“You can tell Mr. Black that I am not available this evening. I have other plans.”

I started walking away as I turned my head back, “Also, tell him that if he wants to have dinner with me then he can pick up the phone and ask me.” I put my hand up and waved, “Bye Denny have a great night.”

Pizzapopolous was a couple of blocks away, and the chilly evening air was settling in. I sat down at a table close to the window and opened the menu. The restaurant was small with about 20 tables that took up the space. The white walls were decorated with photographs of all the celebrities that dined there. The tables were decorated with red and white gingham tablecloths and white napkins. The atmosphere was casual and quaint, and they had the best pizza.

I was digging through my purse for my phone when I saw the shadow of someone sit down across from me. I looked up, and there was Connor glaring at me; I rolled my eyes.

“So, this is where you want to have dinner?” he asked.

I tilted my head to the side and looked at his smoldering face, “Yes Connor, this is where I’m having dinner tonight, and I don’t believe you were invited.”

He put his hand over his heart, “Ouch that stings Ellery. I invited you to dinner, and you turned me down, so I took it upon myself to join you.”

“How do you know I want company?”

He put his hands on the table and folded them, “I don’t, but since I’m here we might as well dine together,” he said as he looked around the restaurant.

The whole point of this dinner was for me to do some soul-searching and that was going to be extremely hard with him sitting across from me.

The waitress came over and started drooling when she asked Connor what he would like to order. He looked the menu up and down and decided on a salad. I looked at him and grabbed the menu out of his hand.

“You cannot sit in a pizza place and only get a salad.”

I looked at the waitress and cleared my throat to divert her attention away from Connor. “We’ll have a large deep dish with pepperoni, mushrooms and black olives, a large antipasto salad and an order of bread sticks.”

Connor brought his finger up and rested it on his lips, “Do you actually think I’m going to eat that pizza?”

“I don’t think you are; I know you are,” I smiled.

I set my phone on the table and looked at him. If he so rudely wanted to interrupt my dinner plans, then he will have to answer some questions. “Who is that woman you’re always with?” The words just came out before I could think about them. He shifted in his seat.

“She’s a friend Ellery,” he softly answered my question. I knew he was lying. Perhaps she was a friend, but what kind of friend is what I wanted to know.

“What kind of friend Connor?”

His green eyes turned dark as he glared at me, “She doesn’t matter Ellery; she is a friend and that is all you need to know.”

I raised my eyebrows, “I think after what I told you last night you would be willing to tell me a few things.”

“I’m not in the habit of discussing my personal life. It’s called personal for a reason Ellery.”

He didn’t realize it, but at that moment he made a decision for me. The waitress brought our pizza and put it in the middle of the table along with salad and bread sticks. I picked up a slice of pizza with the spatula and put it on his plate. He sighed and grabbed his fork and knife.

“What? Are you kidding me? Put that down right now Connor Black.”

He looked startled, “What? What the hell is wrong?”

I leaned over the table and grabbed the knife and fork out of his hand, “You are not eating pizza with a knife and fork.”

“Then how the hell am I supposed to eat it?”

He was so damn sexy at that moment. I picked up my pizza and took a bite. With a mouthful, I said, “Like this, pick it up and bite into it.”

“That’s disgusting and don’t talk with your mouth full.”

“If you won’t do it then I will.” I picked up the pizza from his plate and held it up to his mouth.

“Bite” I demanded.

He raised his eyebrows at me, “Do you have any idea how sexy that sounds?” he winked.

I couldn’t help but let out a light laugh as I hit him on his arm. He rolled his eyes, which was sexy as hell, opened his mouth and took a bite of the pizza. I smiled as I put the pizza back on his plate.

“My turn,” he smiled.

“Your turn what?”

He took the pizza from my plate and held it up.

“Bite” he demanded.

I took a bite, and a wide grin graced his perfect face. I think that may have been the first time since I’ve known him that I’ve seen him smile like that. It was the most beautiful and warm smile I’ve ever seen, and it made my heart flutter.

We ate more pizza, talked and ate some salad. The waitress kept walking by our table and giving Connor flirtatious smiles.

“Don’t you ever get sick and tired of all the ogling you get from women?”

He laughed, “Don’t you get sick of all the ogling you get from men?”

I twisted my face in confusion, “I don’t get that.”

“Yes you do Ellery, I see it every time I’m with you; the only difference is men are more discreet about it than women are.”

I never noticed men ogling me before; I’ll have to start paying more attention. As we were laughing and enjoying our conversation my phone rang; it was my Aunt Patti’s number. I looked at Connor, “I have to get this.” He nodded his head and took out his phone.

“Hello,” I answered. The voice on the other end was my cousin Debbie.

“Ellery, it’s Debbie, I wanted to let you know that mom and dad were...” she started sobbing, “In a car accident, and they both were killed.”

Her sobs grew harder as a tear fell down my cheek. Connor looked at me and reached for my hand resting on the table. “Debbie, I’m so sorry; I will be there as soon as I can.”

“Thank you Elle, I’ll call you with the details.”

I hung up and looked at Connor who was staring at me with a worried look in his eye, “Ellery, what happened?”

“My aunt and uncle were killed in a car accident. I need to get out of here Connor.”

I grabbed my purse and took out some money. Connor grabbed it from my hands and shoved it back in my purse, “I got this.”

 I couldn’t fall apart in front of him; I had to hold it together, at least till I got home, when I was alone.

He threw some money on the table and followed me out of the restaurant. My head was in a daze, and I was confused. I looked in both directions forgetting which way I needed to go. He put his arm around me and pulled me into him leading me to where Denny had parked the Limo. I stumbled a few times, but the strength of his arms held me up. He opened the door and helped me in. I slid to the other side as he got in and sat beside me. He didn’t say a word; he only wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. Feeling the warmth and security of him, I clenched his shirt in my hands and started crying. He rubbed his hand up and down my back as his chin rested on my head. At that moment I didn’t care that he saw me like this, I just needed to be with someone right now, and he was more than willing to be that someone.

Chapter 14

We walked into my apartment. Connor shut the door behind him. I threw my purse on the table and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine.

“Are you ok?” Connor asked as he followed closely behind. I scratched my head, “Yeah, I’m fine, do you want some wine?”

“Ah no, I really have to go. I have a meeting with someone.”

I rolled my eyes with my back turned to him because I’m sure his meeting had to do with getting laid. I opened the bottle, poured some into a glass and turned around putting one hand on his chest.

“Thank you Connor, I appreciate everything.”

He put his hand to my face and gently wiped away a couple of tears that were left with his thumb. “I know you do, and you are welcome.”

Fire swept through my body heating every part that ached for him at this moment. This was a side of him that was tender and gentle; a side I wanted to know better. My heart started racing, and the butterflies fluttered around every time he touched me. I was vulnerable at this moment, and all I could think about was kissing him passionately. I restrained myself because I was not about to ruin our friendship.

I patted him on the chest, “You better go to your meeting Mr. Black; it’s rude to keep someone waiting.”

He managed a small smile, “If you need anything, anything at all, please call me,” he said as he pressed his lips against my forehead.

“I will, now go have a good night.”

I shut the door behind him and sat down with my wine. For someone my age, I have experienced death more times than I should have. I needed to call Peyton and let her know what was going on. As I got up and reached for my phone, there was a knock at the door. I looked out the peep-hole and saw Connor standing there.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

He walked inside, “Pack a bag; you’re staying at my place tonight.”

I looked at him with a stunned look, “No I’m not. I’m staying home.”

He sighed, “Elle, for once, just once, please do as I say.”

“I’m not a child Connor, and frankly you cannot order me around, I thought we had this discussion already?”

He walked over to the corner of the room where my easel was and looked at the unfinished painting sitting on it. His tone changed, “I don’t think you should be alone tonight after the news you received, and my place has a guest room. I would feel better knowing you were not alone.”