"But you know something? I have blessed the day that I came to this pompous, overblown city and gotten lost. Because that little bump in my road caused me to find Esmeralda and Saphira and be reminded that there are real, caring people still left in the world." Brianna bit her lip and looked around the room. "They reminded me of the Good Samaritan parable I heard in Sunday School as a child - taking care of a stranger for no other reason than it was the right thing to do. And the only thing they asked in return was my friendship."

Brianna looked around the room again, letting her eyes linger on those people she recognized until she finally met Charisma's and held there. "I will never be able to repay the kindness shown to me by them, but I would like to think that I'll be better than I was because of what they gave to me." She too leaned her head back to stare at the ceiling with a smile. "Es, I know you can hear me, and I know you're with Saphira again. Be happy, my friends, and thank you. Thank you for making my world a better place to be in. God bless you both."

Brianna kept her eyes riveted on the ceiling for several moments, before Adam's voice rang out in the stillness. "Bye, Es." Then as if on cue, Luke and Kay started harmonizing 'Amazing Grace', and it wasn't long until the entire congregation was singing as well. When the first verse was done, people rose from their seats, slowly taking their leave as they continued to sing. Amber and Ruby stood at the door, accepting hugs from these strangers who had known Esmeralda enough to want to say goodbye.

By the fourth verse, only the Taghertys, Kay's family and Brianna were left in the chapel and they finished the song as they exited the building, leaving only Brianna and Charisma to say goodbye to Amber and Ruby.

"Thank you," Brianna said quietly. "For letting us say goodbye. The words were inadequate to the feelings, but I'd like to think that maybe somewhere out there, Es heard them and smiled."

Amber nodded, tears shining in her eyes. She'd been glad to know that Esmeralda had been as highly thought of by so many as she had, but hearing them all sing together, as if they had been easing her spirit into the next life.... That had moved Amber in ways she hadn't been touched in centuries.

"I'm willing to bet she did, Senator. I'm willing to bet she did."

"Will you two be okay getting back...?" Charisma trailed off, not sure exactly where they were headed. Ruby took up the question and nodded with a sad smile.

"We'll be fine, Senator Tagherty. I know you don't think much of the Father, but he's taking care of things now. We'll be all right."

"If you're sure...?" Brianna queried.

"We are. Go on now. Go live your lives and be happy together. You know that's what Es would have wanted." Charisma and Brianna exchanged startled looks, then turned wide eyes on Ruby who nodded.

"Thank you, Ruby," Brianna finally said. "Godspeed your journeys home." And without another word, they walked down the steps hand in hand and entered the limousine that was waiting for the two of them. Amber and Ruby watched it out of sight before turning to the rest of the Angels who were waiting for them.

"Let's go home, ladies."


"Are you all right, Love?" Saphira asked as they turned away from the monitor. They had asked the Father to postpone His announcement until the team returned home to hear the news firsthand with the rest of Heaven. He had granted their request, starting their 'Welcome Home' banquet instead - that would keep those gathered happy and busy until such time as the rest were home once more.

In the midst of all the gaiety and celebration, Esmeralda had approached the Father, and at His nod, taken Saphira's hand and led her to the viewing room. Saphira looked around, then back at Esmeralda in question, wondering what had brought them here in the middle of their own gala. "Es?" coming up behind her and wrapping her in strong arms. "What's going on?" Esmeralda turned in Saphira's embrace, laying her head on Saphira's shoulder and smiling into her neck when Saphira tightened her hold. Saphira brushed a kiss over blonde hair and whispered, "Es?"

"I'm okay, Phira. I asked the Father if we could watch my funeral. I know it sounds kind of morbid, but I'm curious." Saphira cocked an eyebrow, but didn't release her grip, merely waiting for Esmeralda to continue. "Charisma and Brianna planned your service - they spoke about you, and it made my heart glad to hear what they had to say about you."

"You think they'll speak again?"

"If Amber doesn't, yes."

Saphira nodded. "All right then... turn it up," gesturing to the screen that was currently showing the small chapel where Esmeralda's ashes had been placed. Esmeralda put her back to Saphira's front once again, and triggered the volume so they could hear. Saphira watched with interest the number of people that were already seated, even as more slowly trickled in behind. "That's a lot of people."

"It was the same for yours, Saphira."


"Yes, now shh...." seeing Matilda approach Charisma and Brianna after she'd spoken to Amber and Ruby.

"I'll still expect to see you two girls every Wednesday night for dinner," Matilda scolded without preamble. "No excuses."

Brianna and Charisma communicated with one another silently for a long moment, then covered each of Matilda's hands with one of their own. "We wouldn't dream of missing, Matilda. Es would probably come back and kick our collective butts if we let something that important slide. You don't treat friends and family like that, you know. We may bring Adam from time to time if that's okay," Charisma stated, seeing a twinkle flash in Matilda's sad eyes.

"Joe and I would like that."

"Good. We'll plan on it then." Matilda moved away then and Esmeralda and Saphira continued to watch the proceedings with interest. Saphira held Esmeralda when Charisma and Brianna spoke, but they both cried when Adam said goodbye. When the assembly began singing, Esmeralda turned back to Saphira and simply held on.

"That was remarkable," Saphira whispered in her ear as the sound from the screen tapered off into silence. "Do you think the Father would understand if we took a few minutes before the girls get back to collect ourselves?"

"I think He'd be surprised if we didn't - omniscient, remember?"

Saphira chuckled and Esmeralda laughed, and with that, a weight was lifted from them and they sighed in relief, as a burden they hadn't known they were carrying was suddenly gone from their shoulders.

"Good - c'mon. I'm sure He'll send Rudy to fetch us back if we take too long." She extended her hand to Esmeralda who accepted it with alacrity, then pulled Saphira towards the doorway. Then they were racing for their home, a lightness in their steps causing them to laugh in pure, unadulterated joy.

The Father smiled from the head of the table and continued to bask in the celebration going on around Him.


"Brianna? This is Scott Patterson. Look - I don't really like you, and I certainly don't owe you anything, but I do think you're more than capable of carrying out your threat against me. I want you to know that none of this is my doing. So I'd appreciate it if you don't mention Trevor Carlson in retaliation for the bevy of reporters that are waiting to speak to you and Tagherty. I didn't call them."

Brianna frowned when the message tone beeped at her, effectively ending the call. She hit 'replay' and listened to it twice more before dialing Charisma.

"Ri... I think we have a problem."


"Senator Tagherty! Senator Tagherty!! Is it true that you divorced your husband so you could 'go gay' for Senator Walker?"

"Senator Walker! Did you come to Washington for the express purpose of breaking up Senator Tagherty's marriage?"

"How long have you been having an affair?"

"What was your family's reaction to you outing yourself as a lesbian?"

"Does this mean you won't be running for President?"

"What does Adam think about having two mommies?"

"Okay!!! That's enough!!" Brianna roared, causing an almost instantaneous hush to fall over the crowd blocking their way into the Senate Building. "You can ask whatever questions you like - we don't have to answer anything, but freedom of the press and all that. But you bring a child into this and all bets are off, understood?? You leave him out of this."

The reporters blinked - stunned by the outburst and the one who had spoken. They had been so sure Senator Tagherty would be the one to react. And by the time they had shaken off their surprise, Charisma and Brianna were inside the building.

They looked at one another in stunned silence for a moment, then burst into nervous giggles. "I'm not sure that helped our case any," Charisma said through her laughter, "but that was fabulous. I don't think I've seen anything that funny in a long time. It was nice to see them get back some of what they give all the time."

"Yes, well... I probably shouldn't have spoken out of turn like that, but I really do not like reporters. And when they went after Adam...." The ringing of their cell phones simultaneously cut off her words. When Brianna answered, it was Kay on the other end and Kent was on the other side of Charisma's call. The next few minutes were spent chatting and laughing - Kay congratulating Brianna on her biting witticism that kept the press at bay; Kent ensuring both Brianna and Charisma were all right. When their calls were over, Brianna and Charisma exchanged glances and entered the lift, clasping their hands together as they headed upstairs.