Some of their breaks they spent traveling - Europe, Asia, Australia - but they were very brief sojourns as both women were enrolled in courses every term. They were inseparable and their friends knew to include both of them in any activity they planned. Suffice it to say they spent a majority of their time together for three years, creating a friendship and family both knew was unbreakable.
That brings us to their senior year - and the next step in their ever-evolving relationship.
"Brianna Brianna, you in here?" Charisma called out as she entered their apartment.
"In the kitchen."
Charisma dropped her backpack on the sturdy furniture they'd gotten from the secondhand store when they decided to rent an apartment together for their senior year. It wasn't much, but it did give them each a tiny bedroom and a kitchenette that had seen as many failures as it had successes. Judging from the scents coming from that direction, it seemed that Brianna was well on her way to another success. Charisma took a deep, appreciative breath.
"Smells good. But wasn't it my turn?"
"Uh huh. But if I had to wait for you to get done with all those extracurriculars you've got going on, I'd starve to death," motioning to the cheerleading outfit Charisma was currently encased in.
"I know... sorry."
"It's all right, Ri. I understand what you're doing and why. How'd it go?"
Charisma shrugged. "Same shit...."
"... different day. Take a seat. It's about ready."
"Guess this means I've got clean up duty."
Brianna laughed. "Pretty much. Besides, I've got rehearsal tonight."
"Damn, I'd forgotten about that. The performance is this weekend, correct?" Charisma rose and snatched her backpack from the floor.
"The first one, yes," Brianna answered with a twinkle in her eye.
"Well, since I'm a confirmed first nighter...." Charisma replied teasingly.
"I think Professor Mac is ready to gild your seat." Brianna blushed and bit her lip, looking away from her best friend. Charisma noticed her withdrawal immediately and covered her hand.
"What is it, Bri Bri?"
"I'm nervous about this one, Ri. It's just...." She shrugged.
"Just what, Bri?"
"You ever feel like you've gotten in over your head? I never meant for this to go public. I never wanted to be a writer... not like this, anyway. I never expected for people to be performing my work. That's not why I took drama."
"Bri, what are you worried about? It's good... really good. I read it, remember?"
"I know... it's just...." She stuttered to stop once more.
"Just what? C'mon, Brianna Brianna - this is me you're talking to? you're very best friend in the whole world. What is bothering you so bad about this? You were so excited about the prospect when Professor Mac first offered you the opportunity."
Brianna let out a shaky breath. "I feel exposed... like the whole world can see right into my mind... into my soul. It's unnerving."
"Are you sure it's not just a case of really cold feet? Bri, you have a beautiful mind and an equally beautiful soul. Hell, girl... you're beautiful inside and out. If we weren't both women...." Charisma let the thought fall, knowing she couldn't let it go any farther. Besides, she was absolutely straight - there really wasn't anywhere else for that thought to go, right?
Brianna tilted her head thoughtfully. "Would that really stop you?" She smiled sadly at the mask of confusion Charisma forced onto her expression. "Never mind, Ri. That wasn't a fair question. Just forget it."
"No, I want to understand what you were asking, Brianna Brianna," picking at her own discomfort at what she *knew* Brianna was asking and trying to put a little levity back into the conversation.
"It doesn't really matter, Ri... honestly."
Blue eyes glared into green and Charisma held onto the hand she still covered when Brianna tried to pull away. "Would *what* really stop me Bri?"
"Would the fact that we are both women really stop you if we fell in love with one another? Or any woman, for that matter - would the fact that you're a woman keep you from allowing yourself to love another woman, even if you had feelings for her?"
To her credit, Charisma didn't pulled away; she held on to Brianna as tightly as she had before, wanting her to understand that nothing would change between them because of this conversation. They would still be... would always be... best friends.
They sat in silence for a moment - Brianna confident of what Charisma would say and Charisma framing her answer. Finally....
"In all honesty, Bri? I can't see myself falling in love with another woman. And frankly, it's just not a part of my political plan. Even if I had strong feelings for a woman, I'm not willing to give up everything I've worked for... my entire political career... just to be with her. Hell's bells... I'm not willing to do that with a man either at the moment."
"Maybe you just haven't met the right one, Ri," Brianna offered with another sad smile.
"Oh, I'm certain of that. If... *when*... I get married, it's going to have to be to someone who is willing to be second fiddle to my career. These college boys are still boys and they are much too full of themselves to be of any use to me. But," she said, pulling her hand from Brianna's and slapping her thighs before she stood to take the dishes to the sink. "We're pretty far afield of what started this whole conversation which would in point of fact be your play."
Charisma moved back over and knelt at Brianna's side. "Trust me when I tell you that this play of yours is going to go off without a hitch, and if you're not careful, you're going to become a sought-after playwright instead of a kick-ass attorney."
"Oh... no way!" Brianna exclaimed, pushing their previous conversation out of her mind. She rose to her feet and pulled Charisma up to stand beside her. "I have worked too damn hard for that law degree to let the lure of the theatre sway me now!" shaking her fist at the ceiling.
Charisma snorted. "Um... you don't think *that* was a little theatrical?"
"Nah," Brianna said with a straight face, though her eyes twinkled merrily. "That was aggressive posturing."
"Oh, is that what they're calling it in your law class now?"
"Well, no," Brianna replied sheepishly. "Professor Hayes calls it theatrics, but she has admitted their effectiveness in the courtroom if used sparingly and to good effect."
"So she approves of your drama classes now?" remembering the sarcasm Brianna had been subjected to by that particular professor for her choice of minors.
"Hardly, though at this point I think it has become more of a teasing argument than anything else. Why would she bother to attend every new performance I am a part of at least once?"
"Perhaps she is a theatre lover like I am."
Brianna pouted. "And here I thought you came just for me." Her eyes slid to the clock. "Shit! I'm gonna be late! You've got this?" motioning around the kitchen. Charisma rolled her eyes.
"I've got this. G'wan... get out of here before Professor Mac sends out a search party for you. You know the roommate is always the most likely suspect."
Brianna laughed and slung her backpack over her shoulder. "If your study group finishes early, drop by the theatre. You can have a sneak peek at what the piece you read at the beginning of the term has evolved into."
"That different, huh?"
Brianna opened the door. "You tell me. See you later?"
"Yeah... wait for me. We'll go for ice cream or beer when rehearsal's over."
Brianna made a face and crossed the threshold into the breezeway. "Hopefully not together. Bye, Ri."
"Later, Bri."
Now, I know what you're thinking - you're thinking that Charisma's and Brianna's little discussion about loving another woman made them self-conscious about one another and drove them apart. Actually, it didn't. It opened up their communication with one another even more, though that particular subject never came up again. That is the main reason Rafe missed the importance of it.
He, like you, expected things to be awkward and for it to put distance between them immediately and when that didn't happen, he disregarded it as a fluke.
For our two players in this little drama, however, it was anything but a fluke, and eventually, it would have far-reaching consequences.
"Brianna Brianna, that was amazing!!" Charisma exclaimed as she wrapped her best friend in a tight hug. "Are you sure you're destined to be a lawyer?"
"That's what I keep asking her," Professor Mac MacAvoy commented as he walked up behind the two women grinning like a maniac. "She has a real gift for storytelling."
"All the better to convince a jury of her position in court, Mac. Leave my star student alone and get your own protйgй," Janice Hayes commented to Mac with a smile. Brianna just blushed at the perceived rivalry over her between her two most important professors.
"I have one - she just has to get the law bug out of her system first."
"All right, you two," Charisma cut in. "That's enough. You're embarrassing Brianna and this is her night."
Mac and Janice looked at the two young women with surprise, then they exchanged glances. "You're right, Charisma," Mac said with a charming smile. He turned to Brianna. "Fabulous effort, my dear. Absolutely exceptional work. I think it's safe to say your grade for the year is in the bag. And if you should ever change your mind on making drama your major...."
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