I rested my head on his shoulder, “I love you.”
We arrived back at the penthouse around five. Connor took our bags to the bedroom while I went to the kitchen to get some water. I went up the stairs and headed straight to his room. I’ve only been in his room one time and that was when I brought him home from the club. The door was open and I walked in; I gasped at what I saw. Connor turned around and looked at me.
“Oh, I forgot you haven’t been in here.”
My eyes glanced to the right, then above the bed and then to the left side of the room. Each wall was displayed with my paintings from the art gallery.
“You bought my paintings?”
He held his hands up, “Please tell me you aren’t mad.”
I looked at the painting that hung over his bed, the one of the man and woman dancing under the stars.
“I’m not mad; I just want to know why.”
He sighed. “Look at them Elle, they’re beautiful. It was my way of being able to be close to you when you weren’t around.”
I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, “Thank you, it means a lot.” He let out a sigh as if he was relieved there wasn’t going to be a battle.
I walked over to his bed and slightly chuckled remembering the night I struggled to get his clothes off.
“What’s so funny?”
“I was just remembering the night you were passed out on this bed and I was straddled over you taking off your clothes.”
His sexy smile captivated me as he laid down on the bed and spread out.
“What are you doing?” I laughed.
“I don’t remember you doing that and I want to, so I thought you could reenact it for me.”
I bit my lip as I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor.
“Umm, I don’t think you did that.”
I seductively smiled, “No I didn’t, but I’m going to make it a little more interesting this time.” I unbuttoned my pants and took them off, throwing them on top of my shirt. I straddled him and slowly unbuttoned his shirt.
“Fuck it, I need you now,” he said. Before I knew it I was lying on my back and he was on top of me.
I stayed in the kitchen while Connor went to the elevator and greeted Peyton.
“Ok Connor, what is so important that you need my help with?”
I stepped from the kitchen. “That would be me!” I exclaimed.
Peyton shrieked as she ran to me and we hugged jumping up and down.
“Oh my god Elle! I’m so happy you’re here!”
Connor smiled, “I’ll let you two catch up. I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”
I took Peyton to the kitchen and poured us each a glass of wine. We moved ourselves to the comfort of the couch in the living room.
“So, tell me what’s going on with you and Henry?”
She smiled her big Peyton smile and told me they were doing great and she thought he was going to propose at Christmas. We talked for a few hours before Henry called her and asked her when she was coming home. She took my hands and held them in front of her as I noticed her eyes start to tear.
“You are my best friend and I hate that you have to fight cancer again. I want you to know that I will always be here for you no matter what. You will beat this Ellery Lane or I will kick your ass, do you understand me?” I hugged her and smiled.
“Yes Peyton, I will beat this because you scare me.” She let out a laugh and walked out the door.
I walked upstairs to find Connor in bed sound asleep. I changed into my nightshirt and climbed into his king size bed. I watched his chest slowly rise and fall with each peaceful breath. I envisioned this being my future. I laid down and snuggled against him. He stirred and put his arm around me bringing me in closer to him. It was the perfect end to the perfect day.
The week went by rather quickly as I visited the soup kitchen and the art gallery. Connor took me shopping and bought me some new clothes. I insisted on paying for them myself, but he just laughed and told me to stop being silly.
While Connor was at the office, I would occupy my time painting and hanging out with Peyton. Sal called me to let me know that two of my paintings sold and that I needed to paint more. I asked Connor if he bought them and he just laughed. Before we knew it
Thanksgiving was here and I was a nervous wreck to meet his family.
Chapter 38
We pulled up the long winding driveway to the Black family home in Hoboken, New Jersey. I bit my bottom lip as Connor put the Ranger in park. He put his hand on top of mine.
“Don’t be nervous, my family will love you.”
I smiled and took Connors arm as we walked up the steps to the grand house. He opened the front door and we stepped inside. The smell of turkey and stuffing filled the elegantly decorated home. There was laughter coming from the other room as a brown-haired boy peeked around the corner of the wall. He took one look at Connor and ran to him jumping in his arms.
“Hey buddy, how are you?” Connor smiled. The boy hugged him tight. “Camden, this is my special friend Ellery.” Camden looked at me with his blue eyes and just stared.
Hi Camden,” I smiled and held out my hand. He continued to stare, unsure of me, and then looked back at Connor. He put both hands on Connors cheeks and smiled. My heart melted at that moment, it was obvious this boy loved him.
It’s ok Camden, you can touch Ellery.” He looked back at me and slowly put his hand in mine as I gently shook it.
“Connor darling,” a woman emerged from the other room.
“Mother, this is Ellery.”
She looked at me and took my hands, “You are just as beautiful as Connor said you were.”
I blushed, “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Black.”
“Call me Jenny dear,” she smiled.
Jenny was a beautiful woman who Connor resembled a great deal. She was tall and thin and with her light brown bob style hair and green eyes, she didn’t look her age, she looked much younger.
Camden was struggling to be put down as Connor and I walked towards the living room. Everyone in the room stopped talking and turned to stare at us as we walked in. Connor put down Camden as he ran over to a young woman. I felt like I was on display the way everyone was staring at me. The young woman jumped up and gave Connor a big hug, “Happy Thanksgiving brother.”
He smiled and kissed her on the cheek, “Cassidy, this is Ellery.”
She turned and hugged me, “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
I smiled and hugged her back. Her smile was big and her green eyes were full of light. She was exactly my height and she wore her black hair short and stylish. Connor took me around the room and introduced me to the rest of his family and friends.
Cassidy took my hand, “Come on let’s see if mom needs help in the kitchen.”
I looked at Connor and he nodded for me to go with a big smile on his face that made me miss him already. It surprised me to find Mrs. Black in the kitchen cooking Thanksgiving dinner; usually the rich have their own personal chefs to do that for them.
“So Ellery, Connor says you’re an artist,” Jenny said as she basted the turkey.
“Yes, I paint pictures for a small art gallery in New York.”
Cassidy smiled, “I bought one, but I didn’t know my brother was dating the artist. You paint beautiful pictures Ellery; you are very talented.”
I was starting to feel more relaxed as she handed me a glass of red wine. As Jenny pushed the turkey back in the oven, she turned to me.
“Connor hasn’t really told us anything about you, why don’t you fill us in.”
Panic started to set in; how could I tell these people, whom I just met less than 30 minutes ago, about my past and present life.
“You have to excuse my mother,” Cassidy said. “It’s just you’re the first girl Connor has ever brought home and we just want to get to know the woman who finally managed to steal his heart.”
I smiled as I took a sip of wine. Just as I was about to say something, an older woman walked into the kitchen. She was in her late 60’s with black hair and grey streaks running through it. Cassidy ran to her and hugged her tight, “Aunt Sadie, you made it.”
“Of course I did, I couldn’t wait to see my favorite niece.”
“I’m your only niece Aunt Sadie,” Cassidy frowned.
“And that’s why you’re my favorite,” Sadie smiled.
She turned to me, “Now who might this young pretty woman be?”
“Her name is Ellery and she’s Connors girlfriend,” Jenny spoke.
She smiled and gently hugged me, “Nice to meet you dear.”
She pulled away and looked at me with serious eyes, like she was looking into my soul. “You’re sick,” she said. My eyes widened and fear started running through my body. What did she mean by that?
Jenny looked at her sister, “Sadie, that’s rude.” Sadie looked at me and grabbed my hands, turning my wrists over and staring at my tattoos.
“Forgive my sister Ellery, she has a bit of a gift and sometimes she can be very bold with it.”
“Are you sick Ellery, like do you have a cold or something?” Cassidy asked.
“It’s more than a cold,” Sadie answered.
Oh god, here we go and thank you Connor for not telling your family ahead of time and for not telling me that Aunt Sadie has a gift. I took another sip of my wine and looked at them.
“I have cancer,” I blurted out. Just like that, no hesitation nothing, I just let the words fall out. They stood there and stared at me, I couldn’t have been placed in the most awkward position even if I tried. Sadie finally spoke up to break the tension.
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