“I don’t know, I just thought I’d say hi, I guess.”

“Then you could have just called, since you have my number and all.”

He heavily sighed, “Miss Lane, enough with the questions please.”

I laughed silently because I was pissing him off again and I loved it.

“Can I ask you one more thing?” He looked at me and frowned. God he was sexy when he did that. It’s a sin to look that good.

“What is it?”

“Could you please stop calling me Miss Lane and call me Ellery?”

He smiled and cocked his head, “It would be my pleasure Ellery.” I liked the way my name rolled off his tongue.

Connor glanced over at my pad and saw the scribble of two people on it.

“What are you drawing?”

“The bride and groom over there,” I pointed.


“Why not, they’re a cute couple, and I think it would make a good painting. I’ll call it A Wedding in Central Park.”

“And what makes you think someone would buy that?”

I rolled my eyes at his bluntness; I knew it was only a matter of time.

“People love weddings and any couple that got married here would buy it as a memory of the beginning of their life together.”

Connor lifted up his chin, “It’s all a bunch of shit if you ask me.”

“What is?” I asked as I looked at him in confusion.

“Weddings, starting a life together, relationships, all of it, you said nothing lasts forever.”

I was surprised by his words and his hatred for relationships. I could see the pain in his beautiful green eyes; he must have been badly hurt. I looked down and continued drawing.

“Well, a lot of people believe in the happily ever after and the fairytale relationships, let’s not take that away from them.”

“Do you believe in any of that?” he asked.

“I don’t know; I thought once I did, but I’m not so sure anymore.” I continued drawing.

He took his hand and lightly grabbed my wrist, turning it over and softly rubbing my scar with his thumb. I wanted to pull away, but his touch froze me; he was so warm and soft and what he was doing sent fire through my body.

“Tell me about these scars,” he said in a low voice.

My heart started racing as he let go and let my hand fall back to my pad. I stared at him, why did he care? I have not known him long enough to share my secrets; hell, I don’t know him at all.

“I made a mistake; I was young and stupid; that’s all.”

“Everyone is young and stupid from time to time, but they do not try to kill themselves,” he snapped. It was almost as if he was taking this personally. I sighed and remained calm.

“Connor, you don’t know me or anything about me. We are not friends remember, so what happened to me in my past is none of your business.” There I said it. I put him in his place and politely told him to back off.

“I apologize,” he said as he looked straight ahead.

I started to feel a bit of regret for my tone. I got up from the bench. “I’m starving, would you like a hot dog?”

“No, I don’t want a hot dog; if you are hungry then I’ll take you to a proper restaurant for lunch.”

I laughed as I turned my back to him and started walking away, “Suit yourself Mr. Black, but I’m going to get me a hot dog from the hot dog stand.” I heard him mumble something under his breath, and before I knew it, he was walking beside me.

“Do you ever listen to anyone?”

“No, I do what I want.”

“I can tell,” he mumbled under his breath thinking I didn’t hear him, but I did. I casually smiled and kept walking. We reached the hot dog vendor, and I looked at Connor.

“Are you getting one?”

He frowned at me and growled at the vendor, “Give me two hotdogs.”

I grabbed my hot dog and apologized to the vendor and whispered, “He’s mad because I’m forcing him to eat a hot dog when he wanted a fancy lunch.”

The vendor and I laughed as Connor walked over to a wooden table. I walked over to the condiment stand and topped my hot dog with relish, onions, ketchup and mustard. I grabbed a bunch of napkins and sat down next to Connor at the small picnic table. He looked over at my hot dog and then at me with disgust in his eyes.

“That is gross,” he said as he took a bite of his plain hot dog.

“Gross, no way man, this is heaven,” I took a large bite and watched him stare at me as I chewed.

“You do realize how bad that is for you, right?”

I put my finger up, “You only live once, make the best of it.”

He tried to hold back a smile, but I saw it and it made me smile back. I shoved my hot dog at him.

“Here take a bite.”

“No, get that thing out of my face,” he frowned.

“Not until you take a bite Connor, then you can judge if it’s gross.”

I kept moving the hot dog closer to his mouth as he rolled his eyes and finally took a bite. He chewed it, and I laughed at the glob of ketchup he had in the corner of his mouth. I took a napkin and wiped it. Instantly, he put his hand on mine like he wanted to jerk it away, but he didn’t and he stared at me with fear in his eyes. I took the napkin away and smiled as if I didn’t notice his reaction.

“You had ketchup right there, and I didn’t want it to get on your shirt.”

He nodded his head, “Thanks.”

Chapter 9

The afternoon in Central Park was beautiful. The sun was shining down keeping a bit of warmth in the air. The tips of the leaves were starting to change letting everyone know that fall is approaching. The birds were chirping, and the squirrels were running around gathering up supplies to make their nests for the winter.

“I want to ask you something,” Connor said as he looked at me. I took the last bite of my hot dog and wiped my mouth.

“Go ahead.”

“I gave some thought to our recent outing, and I was wondering if you would be interested in being?” he stopped.

“Being?” I motioned for him to proceed.

He cleared his throat and took in a sharp breath, “Would you be interested in being a companion?”

I narrowed my eyes, “What? I don’t get it.” He heavily sighed at the fact that I did not get what he was trying to say.

“Would you be interested in being a person who would accompany me to certain functions, no strings attached, and I would pay you of course?” I was in the middle of drinking my water when I spit it out.

“What? You mean like an escort or call girl,” I yelled.

“NO, NO, that is not what I meant Ellery,” he tried to explain. “I mean like a friend.” I lightly smiled at him because that was so hard for him to say.

“You mean go out as friends, like me and Peyton?” He ran his hands through his luxurious hair. I lightly touched his arm.

“Connor, if you want to be friends then all you had to do was ask. Actually, I already considered us friends, and there will be no money involved either.” He pursed his lips and a small smile escaped them.

“There’s a benefit I need to attend tomorrow night. It is a charity function, and I need to be there to represent my company, would you like to go?”

I bit my lip as I sweetly smiled at him, “I would love to go.” He smiled back as we got up from the table and started making our way out of Central Park.

“I will pick you up at 6pm sharp,” he said looking straight ahead. I silently smiled because I felt different when I was with him. I liked the feeling, but then I hated it to because nothing can happen between us, and I needed to be extremely careful that nothing did.

Just as we were leaving I heard someone call my name, “Elle?” I looked to the side and time stopped as I saw Kyle walking towards me. Connor stopped walking when I did and looked at me; he knew something was wrong.

“Elle, how are you?” Kyle asked in a confused tone. I took in a deep breath.

“I’m great Kyle how are you?” I managed to smile.

A few feet behind him stood a woman with jet black hair and boobs so fake, I bet they would pop if I poked them with my finger. I looked over at her as she was eye fucking Connor.

“I’m fine, who is this?” he asked, pointing to Connor.

“Oh, I’m sorry; this is my friend Connor Black.” Connor extended his hand, and the two of them shook. My stomach was in knots and so desperately wanted to throw up.

“Elle, you look good,” he smiled as he looked me up and down.

I faked a smile as Kyle’s little plastic bimbo came walking up and introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Angela; you must be Kyle’s ex?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yep that’s me; Kyle’s ex.”

She would not stop looking at Connor and seducing him with her eyes. It was making me uncomfortable. She was practically salivating. I pulled Kyle over to the side.

“Tame your dog Kyle; she is embarrassing you.”

He glared at me, “Angela, let’s go.”

I looked over at Connor who was steadily smiling at me.


“Nothing, you are just…”

“Just what Connor?” I asked.

“You’re just full of life, let’s put it that way,” he laughed. I shook my head as we left Central Park.

Denny had the Limo parked and was waiting for Connor. “Are you getting in?” Connor asked as he pointed to the car.

“No, I’m walking,” I said as I started down the street.

“Elle, get in the car,” he demanded. I smiled because for the first time he called me Elle, which was his way of letting me know we were friends. My back was turned as I walked away and waved.

“Bye Connor, see ya tomorrow.”

I heard him sigh, and the car door shut. I walked a majority of the way with Connor’s Limo following me. I finally turned the corner and stopped. He rolled down the window.