There was only a little protest when it became known that the family intended to go to Saint-Cloud for the summer. The Orléanists made an attempt to rouse the mob, but this failed and, when the carriages left the Tuileries for Saint-Cloud, the people gathered about them, shouting: ‘Bon voyage au bon Papa.’

There was respite at Saint-Cloud. There was a new freedom. Fersen was with the royal party. He talked long and earnestly to the King and Queen.

‘You must escape,’ he said. ‘You cannot go back to the Tuileries. From a distance you could come to terms with the revolutionaries. I am certain that it is wrong to allow yourselves to be the people’s prisoners.’

Louis, who could never make up his mind about most things, was adamant on this point. He would not run away. He would stay with his people.

The Queen looked at him sadly. ‘Where the King is,’ she repeated, ‘there must the Queen remain.’

Fersen was indefatigable. He roamed the countryside, sounding opinion. He made plans for escape, always hoping that Louis would accept them.

The city of Rouen, he discovered, was loyal. Why should not the King go to Rouen, set up his Court there and in dignity set forth the conditions on which he would return? He should take with him loyal soldiers. Fersen was for action; and again and again Louis let his chances slip through his fingers.

Fersen was now urging the Queen to receive Mirabeau.

‘He is the cleverest man in France,’ he declared. ‘He can do much for you. I beg you, do not continue to ignore him. Do not turn such a man, who offers friendship, into an enemy.’

‘Have you forgotten that he was one of the leaders of the conspiracy? Have you forgotten the October outrages?’

‘I shall never forget those days as long as I live,’ declared Fersen. ‘But, my dearest, this is not the time to remember past slights. Your life is at stake.’

‘And yours,’ she said quietly, ‘while you stay with us. What need is there for you to stay here? You are not even a French man. You can go where you will … No one will question you. Why do you stay here, daily risking your life?’

‘I think you know,’ he answered.

‘Oh, go, Axel … please go. Let me know that you are safe.’

‘When I go,’ he said, ‘I shall take you with me.’

She could only feel exultation. There had always been that about Axel which gave her new courage.

‘See Mirabeau,’ he insisted. ‘Ask his help. He will work for you with all that knowledge of events, all that brilliance which he once gave to others. Let me arrange a meeting. I think it should be secret. Mirabeau wishes to see you before he sees the King. He is sure that if he can succeed in persuading you, you will persuade the King.’

‘You have arranged this meeting?’ she asked.

‘Yes, I have arranged it. He will come in secret to the gardens of Saint-Cloud, for it will not do for your enemies to know that he is with you yet. Let it be in the Palace grounds at a lonely spot at eight on this Sunday morning, when the Palace sleeps.’

‘You would arrange my life,’ she said.

‘I love you,’ said Fersen. ‘At this time there is one thing I care more about than anything else in the world … your safety.’

‘Do you know,’ she said, ‘when I am with you, I can even believe that one day I shall be free from my troubles. You have decided that it shall be so, and you could not fail.’

* * *

She came out into the Palace grounds that sunny July morning. It was very quiet, and she was able to slip into the copse without being seen. She thought then: If Louis had wished it we could have escaped from Saint-Cloud. But of course Louis did not wish it. He would not run away.

The man was waiting for her. She shuddered with horror when she saw his face. That extremely ugly countenance, that look of brute strength, reminded her of faces she had seen about her carriage during the October ride.

‘Your Majesty,’ said Mirabeau, bowing deeply, ‘at last I have this pleasure, this chance to tell you all that I can do to bring you back your royal dignity.’

She did not want to look at his face and he was aware of this, for even those women who eventually loved him so passionately had been horrified by his looks in the first instance. In time the Queen would be accustomed to his ugliness, and it would mean as little to her as it did to him.

But if his face was ugly, his voice was golden; he was an impassioned speaker; he had again and again swayed the Tiers Etat to his way of thinking; now he used all his persuasive charm on the Queen. He did not seek to cover up the terrible position in which the royal family was placed; he discussed possibilities – hideous possibilities – with frankness which made her flinch, and which she realised were no exaggeration.

The result of that meeting was that he pledged himself to fight on two fronts. He would continue to speak to the National Assembly. He would work for the King and the Nation; and because he was a man of superhuman powers he would weld the two together.

When he went back to his coach he said to his nephew who, disguised as his coachman, had driven him to Saint-Cloud: ‘The Queen is good and she is noble. I can save her, and I will.’

* * *

As soon as the summer was over, the people demanded the return of the royal family to the Tuileries. They suspected there were plots for their escape, and wished to keep them close.

Adelaide’s spirit was broken, and her sister followed her in this as she had all her life.

Victoire would wander about the gloomy corridors murmuring: ‘We used to say “Poor Sophie!” “Poor Louis!” But it would seem that they were the fortunate ones. They have gone to Heaven, and we are left behind.’

Antoinette went to the King and said to him: ‘We cannot go from here, Louis. I understand how you feel about that. But is there any reason why the aunts should stay?’

‘No,’ said Louis after a pause. ‘I do not think it is necessary for them to stay. They shall go.’

‘If the people will let them,’ she added grimly.

She went to the aunts and said: ‘Louis thinks you should not be forced to stay here if you wish to go.’

Adelaide’s eyes lighted up. ‘Is it possible?’

‘You could try,’ said Antoinette.

‘When could we do this?’

‘Very soon. The Comte de Fersen will arrange everything for you.’

Adelaide did not look at the Queen. She was remembering all the scandal she had helped to circulate about Antoinette and the Swede.

Victoire too was remembering.

‘I never thought,’ said Adelaide, ‘that I should be so happy at the thought of leaving France.’

‘Nor I,’ cried Victoire, and they both began to weep.

Antoinette put her arms about them.

‘You forget … so easily,’ said Adelaide.

Antoinette knew what they meant.

‘When there is little joy in remembering, it is better to forget,’ she said.

‘You are so changed …’ stammered Adelaide. ‘We are so changed.’

‘Life changes us all,’ said the Queen.

‘If …’

But Antoinette would hear no more of their remorse. It was enough that they felt it, and she was ready to be their friend.

So the carriages were in the courtyard, and the mob saw them and began to clamour round them.

‘What is this?’ they demanded. ‘Who goes away?’

The two old ladies came out into the courtyard with a few of their servants, and Victoire kept close to Adelaide as they climbed into the carriages.

‘Shall we let them go?’ cried a voice in the crowd.

There was no answer; and during the lull the coachman whipped up his horses and drove away.

The people continued to stand about in the Tuileries. ‘This is the beginning,’ they declared. ‘Go after the Mesdames! Bring them back to Paris.’

But the carriages were already on their way out of the city, and Victoire and Adelaide held each other’s hands tightly, fearfully, as they rode, saying nothing.

The crowd stopped them at Fontainebleau.

‘What coach is this? What does it contain? Emigrées! Let us take a look at them.’

Ugly faces peered at the two frightened old ladies.

‘Who are these?’ it was asked. ‘They are not Antoinette and her family. That’s clear.’

And while the old ladies shivered, the people of Fontainebleau decided to let them pass as they were such old ladies and could certainly not be the Queen disguised.

On they went through Burgundy, and again there was a halt, when they must leave the carriages, and be taken before the Commune while it was discussed whether or not Les Mesdames should be allowed to leave the country.

What wretchedness they lived through during those hours of indecision! They did not speak to each other; but Adelaide saw in Victoire’s eyes that question, that fear: ‘Did we, in our malice, help to bring ourselves to this pass?’

Adelaide believed then that she would never again dominate Victoire, for Victoire had seen her stripped of her sisterly authority, Victoire had doubted the wisdom of her malice; they were two sisters now, shorn of royalty, shorn of everything but the relationship between them, two frightened old ladies.

‘Let them go,’ said the Burgundians. ‘They can do little harm.’

So on went Adelaide and Victoire, to Rome and to Naples where the sister of the Queen whom they had so fiercely hated received them with affection and the ceremony due to their rank.

Adelaide and Victoire were safe; and there they stayed as guests of Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and sister to Antoinette.