"I know I'm not Saphira, Es, but I love you, okay? So please don't make me have to go through this again for a really long time, all right?"
Esmeralda smiled tenderly. "I'll do my best, Amber... promise."
"Best I can ask then, I guess." She pressed her lips to Esmeralda's forehead once more, then sighed and stood. "I'm sure the girls will stop by to say goodbye before they leave." Esmeralda nodded. Amber looked around the room awkwardly and ran a hand through her hair. "Right," she mumbled and straightened her shoulders. Esmeralda watched as Amber's human clothing melted away to be replaced by her angelic garb. Once the robing was in place, Amber stretched out the wings that had been put away for the short duration she had appeared as a human after Saphira's death. "Ahhh...."
Esmeralda chuckled. "Better?"
Amber snorted. "I'd say you have no idea, but that wouldn't be true. I don't know how the rest of you endure that like you do. The only happy part of it is when it's over."
"True, but in fairness, I think our wings work a little different."
"Ow," Amber grumbled when something popped she wasn't entirely sure was supposed to. "I certainly hope so. One more hug before I go?" she asked, opening her arms and spreading her wings to their maximum reach. Esmeralda nodded and stood.
"I'm gonna miss you, Amber."
"Same here, Little Sister. Love you."
"Love you too. Now go home." And with that, Amber disappeared from sight and was gone.
Esmeralda stood still for another long moment, then drew in a deep breath. She couldn't say it didn't hurt to have to send her family home with no indication of being able to return herself in the near future. But she knew she was right about them leaving her behind. She'd manage - she just wasn't sure what she expected her outcome to be... and she wasn't sure it mattered anymore.
She crossed back over to the bed and folded up the blankets she'd been using, then took it and the pillow and placed them neatly on the chair near the bed. Esmeralda stepped into her shoes, and headed downstairs.
"GRAMMA!" Adam cheered as they crossed the threshold into the kitchen from the backyard. It caused every family member in the kitchen to look in their direction and smile when they realized that Adam had managed to reclaim their lost sheep. Brianna tried to appear nonchalant about the whole business, but it was difficult when she was surrounded by the family she felt she had abandoned for the sake of her sanity. And then Okasa was approaching her and Brianna offered a tentative smile. Okasa squeezed her arm briefly before turning to Adam.
"So what brings you to the kitchen?" knowing she would need to go check on the plates of hors d'oeuvres and finger foods that had been set out for the numerous guests still occupying Charisma's home, but glad to be out of the melee for the moment.
"Hot chocolate," Adam said with a grin. "S'cold outside."
Okasa chuckled lightly. "I'd heard rumors to that effect, actually. All right, but you're going to have to be my helper - I don't have any ready."
"Adam good helper," he assured her as he started pulling at the buttons of his coat. Brianna took pity on him and knelt in front of him to remove his outerwear. Almost as if that was some sort of sign, several people started moving around the kitchen. The girls went to take more plates of food into the dining room and two of the boys and Paddy went to check on their various guests. Only Brianna, Okasa, Adam, Opal and Hunter were left in the kitchen. Opal immediately excused herself, citing a need to check with Charisma before she took her leave.
Brianna rose from her knees as Adam took Okasa's hand and walked to the big stove to start preparing enough hot chocolate for the entire family. She watched for a moment before deciding that having Adam's coat in her hand was reason enough to leave the kitchen; from there she could either slip upstairs and keep an eye on Es or simply leave. Brianna knew that was the coward's way, but she was so tired.
Before she could move, however, Hunter stepped up beside her to gain her attention, then waited for her eyes to meet his. He could see so many things swirling around in the depths of her gaze, but he was counting on twenty years of being friend and family to her to outweigh all the negative things he could literally feel her struggling with. When her shoulders slumped, he knew he'd been offered a reprieve, and motioned towards the foyer.
"May I walk with you?" asked politely.
"Br'anna?" Adam asked, cocking his head curiously and nearly enveloped by the apron Okasa had swathed him in. "Hot chocolate?" She gave him a weak smile.
"I'll be back, Little Man. I need to hang up your coat and check on Es, okay?"
"'Kay!" he agreed emphatically, turning his attention back to stirring the milk. Just then, Harley entered the kitchen holding Michelle's hand, and Adam's attention was immediately directed towards them. Hunter and Brianna escaped out the other door, seeing the rest of the grandchildren start streaming in from the family room.
Brianna slowly walked up the stairs towards Adam's room, and Hunter kept pace right beside her though neither of them spoke a word. They entered the bedroom and Brianna smiled in reflex at how perfectly 'Adam' it was. She crossed to the closet, giving Hunter a look.
"Can you please say whatever it is you need to say, Hunter? I don't mean to be rude, but this weekend has already been years long, and I'm not sure how much more I can take."
He gazed at her thoughtfully, though he maintained his respectful attitude. As much as he wanted to offer her comfort, Mama had given them all strict instructions about keeping their distance and allowing Brianna to instigate any familiarity between them.
"Is there anything I can do to make it better?" he finally asked. Brianna's chuckle was weary.
"I wish a hug would make it better, Hunter. I really do. But I gave up believing in faerie tales a long time ago." She shook her head and sighed. "I'm sure that's not what you were going to ask."
"I wasn't going to ask anything, actually. I was elected to reiterate what Mama said to you the other day." He held up a hand. "Mama sat all of us kids down and told us what you did and why. She asked us to respect your decision. We talked about it and just wanted you to know that we'll do our best to abide by your wishes. But if you should ever change your mind...."
"I... thank you, Hunter. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but I don't know what else to do at this point. I can't keep...."
This time, he opened his arms, and Brianna stepped willingly into his embrace. "We understand, Bri - probably as much or better than you do. That's why we agreed to do as you asked."
She nodded her head against his chest and gave another brief squeeze before pulling out of the hug. It was harder than she'd ever expected. "I'm going to go check on Es, and then Ill be back in the kitchen. I promised Adam, and I'd like to say goodbye to everyone since they're all here."
Hunter smiled and wiped at his eyes unashamedly. "They'd like that - they all would." He motioned her out of the room in front of him and closed the door behind them. "Would you like some company or should I wait for you downstairs?"
But before Brianna could give him an answer, the door to the master bedroom opened, and Esmeralda exited. Immediately they flanked her on either side.
"Es?" Brianna asked as she looked her over carefully. Esmeralda didn't appear any more rested than she had before Charisma had brought her upstairs, but there was a calm resignation in her demeanor that made Brianna and Hunter frown.
"I need to get downstairs so everyone will leave Charisma's home, and you can all get back to your normal lives."
"Es, if you need to rest a while longer, Charisma is perfectly capable of dismissing everyone here without twitching an eyelash."
"It's okay, Brianna," Esmeralda replied, giving her a small smile. "I need to do this. I need to say goodbye."
Brianna and Hunter exchanged alarmed glances, then Brianna took Esmeralda's hand in hers. "All right, Es... all right. We'll go downstairs together, then Hunter will let everyone know you want to say goodbye, okay?"
Esmeralda nodded jerkily, and Hunter headed downstairs instantly. A whistle brought his brothers running, and in another minute, the family had scattered throughout the house to let everyone know that Esmeralda wanted to say goodbye to them.
For most, the pleasantry was perfunctory at best, and they were glad to be done with it so they could return to normalcy tomorrow. Though they liked Esmeralda and appreciated her efforts on their behalf, none of them really knew her beyond greetings and casual talk at work. And though they were all glad they had taken the time to offer their support of her in her hour of need, they couldn't fathom the sense of loss she radiated from the depths of her soul. So it was with a great sense of relief that they bid her adieu and left Charisma's home to go back to their lives.
Only the Angels were different. And they were different for so many reasons beyond human, though no one but they and Esmeralda knew the truth about that, of course. But they chose to be the last to go, and they took a little more time to say goodbye, knowing it was going to be the last interaction they had with Esmeralda for the foreseeable future.
She watched as they changed from human to Angel, and wondered that no one commented on the differences in either their appearance or their demeanor. Only Turq and Jas remained as they still had responsibilities to fulfill that evening. They would transform once they had been dismissed at the end of the day. Still, the lack of reaction left Esmeralda a little confused; it was only when Ruby leaned forward and reminded her that no one could see what they didn't want seen, that Esmeralda realized she was beyond much lucid thought.
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