She could hear the rest of her team moving quietly around the kitchen; she was even fairly sure she heard Amber's voice among them. The disturbance didn't last too long, and she figured they had moved into the living room. Just as she finally felt herself slipping into sleep, she thought she heard Michael, but she was too far beyond caring to bother to check. Instead, Esmeralda slid back into the private dell where she'd found Saphira once before, and let herself try to relax.
Esmeralda looked around slowly, surprised to be back in this place so soon. As much as she knew she needed Saphira in her life like she needed air, she honestly hadn't expected that the Father would see things the same way. It made her wonder what was behind her presence here now. But then she caught a whiff of Saphira's distinct scent, and she let her concerns roll to the wayside. There would be time for them soon enough again.
Saphira didn't speak; she simply spooned up behind Esmeralda and covered them with one massive wing. For the longest time they simply lay there curled into one another while Saphira's hand gently stroked Esmeralda's smooth skin. Eventually, however, Saphira broke the silence.
"How are you, love?"
Esmeralda chuckled, but tears leaked from her eyes at the absurdity of the question Saphira posed. She shook her head, refusing to face Saphira while she answered.
"You were cremated today. It was...."
"I can't begin to imagine," was the whispered reply. "You're doing remarkably well, Es. I don't think I would have managed half as much if I was in your place." Saphira snorted. "I'm *not* doing half as well, and all I'm doing at the moment is sitting around marking time. You're still getting things done in the mortal realm." She hugged the body in front of her tightly, feeling Esmeralda return the embrace as much as she could. "I'm proud of you, Es - I love you so much."
"How much longer, Phira?"
"Oh Sweetheart... I wish I knew. It'd be now if it was left up to me; you have to know that." Saphira reached up a hand and brushed some wayward hair out of Esmeralda's eyes. "I do know He closed the books on your mission today. He's pulling the girls off the assignment. He says their job is complete and it's time for them to come home." She paused. "You need to make sure they do."
Esmeralda moved away from Saphira's embrace, rolling until she could stand up and look down at her mate. "Excuse me? Shh...." she cautioned before Saphira could respond. "Let me rephrase - why?"
"I don't know," Saphira offered honestly. "He just gave me time with you in exchange for delivering the message. And I wasn't about to turn that down."
"So you really don't know anything?"
"I know that He closed the file on Brianna and Charisma this morning; that He wants the girls home; that He expects you to make sure they return... even though this is going to be nothing more than a pleasant dream as far as you're concerned. Other than that...."
"So what happened?" Esmeralda asked quietly as she reseated herself next to Saphira. Saphira reached up a hand to help her, and proceeded to pull Esmeralda into her lap. Esmeralda went with the motion, wrapping herself around Saphira's body and simply holding on. She tucked her head into Saphira's neck and relished the light touch that traced up and down her back. Finally, Saphira blew out a breath, though the motion never ceased.
"I dunno, honestly. I'm not sure anyone but He knows to tell you the truth. No one else has His access, and I'm so far out of the loop, I don't even register on the radar at the moment. You probably have a better chance of finding out from whoever's been watching them lately."
"I wonder if they're together then."
Saphira shrugged. "Hard to say anymore, but it seems a little rushed if they are... I mean given Charisma's reluctance to be gay and Brianna's reluctance to trust."
Esmeralda brushed a kiss over the skin of Saphira's neck and smiled when she shuddered against the action. "Well, we can hope for the best while we prepare for the worst again." A sigh. "Does this mean I'll be going home soon as well?"
"I hope so, Es. The only reason you were cast out was to be with me. Since I'm no longer being punished, you shouldn't be either."
There was something about that statement that tickled uncomfortably at the back of Esmeralda's mind, but before she could analyze it, Saphira's touch changed from teasing to something much more intimate. And they put aside their concerns and questions to revel in being together again.
When Esmeralda woke she felt comforted, and she smiled, knowing in her heart that Saphira was watching over her. Then her smile fell, because she knew today they would lay Saphira's ashes to rest, and she couldn't fathom anything beyond that.
She stepped from her room to find the kitchen full but silent, and she accepted the cup of coffee Amber handed her without a word. Everyone kept their eyes fastened on the table, and finally Esmeralda cleared her throat, drawing all eyes to her.
"What did I miss?" looking around the table and finding anger and sadness in every pair of eyes that met hers. When she reached Ruby, Esmeralda closed her eyes and sighed. "He's called you home, hasn't He?" wondering why she was so sure about this.
"How did you...?"
"It doesn't matter," Amber cut in. "We're not going. Not without you."
Esmeralda smiled gently, the sadness in her eyes cutting deeply into each of them. "Yes, you are, Amber. When He calls, you go. No," she said, holding up a hand to keep Amber from commenting. "I am still in charge of you until He releases you from my supervision. He can't do that until you go home. So you're going to go home and make your reports and whatever else He asks of you, because I'd like to know you'll all be there if I ever need you again."
"You need us now."
"Amber, Saphira is dead, and nothing you or I can do is gonna change that. I have to learn to be alone. You have to continue to do His work so you can keep an eye on me now and then. If you give up your place, then who's gonna keep an eye on me, hmm?"
Amber scowled fiercely and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't like you very much right now. You cheat."
"And she's right," Ruby stated softly. "We can do more for her from there than we can from here. As much as we'd all like to stay, if Es wants us to go, we should respect that - it's her call. And it's not like we can't come visit, right?"
"Right," Esmeralda agreed with a watery smile. "Please, Amber. Do this for me if you won't do it for yourself."
Amber continued to glare at Esmeralda. "You don't play fair at all."
"I'm not playing, Amber. This is my life now... my reality. There's not much you can do for me on the mortal plane, but if you're on the heavenly one.... Who knows?"
Amber sighed deeply. "Fine. But I expect you to make some serious effort into surviving here... into living. You have to take care of yourself, Es. No starving yourself or giving up and dying. I will haunt your afterlife if you put me through something like this again."
"I'll do my best, Amber, but remember... I'm human now. And I will die."
"Me first," Amber muttered. "No more coffee then - milk and water only."
"Chocolate milk?" Esmeralda bartered.
"Fine. But no adding extra syrup to the ready-made stuff." She glared. "I know you. I've seen what happens to the chocolate syrup when you think no one else is looking," attempting to lighten the atmosphere with her levity.
"Deal," Esmeralda said solemnly. Then she looked around the table. "Thank you... all of you... for the time and effort you've each put in on this project. I can't say it was worth it...." She looked at Ruby. "Was it worth it?"
Ruby shook her head. "We can't tell. Jade said there was conversation, but none of us can figure out if it actually means anything or made any kind of difference in the outcome. As far as we know, they are still not together."
Esmeralda nodded. "Still, I appreciate everything you've all done to bring this mission to whatever conclusion that's been reached. I know it's not the kind of ending we like, but...." She shrugged. "I'll make sure to commend each of you for your efforts in my report. You're proficiencies shouldn't suffer because of this assignment."
Turq snorted. "Pretty sure none of us are worried about our proficiency ratings, Boss. You sure some of us can't stay here and...?"
"No, Turq. I appreciate it - more than I can express to you. I'm hoping after you all make your reports, He'll call me home. But I'm confident He won't let me go home before then."
"She's got a point," Ruby commented softly. "But the fact remains that if Es wants us to go home now that we've been called, we have an obligation to go." She looked at her watch. "However, if we're all going to go to the service, we need to start preparing. Jas and Turq first, as I'm sure they'll be called upon to drive today."
The two nodded and rose, each pausing behind Esmeralda to offer a silent condolence, then they headed upstairs to their bathrooms. It was time to start what promised to be a very long day.
The service itself was rather short - both Charisma and Brianna spoke briefly, and Amber gave a beautiful eulogy. What caught Esmeralda by surprise was the number of Very Important People that attended. Every Senator from her floor was there, as were many of their staffers and drivers. Combined with Charisma's extended family, Kay's family, Matilda and Joe, her entire team and a few Angels who'd descended just to offer her their unspoken support, the chapel was full to standing room only capacity. She was certain she'd even seen Michael in the back once, but when she turned to look for him again, he was gone.
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