Gabriel’s Rapture
Rachel rolled her eyes. “No, you couldn’t. And right now, I need
you to freeze the God damned butter.”
Gabriel muttered something unintelligible and walked away. He
took his time as he climbed the stairs, trying desperately to formulate an apology that would be worthy of her.
(Not that it was possible, even with his silver tongue.)
He stood outside the door while he gathered his bearings, inhal-
ing deeply before entering. But the bed was empty.
Puzzled, he searched the room. No Julia.
Returning to the hall, he wondered if she’d sought refuge in
Scott’s room, but she hadn’t. The bathroom, likewise, was unoccu-
pied. His eyes alighted on the closed door of the guest room across the hall. He opened it.
Julia was lying in the center of the bed, sound asleep. He contem-
plated leaving her to her dreams but rejected the idea. They needed to talk, away from prying ears, and at least for the next little while his family was preoccupied.
Wordlessly, he removed his shoes and crawled into bed, spoon-
ing behind her. The surface of her skin was smooth but cool. He
wrapped himself around her.
“Gabriel?” She blinked sleepily at him. “What time is it?”
“Six thirty.”
She rubbed her eyes. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?”
“They were waiting for me.”
“Waiting for you to do what?”
“I was out. When I came back, Richard wanted to speak with me.”
“Where did you go?”
He looked away guiltily.
“Were you with her?”
“Her driver’s license is suspended because of the DUI. I dropped
her off at a hotel.”
“Why were you gone so long?”
He paused, his expression conflicted. “We were talking.”
“Talking? At a hotel?”
Sylvain Reynard
“She’s upset about the turn her life has taken. Her appearance
here was a desperate attempt to change direction.”
Julia began curling in on herself, drawing her knees flush against her chest.
“No, no, no,” he chanted, tugging her arms and knees away from
her body, trying desperately to relax her defensive posture. “She’s gone, and she won’t be coming back. I told her again that I’ve fallen in love with you. She has my money and she has my lawyers, and that’s it.”
“That’s never been enough for her. She wants you, and she doesn’t
care that you’re with me.”
He put his arms around Julia’s unyielding body. “I don’t care
what she wants. I’m in love with you, and you are my future.”
“She’s beautiful. And sexy.”
“She’s malicious and petty. I saw nothing beautiful in her today.”
“You made a child together.”
He winced. “Not by choice.”
“I hate sharing you.”
Gabriel scowled. “You will never have to share me.”
“I have to share you with your past — with Paulina, with Profes-
sor Singer, with Jamie Roberts — with countless other women I’m
probably going to pass on the street in Toronto.”
He set his teeth. “I’ll do my best to protect you from such em-
barrassing encounters in the future.”
“It still hurts.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “If I could change the past, I would.
But I can’t, Julianne, no matter how badly I wish I could.”
“She gave you what I can’t.”
He leaned over her body, his hand pressing down on the mattress
next to her hip. “If you were thirsty and someone offered you water from the ocean, would you drink it?”
“Of course not.”
She shuddered. “Because the water is salty and dirty.”
“And if someone gave you the choice between that water and a
glass of Perrier, which would you choose?”
Gabriel’s Rapture
“The Perrier, of course. But I don’t see what this has to do with her.”
His eyes narrowed. “Don’t you?”
He moved, bringing his chest to hers, kneeling in between her
legs so he could press their hips together. “You don’t see the comparison between you and her? This is my water.” He pressed himself against her again. “You are my water. Making love with you is all I need to quench my thirst. Why would I throw this away for water
from the ocean?”
He moved against her as a reminder. “She has nothing to offer me.”
He lowered his face so their noses were inches apart. “And you
are beautiful. Every part of you is a masterpiece, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. You’re Botticelli’s Venus and Beatrice.
Do you have any idea how much I adore you? You captured my heart
when I first saw you, when you were seventeen.”
Her body began to relax incrementally under his touch and his
quiet words. “How was it left with her?”
“I told her that I didn’t appreciate her dropping in on me and that she was never to do it again. She took it as well as could be expected.”
Gabriel was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. “Come in!”
He rolled onto his side just as Rachel walked in.
“Dinner is on the table, and Tom and Scott are here. Are you two
coming downstairs?” She looked from her best friend to her brother and back again. “Do I need to send Scott up here?”
Julia shook her head. “Did he bring his girlfriend?”
“No, she’s spending Christmas with her parents. I asked him to
invite her but he gave me a big song and dance.” Rachel looked an-
noyed. “Do you think he’s embarrassed by us?”
“More likely he’s embarrassed by her,” said Gabriel. “She’s prob-
ably a stripper.”
“Professors in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Rachel glared at her brother and stormed out.
Julia looked puzzled. “What was that about?”
His expression tightened. “My dear sister is less than impressed
with Paulina — and me.”
Chapter 9
Jt was a different Christmas Eve than any of them had ever ex-
perienced. Grace’s absence was felt most keenly by her husband
and children, Aaron wished that he was already married, and Rachel wished that her chicken Kiev was even half as good as her mother’s, frozen butter or not.
After dinner, Gabriel, Tom, and Richard retreated to the back
porch to smoke cigars and drink Scotch while the rest of the family enjoyed coffee in the kitchen.
“How was Italy?” Aaron asked Julia as the two of them refilled
their mugs from the coffee maker.
“It was great. The weather was good, and we had a wonderful
time. How are the wedding plans?”
“They’re coming along. When Rachel tried to rent one hundred
doves to be released after the ceremony, I put my foot down. I think some of my gun-toting relatives might be tempted to shoot the damn things.” He winked.
“How are your parents?”
“They’re good. Rachel has been including my mom in the wedding
planning, so she’s pretty excited. How are things with you and Gabriel?”
Julia hid her face as she opened the fridge to look for the cream.
“Except for his ex showing up.”
She glanced over at him, and he gave her a sympathetic look.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Aaron toyed with a teaspoon. “Gabriel is different when you’re
around.” He placed the spoon on the counter and rubbed his chin.
“He seems happy.”
Gabriel’s Rapture
“He makes me happy too.”
“A happy Gabriel is about as rare as a hobbit. We’re all glad to
see it. As far as the ex is concerned, well, I doubt they were serious.
Not like the way he is with you.”
“Thanks, Aaron.”
The two friends exchanged a quick hug.
Later that evening, Julia and Gabriel retired to their room at a
bed and breakfast. She was washing her face in the bathroom when
she heard the strains of “Lying in the Hands of God” wafting from
the bedroom.
Gabriel came to stand behind her, wearing nothing but a pair
of navy-blue silk boxer shorts and a smile.
“It isn’t Barry White, but it’s ours.” He watched her for a moment or two, his expression becoming heated. He nuzzled her neck, pushing her hair aside as he fluttered his lips against her skin.
“I want you,” he whispered. “Now.”
He slid his hands underneath her T-shirt, exposing the flesh of
her abdomen above the band of her yoga pants.
“Why don’t you change into one of those pretty things you bought
in Toronto? Or maybe the blue basque. You know it’s my favorite.”
His voice was low as his mouth moved seductively to her shoulder.
“I can’t.”
He smirked. “Not here, love. I’m not sure you’re ready to watch
us in a mirror. Although I wouldn’t mind.”
When he began to remove her T-shirt, she pulled away. “Not
He dropped his arms to his sides, watching her.
She avoided his eyes as she went back to washing her face.
Gabriel frowned and walked away, silencing the stereo in a huff.
Apart from their interlude in the Uffizi, she’d never turned him down.
Of course, they’d only been together a little over two weeks. But still…
Professor Emerson was not used to being rejected by a lover. He
was sure she had her reasons — or at least one reason beginning with P and ending with A. He flopped onto the bed, bringing his arm to rest across his face. Understandably, Julianne was still upset about Paulina’s reappearance. Sex would be the last thing on her mind. Not 89
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