL-EVENT mode. Emma and her flower people had already decked out the entrance with a lot of big straw-colored things holding acres of flowers. She’d mixed in some pumpkins, and what might’ve been gourds.

He didn’t think he’d ever seen gourds at a wedding, but he had to admit they looked good.

Inside they’d draped the staircase with miles of that filmy white stuff they used, more flowers, little lights. Still more flowers stood in pots and baskets and vases.

It was like walking through a fall dreamscape. Which, he supposed, was the goal.

He could hear more work going on in the Parlor, and in what they called the Grand Hall, but resisted the urge to poke his head in. He might get volunteered.

He considered easing through, hitting Mrs. Grady up for a sandwich before he dealt with whatever he was going to have to deal with upstairs, but even as he turned in that direction, Parker moved into view at the top of the stairs.

The woman, he thought, had better radar than NASA.

“Perfect timing.” She shot out a killer smile as she came down. “The groom’s party is just getting started. I can’t tell you how much you’ve taken off their minds, and mine.” She locked on to him like a tractor beam and began to lead him up.

“Everything’s right on schedule.”

“I worried about that all day.”

She gave him a gentle elbow poke. “I know this is a lot to ask, but it does make you a hero. Justin’s mother came through the surgery very well, so we’re in complete celebration mode.”

“That’s good, about the mother.”

“It really is. I’ll introduce you to Channing and his men, help you get set up.Then I’ll come back in about an hour, just to give you a run-through since you weren’t at rehearsal.”

She gave the door of the Groom’s Suite a brisk knock. “It’s Parker,” she called out. “Is it safe to come in?”

The man who opened the door wore tuxedo pants and had a beer in his hand. “I can’t say we’re decent, but we’re covered.”

“Good enough. Malcolm, this is Darrin, recently promoted to best man.”

“I told Channing I’ve always been the best man. You’d be today’s pinch hitter. Nice to meet you.”

They shook hands before Parker nudged Malcolm inside where beer poked their frosty heads out of iced buckets, and a bottle of champagne stood in another. Platters held sandwiches and finger food, and men hung around half dressed. Five of them. Six counting the newly appointed best man.

One—tall, golden, gym-ripped—broke away. “Malcolm? I’m Channing, and I’ll be your groom today.”

“Good luck with that.”

“I really can’t begin to thank you for doing this. It probably seems bizarre, but . . . I know you from somewhere.”

“I’ve been somewhere, but you don’t look familiar.”

“I could swear—”

“Hey.” One of the men paused as he poured a glass of champagne. “It’s Kavanaugh, right?”

“Yeah.” Malcolm narrowed his eyes at champagne guy. “Mercedes SL600. Tire rotation and detailing.”

“That’s exactly right. Best detail job I’ve ever had.”

“That’s it.” Channing ticked the air with his finger.“I knew I’d seen you.You rehabbed my father’s T-Bird. I was there when you delivered it. I dried his tears of joy.”

“Hell of a car. So you’re Channing Colbert.”

“Yeah. I thought my father was crazy when he bought that car. Then I saw it after you’d finished with it and thought, why don’t I have one? Want some champagne, a beer?”


“I’ll leave you in good hands.” Parker patted his arm.“Your tux is right over there. Our photographer will be here in about fifteen minutes.”

It wasn’t so bad, Malcolm decided. There was food, there was beer, and the other men were in such a damn good mood it was hard to feel put-upon.

At least he felt that way until Mac swung in and pointed her camera at him.

“Hey, I’m just subbing.”

“And they’ll want that documented. Don’t pay any attention to me.” She waved at him, and moved around the room like a redheaded snake—slithery and silent.

He felt a profound sense of relief when she cut Channing out of the herd for formal shots.

He changed into the tuxedo pants and shirt while she was gone. Parker had been dead-on, again.They fit, as did the dark red vest.

Half the guys had questions about cars, but he was used to that. A mechanic was a car doctor, and everybody wanted free medical advice. Since advice could lead to new customers, he didn’t mind handing it out.

When Parker came back, he was struggling with his tie.

“Here, let me do it.”

“When I rent a tux, you just hook this bastard on.”

She smiled up at him.“I think half the reason men wear ties is so women have to get in close to tie them. How’re you doing?”

“It’s okay.” He glanced over her shoulder to his fellow groomsmen. “They’re all pretty easy.”

“Your attendant’s name is Astoria.”

His gaze shifted back to hers. “Seriously?”

She cleared a chuckle out of her throat. “They call her Asti. She’s beautiful, a little bit shy—and married, so don’t get any ideas.”

“And here I was thinking about a quickie in the cloak room.”

“They all do. She works with special needs children in Chicago. She and Leah met in college. There.” She stepped back, angled her head.“You’re fulfilling your part of the deal.You’re having a good time and you look gorgeous.”

Mac stepped back in. “Okay, boys, let’s move out to the terrace for the formals. It’s a risk. I don’t know if my camera can handle this much handsome.”

Parker helped Malcolm into his jacket, brushed at the sleeve. “I’ll be back to do that run-through as soon as Mac’s done with you.”

“With me? I’m not doing the group shots. I’m not part of the group. I’m the sub.”

“Channing really wants you in them. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

“Listen, Parker—”

“Oh, sorry.” She tapped her headset. “I have to run.”

Sneaky, Malcolm thought as she slid away like butter on a griddle.