Darcy played for Elizabeth, as he had the last time. The difference was that she was now receptive to him and was in fact playing back to him. The song was like a duet of the two guitars, electric and acoustic, their voices dancing around each other, even as Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s bodies circled each other.

Elizabeth started singing with Jane, encouraging Darcy to serenade her, which he did, manfully playing to the two sisters as Charles played his bass on their other side. Richard and Charlotte were easily performing their own dance, moving with perfect timing across their instruments, sharing a smile and wink.

The song ended too quickly, yet they were pleased with their performance. They had given something special of themselves to the audience, who thanked them with wild cheering and applause. It was clear to everyone in the crowd that this was much more than two bands simply playing together. This was in fact one entity, a being with six faces.

*   *   *

Later, after the show and back at the loft, Elizabeth picked up her carton of take-out and her chopsticks and followed Darcy to the bed. She was emotionally exhausted, but her body was still fairly awake. She figured she needed Darcy and bed, in that order.

Darcy was already stretched out on the bed, wearing his black T-shirt and gray shorts, looking delightfully comfy. Elizabeth took off her pants, her shoes long ago discarded, and settled down next to him. They ate, sharing each other’s food and talking lightly of the performance.

Shyly, Darcy asked, “You liked your song?”

Elizabeth felt like her face would split, she smiled so hard. “I loved it. Couldn’t you tell?”

“Well…” he blushed.

Elizabeth put her food down and reached for him, cuddling close. “I couldn’t believe you sang for me.”

“I would do anything for you,” he told her earnestly. “I wanted everyone to know that I love you, completely and unconditionally.” He stopped and took her hand and kissed it. “You have changed me, and I’ll always be grateful.”

Elizabeth looked into his eyes, seeing more there than words could ever say. “You changed me too, you know.”

“Did I? I hadn’t noticed. I was too busy discovering how wonderful you are.”

Elizabeth blushed at his flattery and lifted her lips to his. He kissed her adoringly, pressing close to her and feeling their legs tangle together. He released her lips to kiss her neck, and she tilted her head absently, her body roiling with sensations while her mind was in a distant place. “Are we going to be okay?” she asked.

“We’re going to be fine,” he told her, his voice certain, even though he didn’t fully understand her question.

“What’s going to happen?” she asked, her eyes troubled. Feelings of uncertainty born during her incarceration came back, demanding to be answered.

Darcy didn’t understand what prompted her fears, but he perceived them clearly. “We are going to be together, you and me. We’re going to finish out this tour, and then we’ll do whatever we want to, but,” he gripped her hand tightly, “we will do it together.”

She closed her eyes. “Hold me,” she pleaded.

Darcy pulled her close, cradling her. “Darling, didn’t you hear my song? That was for you. I love you, and I always will.”

“I know,” she whispered, “and I love you. But… what if we are separated? We are both rock stars now and that’s not a very good career track for a relationship.”

“Then screw the careers,” he told her fiercely. “If it’s a question of Slurry or you, I pick you. I don’t need to be a rock star. Hell, I don’t ever need to work a day again. But I do need you. I found that out last night.” He stopped, his eyes downcast. “Lizzy, I love you, and I don’t care if rock star marriages don’t work. If the rules don’t work for me, I change them, and you and I are going to work.” His eyes were burning into hers as he finished.

“Marriage?” Elizabeth gasped.

Darcy’s mouth fell open and for a heartbeat he was back at the disastrous morning a month ago. He searched Elizabeth’s eyes for a sign of what she was feeling, and then gathering his courage, he spoke. “Elizabeth Bennet, will you please marry me?”

Elizabeth trembled, shocked and speechless. She looked at him questioningly.

“I know,” he said in a calmer voice. “It hasn’t been very long for us, has it? But I’ve loved you for so long, I can’t even tell you when I started. And I know you, Elizabeth. I’ve seen you when you are angry, and tired, and bitchy. I’ve known you when you are sad and upset, and I’ve known you when you are so happy you literally dance on your feet with joy. I’ve seen you in every way, and I love you. I know that I don’t want to miss a moment of you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you being happy and sad and grumpy because you haven’t gotten your coffee yet.” He smiled then turned serious again. “Please, Elizabeth. I know you love me, and I can’t see living my life without you. Please say yes.”

Elizabeth felt her emotions tossed like a tiny boat on the ocean with his words, but in the end, she knew he was right. She did love him and wanted nothing more than to be with him, and she knew he felt the same. It didn’t matter to her whether they married or not, but it clearly did to him, and suddenly the answer was easy. “Yes, my love, yes.”

He crushed her to him, kissing her like he could never get enough. Elizabeth responded, feeling unexpectedly happy and comforted in his embrace. They made love, slowly and gently, reaffirming their feelings for each other throughout the night, until exhaustion claimed them.

*   *   *

Tuesday morning found them back at JFK Airport, the same place they had left from four months ago. The plane was different; instead of the De Bourgh corporate jet, they had a chartered airliner, and instead of watching Darcy arrive, she sat beside him in their limo. Despite the familiarity of having done this before, Elizabeth was struck by a powerful sense of distance as she climbed the steps to the plane, a pair of sunglasses on her face, her guitars in her hands. She had changed so much and become a new person in so many ways. Gone were the nervous uncertainty and the forceful need to prove herself. Elizabeth walked with a confidence that came from knowing who she was and what her strengths were.

Darcy was right behind her, and this time she did not hesitate to move to the front of the plane. Instead of a group of strangers onboard, Elizabeth was happy to find that she knew almost everyone there. She smiled as people called out greetings to her, and surprisingly, to Darcy as well. As she waved, Elizabeth felt the sense of responsibility for them that Darcy had told her about so long ago. But she didn’t find it overwhelming. She knew that they all wanted to be there, to share in their journey and go wherever it might take them.

She passed Richard and Charlotte, who were relaxing with a pair of PSPs plugged into each other. By some rare miracle, Charles and Jane had arrived on time and were holding each other’s hands in preparation for takeoff. Elizabeth said good morning and took her seat next to Darcy. As the plane started moving, he laced his fingers with hers and they shared a tender kiss, the light in his eyes telling her how happy he was.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice as always soft and strong.

Elizabeth smiled at the question. She was ready for whatever was next. “Let’s go,” she answered him, as the plane took off.


 “For MTV News, I’m Mark Cole.

“It was destined to be the wedding of the season, the widely publicized nuptials of Slurry lead singer Charles Bingley to Long Borne Suffering’s Jane Bennet, but it turned into so much more. In this MTV Valentine’s Day special we are going to talk to the members of Slurry and Long Borne Suffering about what happened on that day, January 24, 2011. But first, let’s watch the video.”

The tape first shows Charles, Richard, and Darcy waiting at the front of a tastefully decorated church. They are all wearing dark suits. Flowers are everywhere. The music starts and the congregation stands. All eyes are on Jane as she enters the church on the arm of Mr. Bennet. She is wearing a sleeveless white gown with a pink ombré and carrying a bouquet of white tulips. At the front of the church, she takes Charles’s arm, and they move slightly to the left as the congregation murmurs and turns.

Charlotte now enters the church with her father. The crowd is growing louder but Charlotte smiles happily at Richard. She is wearing a slim, white sheath with sheer bell sleeves that reveal her tattoos. She is carrying a modern-looking arrangement of purple and white orchids. She takes her place next to Richard and they move slightly to the right.

The congregation has grown silent as the music plays on and Darcy is waiting alone at the front of the church. Then the doors open once more and Elizabeth emerges with her father, who clearly slipped around to the front of the church again. She wears a classically styled wedding gown in ivory with a full skirt and fitted bodice and carries red roses. She smiles archly at the gasps as she takes her place next to Darcy. The three couples stand together for a long moment and then turn, and the ceremony starts.

Mark Cole: “With me in our Times Square studio, just back from their Hawaiian honeymoon, are Charles and Jane Bingley, Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, and Richard and Charlotte Fitzwilliam.”

The camera pans to each couple, who are looking relaxed, tanned, and happy.

“Let me start by congratulating you all, and I have to ask, why a surprise triple wedding?”