She made a good point.
“What’s in the container?” J asked, coming into the kitchen.
Madison shushed him. “Harlow made Scott a birthday cake.”
“Shit, what time’s the party?” J asked.
“Why?” Madison asked, giving him that look that couples give each other when one of them believes the other has forgotten something or screwed something up.
“I have to pick up the steaks,” he said.
“You forgot!” Madison accused of him, playfully smacking him on the back.
He laughed. “Shit, you’re a hard woman to please, Madison Cole. I just remembered, so technically I haven’t forgotten because I’ll have them in time for the party.”
She laughed and pointed at the door. “Go! Hurry.”
He leant in for a kiss and then he left, throwing a wink over his shoulder. I loved watching them together; there was so much love there and they had a lot of fun together.
“Oh crap, I forgot to tell J something. I’ll be back in a minute,” she promised as she ran out to find him.
I busied myself with getting plates and cups ready for the party. Scott was celebrating his thirty-fifth birthday and I’d been surprised when he agreed to this party. It had only been about two weeks since Bullet had tried to rape and kill me; two weeks since Scott and Blade had killed him. He’d been open with me about the fact that they’d taken care of him; he just hadn’t told me how it had gone down. I didn’t want to know, so I was glad he hadn’t shared that much. Something told me that he never would; that it had actually been out of character for him to tell me as much as he had.
We’d invited some non club members to the party and I was excited. Mum and Cassie were coming and Lisa was too.
“Hey, babe,” he murmured in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
I jumped; I’d been engrossed in my thoughts and hadn’t heard him come in. “Hey, you.”
He turned me around so I was facing him, his hands now resting on my ass. “I have a confession to tell you.”
“I overheard your conversation with Madison just now.” He had a cheeky smile on his face.
“Did you? And what do you have to say about it?”
“Well, it reminded me of a conversation we started a couple of weeks ago, one where you asked me where I thought we were headed.” He dipped his head and kissed me. When he broke the kiss, he asked, “You want to hear the answer to that?”
My heart expanded and I smiled; I loved it when Scott was happy like this. “Yes,” I said, softly.
His eyes crinkled. I was done for, even without hearing his answer. Those crinkled eyes got to me every time. “This is headed to forever; forever on the back of my bike and forever in my bed.”
My breathing slowed for a moment and then I whispered, “Forever.”
He continued to smile. “Yeah, forever baby.”
I reached up and touched his cheek, tracing the skin just under his eyes. “Crinkles,” I said.
“What?” Confusion crossed his face.
“Crinkles. I love it when your eyes crinkle like that.”
“I love you, sweetheart,” he murmured, leaning in close for another kiss.
I love you, too.”
I’d never seen him coming; he’d worked his way into my life and my heart, and I knew that we would be forever. Scott didn’t give his love easily, and I sensed that once you had it, you had it forever. And it was a fierce love; one that would hold strong through anything that life threw at us. Like I said, I’d never seen him coming and I sure as hell wasn’t letting him go.
So many people have helped me get this book finished and released. As I continue on my publishing journey, I am blown away daily by the kindness of so many people.
Firstly, my family & friends. Without your understanding and encouragement, none of this would be possible. Especially my daughter - love you, baby.
I’d like to say a huge thank you to my beta readers. You especially came through for me at the eleventh hour and threw out some great ideas - love you!
To Louisa from LM Creations - words can’t express my deep gratitude for everything you’ve done for me, Louisa. You have helped me so very much - my books & swag would not look as good without your help. I’m looking forward to seeing my future covers made entirely by you! xxx
To Levine’s Ladies! OMG, you girls ROCK! Seriously. I love the shit out of you all and love dropping in daily to chat with you. Apart from helping me spread the word about my books, you provide amazing support and encouragement to me every bloody day.
And that #DAILYFIX ??? LOVE IT!
To my readers. WOW!! Some days I am speechless when I get a beautiful message of support or encouragement or just a thanks for writing your book. You may never know how much a message means to me. And those reviews you have taken the time to write? From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!
To the authors and bloggers who support, encourage and help promote me - thank you so much! I’m not going to name names except for one - mainly because there are so many and I don’t want to accidentally forget anyone and offend you. But if you have ever shared my links or even just chatted with me, please know that my gratitude is endless.
Jani Kay. You are amazing, sexy lady. I love chatting with you - we are so alike in many ways and you just get me. Your support has blown me away! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
About the Author
Nina Levine is an Aussie writer who writes stories about hot, alpha men and the tough, independent women they love.
When she isn’t creating with words, she loves to create with paint and paper. Often though, she can be found curled up with a good book and some chocolate.
Message from Nina:
Thank you so much for reading Fierce. I have some news for you!
Scott and Harlow will be getting one more book in this series. A major plot point in this series calls for it, and their second book will most likely be the last book. Fierce introduced you to Harlow and showed you how they came together. As the series progresses, you will see a lot more from these two and then in their final book, you will see their relationship and just how far they’ve come together.
I personally love to read series where you get more from previous couples and that’s how I am endeavouring to write this series. I won’t be publicly announcing them, but I have decided to include some free shorter stories along the way. These stories will develop each character a little more for you and set up the major plot points that the novels work through. So, as I said, no dates for these will be set, I’ll just write them and publish them as they are ready. Readers can find out this news either through Facebook or by joining my newsletter (link below).
These are the novels in the series:
1. Storm
2. Fierce (Storm MC #2) - Scott's story
3. J & Madison's Novella
4. Nash's story
5. Griff’s story
6. Blade’s story
7. Scott & Harlow
JOIN my newsletter to receive exclusive content:
I love to chat with the readers of my book so please visit me or contact me here:
Pinterest (check out my boards full of the pictures that inspired me while writing Storm)
Christmas with J and Madison
This bonus chapter takes place the Christmas after J and Madison got back together in Storm (J returned to the club in the September of that year).
I opened my eyes and squinted as the sun that was streaming in through the window hit my face. Our bedroom was on the wrong side of the house for the sun, so on summer mornings the Queensland heat blazed with a scorching intensity. Personally, I loved the heat and didn’t mind that my clothes were already starting to stick to me. Hell, it gave me a good reason to get them off and I knew that J would be down for that too.
From the view afforded me through the window it looked to be a glorious day outside and a smile snaked across my face; I loved Christmas in the sun which was where we would be spending today. I rolled over and snuggled up to J, gently laying a palm on his chest. It was early still, the bedside clock read only six thirty. Last night had been a late one; the club always spent Christmas Eve together and we hadn’t gotten home until well after two am. It was a fantastic night, especially after such a shitty year.
“Mornin’,” J murmured, and placed his hand on mine while his eyes sort mine.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” I replied, and softly brushed my lips over his.
He grinned. “Fuck yeah. Where’s my Christmas present?”
“We’re exchanging them later, remember? At Scott’s.”
His smile was positively wicked now, and he slowly shook his head. “No, I’m talking about a private present, babe.” He grasped my hand and moved it down his body, placing it on his cock. His eyes danced and he winked at me. “Let’s see if you can do something with that.”
I wrapped my hand around his hard cock and slowly slid it up and down his length.
“Best fucking present, babe,” he muttered and then directed my lips to his.
Our kiss was unhurried yet full of passion, and desire curled through me. When J’s fingers made their way to my clit, an explosion of pleasure hit me and I got so carried away that I bit his lip.
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