The griffin took flight, diving toward them like a fallen angel. The wings weren’t just gilded; they were covered in golden symbols. Dozens. Hundreds. God, never mind all that—the thing was fast as lightning. Beak and claws, fur and feather, it all rushed through the air behind a disarming screech.

At the last moment, he shoved Hadley behind him. He hadn’t realized he’d drawn his dagger until the beast was on him. He struck out blindly, shielding his face as it swooped past. A slash connected with flesh—real flesh that oozed blood. Real fur. Horribly real stink of something foul and putrid. Something dead and rotting and rancid.

Something from the grave.

He swung around to track it. The griffin made a massive, arcing turn in the air before coming at them again.

Jesus! Nowhere to go. And trying to stab it midflight was like fishing in the air with no line. “Get behind me!” he shouted at Hadley, but not soon enough. The thing was on them again, and this time Lowe spied golden claws extending from its paws.

He threw himself over Hadley’s head and struck out at the incoming attacker. No hit with the dagger, but his hand knocked against a furry rib cage. Wings flapped. The beast struggled. And for a moment there was nothing but the stench of death and an ear-piercing squawk like a goddamn Harpy—so loud, he barely heard Hadley cry out when the bird swooped away.

“It took the crossbar!” She flailed against him and they stumbled to their feet. Her left glove was slashed.

In a panic, Lowe spun around to find the griffin flapping furiously against the palm tree. Either Lowe’s blow had set him off balance, or whatever dark magic powered the creature was having trouble managing the weight of the crossbar. But sure enough, from the grip of his brown beak, a rod of gold flashed.

Gold worth about as much as his life, because without it, he had nothing.

Lowe raced for the griffin, not sure if it was out of his reach yet or what he’d do if it was. But something changed when he was still several strides away. The griffin was losing his battle with gravity. It was making horrific sounds, flapping and throwing itself against the palm tree’s ringed bark, as if it were wrestling an invisible foe or swarmed by furious bees.

The crossbar dropped from its mouth.

Lowe swiped it off the lawn and backed away. The beast was still going down. Maybe the damn thing was going to explode like a magical bomb. Best not chance it.

“Run!” he told Hadley, grabbing her hand as he darted into the street. Where was the damned taxi? Did he not pay the man to wait, for the love of God?

Hadley pointed across the road. “There!”

He couldn’t shove her into the backseat fast enough. He slammed the door behind him and looked out the back window, rubbing away condensation from the pane until he could see the dark shape of the griffin writhing at the base of the palm.

“You got it?” Hadley asked.

He opened his hand and showed her the crossbar before pocketing it.

“I thought you said the first rule was ‘never run.’”

“I said never take the back door. You okay? Did it break skin?”

She tugged her glove off. “No. Just feels like there might be a bruise later.”

He pulled her arm closer to inspect her hand. At the last moment, he remembered not to touch her and awkwardly withdrew, mumbling an apology. The look on her face was indeterminable. Hurt, wary, panicked? He had no idea.

“Go, please,” he told the driver.

Dark eyes stared back at him in the rearview mirror. Now that was a panicked look. No telling how much the poor man had seen. “Where to?”

Where? Good question. Would the griffin revive itself and fly its rotting feline corpse around the city until it found them again? Regardless, he had to get the crossbar to a safe place.

On a sigh, Lowe collapsed against the seat. Dark blood tipped his blade. “Just get us off this damned hill as fast as you can. I’ll decide once we’re back in civilization.”

 • • •

LaZy SuZan’s Automat was a café in North Beach that billed itself as San Francisco’s only “European Electric Self-Serving Kitchen.” Hand-lettered signs declared: NO WAITING. NO TIPPING. OPEN DAILY FROM SIX A.M. TIL MIDNIGHT.

While Lowe hunted a public telephone, Hadley found them an empty café table next to the expansive front window. She removed her coat and surveyed the far wall, where lunchtime crowds peered inside the glass doors of hundreds of tiny metal compartments, each fitted with a coin slot. Signs above indicated what was served: soups, hot meals, sandwiches, cakes, and pies. Coins went in, door popped open, food was taken. No servers, no hostess—a couple of uniformed employees cleaned tables as others bussed trays of dishes back and forth to the hidden kitchen.

“The temptation of unlimited food with the allure of slot machines,” Hadley said when Lowe returned with a tray loaded down with slices of pie and two steaming cups. He’d actually remembered to get her tea and not coffee. “How charming.”

He pulled a chair around the small round table until he had a better view of the window. A little too close for Hadley’s comfort, especially when he paused in the middle of doling out silverware, eyes trained on the front of her dress. She wasn’t sure if she was flattered that he’d noticed she’d removed her coat, or embarrassed. But she’d worn the damn dress, hadn’t she?

He cleared his throat. “You’ve never eaten here?”

“I don’t often find myself patronizing North Beach establishments,” she said, eyeing the unmarked entrances across the street. Speakeasies. Gambling. Jazz.

“The Gris-Gris Club is right across the street—see that covered door on the side road? My brother met his wife there. Nice place. I’ll take you sometime.”

A nervous thrill surged inside her chest. He probably was just making conversation. “A nightclub,” she scoffed, as if it was the silliest thing she’d ever heard. “Might be hard to dance when you’re being attacked by flying cats.”

“Been almost an hour,” Lowe said, snapping his pocket watch shut. “Maybe we’re in the clear. Try this.” He slid a wedge of pale yellow pie in her direction. “Meyer lemon. Don’t tell me you hate lemon or we can’t be friends.”

“I love any kind of pie. I have a terrible sweet tooth.” After he dove into his, she took a bite. Tart, sweet, and cool. “It’s delicious. Is this your usual lunch?”

“Lately, it’s been whatever I’m in the mood for. I ate a lot of godawful food on the excavation. Every once in a while, we’d have something local that surprised me—the coffee was excellent—but mostly we ended up relying on tinned goods. But since I got back, I’ve been eating my way through all the things I’ve missed.” He nodded at her plate and smiled. “Go on.”

He’d already stuffed her full of mints, and now he was practically shoving the pie down her throat. She took another bite, then another, suddenly famished, before she noticed Lowe staring at her face. “What?”

A wolfish smile slowly lifted his cheeks. “Nothing. I just enjoy watching you eat.”

“Well, I do, you know. Everyone always tells me I need to eat more, but I’m not some picky birdlike eater. My metabolism’s high, or I’m just built this way, I don’t know.”

His gaze pored over her like sticky syrup. “I like the way you’re built.”

A vulnerable heat spread down her body. And to her great horror, her nipples tightened, bawdily prodding the thin fabric of her dress. She slowly set her fork down and crossed her arms over her breasts. When had he slung an arm around the back of her chair? She gave him a cross look, and he removed it.

“My guy is on his way. Before he gets here, maybe we need to take a good look at this.” He glanced around and scooted his chair closer to hide what he laid on the table between them. “Too close?” he murmured near her ear. “I won’t touch you again, I promise.”

It sounded as though he meant it. Good. A relief. And at the same time muddily disappointing. Flustered, she took a sip of her tea, nearly scalding her lips—why in the world was it so damned hot?—and then promptly attempted to quiet her bouncing emotions.

“Are you counting again?” he whispered.

“I’m fine.” She exhaled and slid a quick glance his way. “Really.”

He lifted both brows but didn’t push her. Whatever his faults, he had a knack for knowing when to stand down. Without another word, he unwrapped the handkerchief between their plates. Hadley stared down at it, grateful for the distraction.

The gold crossbar was startlingly bright in the gray light filtering in through the window. A conservative design bordered the front, and a small mechanism protruded from the bottom, presumably used to attach the bar to the base. Odd symbols were embossed into the back.

“Looks like a match to me,” she said.

“Agreed.” He rewrapped the crossbar.

But something else bothered her. “If the griffin was a magical construct, where was the spell?”

“The spell that released it, or brought it to life, you mean?”

“Yes. The crossbar wasn’t housed inside any sort of wrapping when I found it, so the logical assumption would be that there was some sort of spell written on the inside of the urn.”

“None of the canopic paintings showed additional symbols inside the jars, but maybe there was a spell scribbled on a piece of paper that was stashed with the crossbar. Could’ve fallen onto the lawn and we just didn’t spot it.”

“True, but regardless, why didn’t my mother warn me about this?”

“She did mention the crossbars were dangerous,” Lowe argued. “It wasn’t attacking us—it wanted the crossbar.”