Shane pivoted, half shielding his brother. “We need to talk. Alone.”

Malloy tilted his head. “Are either you or your… lawyer… armed?”

“No.” A knife in his boot didn’t count. Both Shane and Nathan had left all guns in the truck.

Malloy nodded, stepping back and holding the door open. He led them to the conference room where Shane had first been interviewed. Sitting down, the detective eyed Nathan. “If you’re an attorney, I’m a fucking ballet dancer.”

Shane leaned over the table, both hands flat. “He’s my brother. My wife has been taken by a military group you’ve never heard of, and if we don’t save her, she’s dead.”

Malloy lifted an eyebrow. “Is that so? She’s probably safe without you.”

“No. They’ll kill her.”

“Then why the hell are you here and not going after her?” Malloy’s expression gave nothing away.

Shane shoved panic down. “We need you to pull up the new traffic cams all over town so we can see where she is.”

Malloy frowned. “Excuse me?”

“We identified her location a short time ago. It’s a trap, of course. We need to see where they’ve taken her after allowing us to trace a cell phone call.” Shane tried to keep from grabbing the detective around the neck and shaking him. Time was running out for Josie. Who knew what the commander would do to her? Shane yanked his cell phone from his pocket and played the recorded conversation with the commander.

Malloy paled. “I watched her go with Marsh. Didn’t even think to stop her.”

“Then this is your fault, too.” Shane had no problem using guilt with Malloy. It beat shooting the cop.

The detective hitched out a breath. “Why the hell should I trust you? You’ve done nothing but lie to me since day one.”

“Instincts.” Nathan spoke low, calm. A hint of desperation broke through his charm. “You’ve got them. I can tell. While you might not like what’s going on here, you believe us. Now please help us.”

Shane stood to his full height. If Malloy refused, he’d go for the traffic cams himself.

* * *

Shane twisted the earpiece into his ear, his heartbeat slowing while his mind focused. He lay prone on the pebbled asphalt, his dark clothes blending with the night. Pain echoed through his gut from his surgery. The scent of sage mixed with the wild huckleberries skirting the forest and filled the air. “Do you think Malloy will be safe with Nate?”

“Sure. Stop worrying about Malloy. Cops get kidnapped at gunpoint all the time.”

“Funny.” Matt was such an asshole.

“I know.” Lying next to him, Matt lifted night-scope goggles to his eyes, focusing across the tarmac. The wind lifted his hair. “Besides, I checked out the cop. Combat experience. He might come in handy.”

Malloy had surprised the hell out of Shane, leading him right to the cams.

Using the traffic cam recordings, Malloy had zeroed in on Josie’s last known location, winding the recording back until two SUVs were seen leaving the area. Heading right for the airport. Once found, Shane had pressed his gun against Malloy’s side until they all quietly and serenely walked outside to the truck. Malloy had even chatted with two uniforms on the way. If Shane didn’t know better, he’d think the cop had wanted to come on the mission.

At least now, no other cops would show up—well, until all hell broke loose.

Nate and Malloy crab-crawled into place next to them.

Shane eyed Malloy. “I hope this doesn’t end your career.”

The cop shrugged. “I’m a cop trained to save the victim—Josie needs saving. If it ends my career, I don’t want it anymore.” He grinned. “Plus, I don’t mind having you owe me one.”

Nate clapped the cop on the back. “Ready?”

Malloy nodded. “On your mark.”

“Now.” Nate rolled out of sight and headed around the building, the cop quickly following.

Matt adjusted his goggles with one finger and pressed an earpiece into his ear. “Nathan, set the devices.”

Shane flashed back to another mission at a small airport, somewhere in the Middle East. Grisly images whipped through his brain. He shook his head to clear it; now wasn’t the time.

“Are you all right?” Matt whispered. “You haven’t started bleeding again, have you?”

“No. I’m fine.” Those bastards had his wife. No way was he sitting this out. Shane grabbed a thermal-sensing scope out of his bag, focusing on the metal building. “Two guards just inside the door, two working inside the planes, and three people in a room off to the side.” His wife. Probably with Tom and Dr. Madison. A chill slashed into his gut, and he tamped down any emotion. Cold focus would win the day, and he was one cold bastard.

“They’re waiting for us across town.” Satisfaction coated Matt’s voice.

“You’ve been better than the commander for years.” Shane shook his head. If not, they’d never have escaped.

“I know.” Matt rolled to his feet. “Though he’ll figure out our plan soon. We need to get the hell out of here.”

Shane jumped up. “Let’s do this, then.”

“Shane, Dr. Madison is mine.” A cautionary tone Shane had never heard before ran through Matt’s deep voice. “You save your wife.”

Shane bit back a sharp response. His brother was the ultimate protector, had been since Shane’s birth. Matt had taught them all, and he’d trained them until they hated him. But he’d been the first through any door and had stood in front of Shane and a bullet more than once. Shane sighed. “You couldn’t kill a woman, Matt.” Though he wondered. Had Matt been closer to the lunatic doctor than Shane had known?

“She’s not a woman. She’s a monster.” Matt cocked his Beretta and tapped his earpiece. “At your mark, Nate.”

The wind picked up and scattered leaves across Shane’s boot. He readied his stance, his Glock cocked and ready.

“Fire in the hole,” Nathan said through the earpieces.

Two seconds later, the roar of an explosion split the silence into fragments. Fire rolled toward the sky, lifting the metal hangar door. Heat flashed through the air, and they ran toward the blaze.

The sound of fire cutting through oxygen flashed Shane to another time. His hearing fogged. His gut swirled. No. Coldness. He needed to focus. An ember singed his neck. Pain ripped through his skin. He sucked it in, allowing the vibrations to center him. Nothing like pain to sharpen the present reality.

A soldier ran around the building, firing a Colt M16 fully automatic. Shane dropped from a run into a slide that would’ve made Ty Cobb proud, catching the soldier at the ankles. The man pitched forward. Shane aimed for the jugular and pulled his trigger, rolling to the side and leaping to his feet. The soldier was dead before he slammed to the ground.

Shane leapt through the gaping hole on Matt’s heels. Scorched metal scented the air while smoke billowed a haze across his vision. The whirring of jet engines wound through the crackle. The Learjet glided through the open hangar door. He caught a glimpse of dark hair in a side window. Dr. Madison turned her face, a smile lifting her lips. Red nails flashed as she waved. The smacking sound of her pursing her lips and sending him a kiss filled his ears even through the metal and glass.

Anger ripped through him. He ran toward the jet. Was Josie on it? Pausing, trusting his brothers to protect his back, he closed his eyes and listened. Hearts beat all around him, rapidly pumping blood and adrenaline. A soft pitter-patter caught his attention… the heartbeat well known. Josie.

Thank God for super hearing.

He pivoted, running around to the other side of the rumbling Falcon jet. Josie struggled with Tom, who clouted her on the head and threw her in the open hatch.

Shane bunched to leap forward. A soldier rammed a gun barrel into his neck. “Don’t move.”

The gun ripped away from Shane along with the soldier’s body as Matt took him down. The crunch of bones against concrete overwhelmed the sound of fire. Then fire roared louder.

He had to get to Josie. Was she hurt? The Falcon edged toward the opening. Shane jumped forward, loping into a run. Heat whipped around him. Tom smiled, pulling up the stairs. The engine revved louder.

Two soldiers immediately ran around the plane toward him.

Fast as a whip, Malloy appeared from the side and shot the first guy, taking him down. Nate shot the second.

Shane gave a curt nod to Malloy, who nodded back. Yeah, he owed the cop for that one.

Arriving at the plane, Shane reached up, yanking down the ladder. Tom shot a kick into his face, and Shane dodged to the side. Then he dove into the plane, landing on plush carpet and swinging his legs around.

Tom jumped back, levering a M9 pistol between Shane’s eyes. Tom retreated another step down the narrow aisle, gesturing for Shane to stand.

Shane rolled to his feet, his gaze slashing to a pale Josie, who sat behind Tom in a cushioned brown seat. Her blue eyes had gone wide. She began to stand, eyeing the gun. Shane gave a slight shake of his head, and she sat back down.

Her shoulders trembled, and Shane felt a fury he’d never imagined. How dare they mess with his wife? He shifted his shoulders, angling his body so Tom couldn’t push him out of the plane. The jet picked up speed, rolling toward the open runway. He forced a sarcastic smile on his face. “Why don’t you lose the gun and fight me like a man? I mean, you’re kind of trained, right?”

Tom returned the smile. And fired.

Josie screamed.

Pain exploded through Shane’s chest. The bullet threw him back against the cockpit door. Each rib vibrated as if plucked, and he could actually feel his stitches separating. He slid to the ground and stopped himself at a crouch. “You asshole.” The prick had purposefully aimed for the bulletproof vest. “Can’t take me at full strength, huh?”